2024-07-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

培養孩子的競爭精神:父母的旅程。產品設計(Dark 9)。











Recently, I have noticed that my child's competitive spirit is off the charts. I used to worry that he is not very competitive, but these days he told me that he wants me to train him in physical fitness. I thought he was just playing around because he joined the school track team. But yesterday, he told me with an unhappy face that he thinks he is too slow to run …… hahaha. He is also growing up and starting to get upset and discontent, which is a good thing for me.

Recently, I was watching a program on refurbishing used cars. Whenever I turn on the TV, all the boys in the family gather together to watch it. The youngest one would ask me a few questions.

The youngest one would ask me some questions. The youngest one asked, "Dad, do you have a favorite car?

I answered, "Well, …… it's okay, I like to watch other people disassemble their cars, but I don't have any particular preference for the cars themselves".The kid was puzzled: "Why? Isn't the car cool? Why don't you like it?"I pondered for a while."Every stage has its own favorite things, now I am enjoying my life more, I don't have any special likes and dislikes for luxury goods, I just need them and don't need them".

To be honest, old cars are actually quite beautiful. Nowadays, the interior and exterior of cars are full of technology, which makes the cars of different car makers almost the same, only the brand is different.

In the old days, the exterior and interior of cars had their own characteristics, and different brands had distinctive styles. Maybe I'm old school in my thinking.

"Competitive spirit"


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