2024-06-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

一問二答雅思口說Part 2範例:A Crowded Place

Describe a crowded place you've been to. You should say:

when you went there

where the place is (or, was)

who you went therewith

and explain how you felt about the place.


I've been to many crowded places in my life, but one that stands out is the Taipei 101. I went there with my family on a trip a few years ago.

It was a Saturday afternoon, and the weather was perfect. We arrived at the Taipei 101 around noon and were immediately struck by the crowds. There were people everywhere, from tourists to locals. The air was filled with the sound of chatter and laughter.

We made our way through the crowds to the entrance of the tower. The security check was quick and efficient, and we soon found ourselves inside.

The Taipei 101 is an impressive sight. It's the tallest building in Taiwan and the sixth-tallest building in the world. The interior is just as impressive as the exterior. The lobby is spacious and elegant, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer stunning views of the city.

We took the elevator to the 89th floor, where the observation deck is located. The views from the top were incredible. We could see all of Taipei spread out before us. It was an amazing experience.

We spent about an hour on the observation deck, taking in the views and enjoying the atmosphere. Then, we headed back down to the ground floor.

Overall, I had a great time at the Taipei 101.









I've been to many crowded places in my life, but one that stands out is the beach in Kenting, Taiwan. I went there with my friends on a summer vacation a few years ago.

It was a Saturday afternoon, and the weather was perfect. We arrived at the beach around noon and were immediately struck by the crowds. There were people everywhere, from families to couples to groups of friends. The air was filled with the sound of laughter, music, and the crashing waves.

We found a spot to lay out our towels and settled in. We spent the afternoon swimming, sunbathing, and playing in the sand. We also went for a walk along the beach, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

We had a great time at the beach. It was a perfect way to spend a summer day. The weather was perfect, the company was great, and the scenery was stunning.

I felt happy and relaxed at the beach. It was a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I also felt a sense of community, as I was surrounded by people from all walks of life.

Overall, I had a wonderful experience at the beach in Kenting. It is a place that I will always cherish.







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