My Unforgettable Childhood

閱讀時間約 17 分鐘

2024.05.02_When we want to chat with friends, "childhood" might be a general but great topic. Thus, I want to prepare some materials and learn the way to express well.

The condition of my childhood

My childhood was filled with laughter. My parents always encouraged me to try everything. Even I didn’t do well, they rarely blamed me but praised my bravery. Thanks to that, I'm able to pursue what I love.

In a video called "Every Kid Needs a Champion," lecturer Rita Pierson emphasizes the importance of educators creating experiences where children can harvest success.

This builds up confidence rooted in their characters, which benefits them in facing future challenges and enables them to become their own champions.

Without a second thought, my parents did exactly that.

Amazing events in my childhood

The most interesting thing was meeting my best friend, Yuan-Yuan. We've been friends since 1 grade in elementary school, and we've always shared our life experiences. This friendship has lasted until now, and just yesterday we had lunch and chatted together. It's amazing because I don't have many best friends, but she's definitely one of them.

The unforgettable experience in my childhood

One of my unforgettable experiences surrounds a typhoon.

At first, I didn’t care a lot about that because it was already summer vacation, which means, the typhoon wouldn’t bring me more vacation.

However, I woke up that morning to find my house flooded.

In the living room, my parents were working hard to lift every piece of furniture higher, because the water level was about 150cm high, and both of our cars were soaked.

My parents must have been under a lot of pressure at that time; however, I was too little to sense the urgency. And I was intrigued by the dirty water and couldn’t help but to want to play in it.

But, that’s also the time when my parents raised a red flag, explaining that it was dirty sewage water.

As the floodwater receded to ankle level, the kids in our neighborhood rushed to the street to catch fish. I saw plenty of fish but was too scared to try catching them myself.

However, my neighbor kids managed, leaving me standing in that water with fits of regret.

Collocations and phrases:

  • be filled with laughter
  • encouraged me
  • try everything
  • rarely blamed me
  • praised my bravery
  • pursue what I love
  • the importance of educators
  • creating experiences
  • harvest success
  • builds up confidence
  • rooted in their characters
  • facing future challenges
  • become their own champions
  • shared life experiences
  • lasted until now
  • unforgettable experience
  • living room
  • working hard
  • lift every piece of furniture
  • cars were soaked
  • under pressure
  • sense the urgency
  • be intrigued by the dirty water
  • want to play in it
  • raise a red flag
  • dirty sewage water
  • floodwater receded
  • ankle level
  • rush to the street
  • catch fish
  • fits of regret

Sentence patterns

  • This builds up confidence rooted in their characters, which benefits them in facing future challenges and enables them to become their own champions.
  • I woke up that morning to find my house flooded.
  • As the floodwater receded to ankle level, the kids in our neighborhood rushed to the street to catch fish.
  • My neighbor kids managed, leaving me standing in that water with fits of regret.

Something I learn meanwhile

  • 教師檢定Teachers certification examination
  • 教師甄試teacher qualification examination

Test how I respond to unexpected event/issue.

  • 教甄面試可能題目 Talking a plant that can describe your education philosophy

(As a teacher, we cannot ask students to comply with a fixed answer; generating an open question and avoiding judging student’s idea are best.

I would rather be a guidance provider instead an answer giver.)


  • We have been friends since we were first grade in the elementary school
  •  I talked about my experience about my previous educational internship

She also shared about her life working as a clerk in the hospital. It’s stressful and need lots of work to handle.

The article below is my original one& the revision by chat GPT


《The condition of my childhood》

My childhood was filled with laughter. My parents always encouraged me to try everything. Even I didn’t do well, they rarely blamed me but praised my bravery. Thanks to that, I'm able to pursue what I love. In a video called "Every Kid Needs a Champion," lecturer Rita Pierson emphasized the importance of educators creating successful experiences for children. This will build their confidence and enables them to become their own champions. I believe my parents did exactly that.

《Amazing events in my childhood》

The most interesting thing was meeting my best friend, Yuan-Yuan. We've been friends since grade 1 in elementary school, and we've always shared our life experiences. This friendship has lasted until now, and just yesterday we had lunch and chatted together. It's amazing because I don't have many best friends, but she's definitely one of them. 

《The unforgettable experience in my childhood》

One of my unforgettable experience is about typhoon. At first, I didn’t hear a lot about that because it was in summer vacation, I won’t have more vacation from this typhoon. However, I woke up that morning to find my house flooded. My parents worked hard to move every piece of furniture higher, because

the water level was about 150cm high, and both of our cars were soaked. My parents must be under a lot of pressure at that time. However, I am too little to sense the situation. I was intrigued by the dirty water and wanted to play in it, and my parents explained that it was dirty due to the drainage system.

As the floodwater receded to ankle level, the kids in our neighborhood rushed to the street to catch fish. I saw plenty of fish but was too scared to try catching them myself. However, my neighbor succeeded.


My childhood was filled with laughter. My parents always encouraged me to try everything. Even I didn’t do well, they seldom blame on me but acclaim my braveness. Thus, I am able to do what I love. 

The most interesting thing is meeting my best friend, yuan-yuan. We were friends from grade 1, and we always shared our lives’ experience. 

It’s so amazing because I don’t have too much best friends however, she is one of my best friends.

I woke up that morning to find my house had flooded. My parents work hard to move every furniture. Because it’s so fast that we didn’t prepare for anything. My parents must be under lots of pressure because the height of the flood is about 150cm and both of our car was soaked in the water, but at that time I didn’t sense it at all. I watched the dirty water and hope to play in it; however, my parents said the reason why it is dirty is from the drainage. 

As the flood faded away to our ankle, our kids rush to the street and try to catch fish. I saw lots of fish but I didn’t dare to scoop it. My neighbor succeed.

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