The person I look up to and what I can learn from him/her

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//Speaking materials//

Everyone has his or her advantages, so I admire lots of people. However, If I’m asked to pick who I admire the most, I would go for the advisor for my independent study, professor Huang, who is also my model on both education and life style.

She was a teacher on education psychology in my freshman year. At that time, she gave us lots of advice and information useful for personal growth and academic pursuit. Thus, most of the students love her. And she cares about everyone surrounding her. When I have a meeting with her, she always offers perspectives about my topic and gives me tasty biscuits. I always look forward to having a discussion with her. The attitude of how she cares for students influences me so much that I aspire to be a teacher like her in the future.

She gave me lots of useful information regarding personal growth and academic achievement. Most of students love her, and so do I.

Actually, She is a professor with an incredibly busy schedule, because she was a principal and has numerous meetings now. However, she is able to schedule everything efficiently. She divides her time into few parts, about 30 minutes as an interval. Each timeslot has something to accomplish. This schedule takes high self-discipline and a mindset with structures, and she has managed it.

So in my mind, she has been the person I see so much highly of now, and I am so glad she will bring me to a buffet to celebrate my graduation two months later.

//collocations and phrases//

  • independent study
  • educational psychology
  • personal growth
  • academic pursuit
  • meeting with her
  • discussion with her
  • tasty biscuits
  • incredibly busy schedule
  • principal
  • numerous meetings
  • high self-discipline
  • mindset with structures
  • celebrate my graduation

//Sentences that should be revise//

➡️My previous name was teased by my teacher. Because she told this fact in the public, I’m so sad that I change my name.


➡️I pick a topic, record it, and upload it on YouTube. Then, I'll ask my family to give it a thumbs up, even if they might not actually watch the video.

➡️我參考了一些影片。I refer to some videos when producing my speech.

➡️I’m fond of academic research, so, last semester, I asked her to be the teacher for my independent study. That is the reason why we have meeting every week.

➡️我已經將喇叭轉到最大聲,但您的聲音還是有點小。I’ve turned up the volume to the maximum, but you voice still sound a bit low.

豐盛晚餐 圖文不符🥰

豐盛晚餐 圖文不符🥰


Google News 追蹤
學習的榜樣 在人生的旅途中,我們會遇到形形色色的人,有些人僅僅是匆匆過客,而有些人卻會在我們心中留下深刻的印記。其中,那些我們敬佩的人,往往會成為我們學習的榜樣,並從他們的成功中汲取動力,幫助我們在自己的道路上不斷前行。 敬佩的人有很多 我敬佩的人有很多,他們可能是我的父母、老師、朋友,也可能
你曾經喜歡過作品中哪位老師嗎? 你曾經因為故事中的師徒情感動到熱淚盈眶嗎? 你曾經看著故事,想著「我也好想要這種老師」嗎? 這一點都不奇怪!因為在不同類型的作品當中,老師正是讓讀者寄託情感的人物。 在現實生活中,老師可能只是提點考試重點和為學業成績把關的角色;但在虛構故事中,更常見的
我曾不只一次地提到過:從小到大,我的志願就是當一名老師。  來聊聊幾位對我影響比較大的老師: 
柯老師,我人生首位Role Model,值得效仿的典範,心目中永恆的班導。
經過好幾天的思索,中間和這位老師見到了面 他用他8年的教師生捱和我說了好多不同的觀點 一下就被道破我不確定的內心和掙扎 他是舞蹈,我是美術 有關才藝的這項工作職捱 或許就是這樣的吧 前幾年會是最辛苦的,至少2年裡 你必須不斷學習 吸收前輩老師的經驗 在那之前 你先得熬過去
學習的榜樣 在人生的旅途中,我們會遇到形形色色的人,有些人僅僅是匆匆過客,而有些人卻會在我們心中留下深刻的印記。其中,那些我們敬佩的人,往往會成為我們學習的榜樣,並從他們的成功中汲取動力,幫助我們在自己的道路上不斷前行。 敬佩的人有很多 我敬佩的人有很多,他們可能是我的父母、老師、朋友,也可能
你曾經喜歡過作品中哪位老師嗎? 你曾經因為故事中的師徒情感動到熱淚盈眶嗎? 你曾經看著故事,想著「我也好想要這種老師」嗎? 這一點都不奇怪!因為在不同類型的作品當中,老師正是讓讀者寄託情感的人物。 在現實生活中,老師可能只是提點考試重點和為學業成績把關的角色;但在虛構故事中,更常見的
我曾不只一次地提到過:從小到大,我的志願就是當一名老師。  來聊聊幾位對我影響比較大的老師: 
柯老師,我人生首位Role Model,值得效仿的典範,心目中永恆的班導。
經過好幾天的思索,中間和這位老師見到了面 他用他8年的教師生捱和我說了好多不同的觀點 一下就被道破我不確定的內心和掙扎 他是舞蹈,我是美術 有關才藝的這項工作職捱 或許就是這樣的吧 前幾年會是最辛苦的,至少2年裡 你必須不斷學習 吸收前輩老師的經驗 在那之前 你先得熬過去