2024-05-22|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 23 分鐘


    子どもにとっては、裕福な家族を求めていないのかもしれません。ただ、温かい家族、自分を愛してくれる両親のいる家族が欲しいのです。子どもたちの部外者へのメッセージ、どうしよう、どれだけプレゼントをあげても、子どもたちの心の傷は埋められない、彼らはただ仲間を求めているだけだ…でも大人たちはいつもそれをわがままだと思っている。子どもたちのことを真剣に考えたことがなく、子どもたちが望んでいることを理解しても、そのトラウマは大人には理解できず、時間が経つにつれて子どもたちの間に溝が生じてしまいます。そしてその両親...自分の両親を認識できない人さえいます... ...

    For a child, maybe they don’t ask for a rich family. They just want a warm family, a family with parents who love them. No matter how rich a family is, if the adults are busy and leave the job of taking care of the children to outsiders, Deal with it, no matter how many gifts you give, it can't make up for the trauma suffered by the young hearts. They just want some companionship... But adults always think that it is the willfulness of the children. They have never really cared about the children and have not truly cared about them. After understanding what children want, the trauma cannot be understood by adults, nor can it be healed casually. Over time, a gap has developed between children and their parents...some even do not recognize their parents... ...


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