2024-07-09|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

電玩展外排隊等候入場,是展開Small Talk練英文的絕佳機會

在台北國際電玩展外排隊等候入場時,與前方玩Switch的外國人展開Small Talk:

Wilson: "That's a great way to pass the time in this long queue. What game are you playing?"「在這麼長的隊伍裡,這真是打發時間的好方法。你在玩什麼遊戲?」

外國人: "Oh, hey! I'm playing the new Zelda game. It's perfect for situations like this."「哦,嗨!我在玩新的薩爾達傳說。在這種情況下玩剛剛好。」

Wilson: "Ah, Tears of the Kingdom, right? How are you finding it so far?"「啊,王國之淚,對吧?到目前為止你覺得怎麼樣?」

外國人: "It's amazing! The open world is so vast. I'm Jake, by the way. First time at the Taipei Game Show?"「太棒了!開放世界真的很遼闊。順便一提,我叫 Jake。第一次來台北電玩展嗎?」

Wilson: "Nice to meet you, Jake. I'm Wilson. NO, I try to come every year. The gaming scene here is pretty exciting. Are you visiting from abroad?"「很高興認識你,Jake。我是Wilson。不是,我每年都盡量來參加。這裡的遊戲圈很令人興奮。你是從國外來的嗎?」

Jake: "Yeah, I'm from the US. I'm here for work, but I couldn't miss this. I've heard great things about Taiwan's gaming industry."「是的,我來自美國。我是為工作來的,但不能錯過這個。我聽說台灣的遊戲產業很厲害。」

Wilson: "You heard right! We have some great developers here. Are you looking forward to any particular booths or games?"「你聽說的沒錯!我們這裡有一些很棒的開發商。你有特別期待的攤位或遊戲嗎?」

Jake: "I'm really curious about some of the indie game developers. I've heard there's a lot of creativity in the Taiwanese indie scene."「我對一些獨立遊戲開發商很好奇。聽說台灣的獨立遊戲圈很有創意。」

Wilson: "Absolutely! There's a whole section dedicated to indie games. I can show you around if you'd like. Some of them are really innovative."「沒錯!這裡有一整個區域都是獨立遊戲。如果你想的話,我可以帶你逛逛。有些遊戲真的很有創意。」

Jake: "That would be awesome! I'd love some local insight. Do you have any favorite Taiwanese games?"「那太好了!我很想聽聽當地人的見解。你有什麼最喜歡的台灣遊戲嗎?」

Wilson: "Well, there's this great puzzle game called 'Devotion' by Red Candle Games. It's got some controversy, but the storytelling is fantastic."「嗯,有一款叫做《還願》的解謎遊戲,是赤燭遊戲製作的。雖然有些爭議,但故事講得很棒。」

Jake: "Oh, I've heard about that! It's not available on Steam anymore, right? Any chance we might see it at the show?"「哦,我聽說過!它已經不在Steam上架了,對吧?有機會在展會上看到它嗎?」

Wilson: "Probably not, but the developers might be here with their new projects. They're always pushing boundaries."「可能不會,但開發商可能會帶著他們的新專案來。他們總是在挑戰極限。」

Jake: "Sounds intriguing! Hey, the line's moving. Want to team up and explore the show together?"「聽起來很有趣!嘿,隊伍開始移動了。要不要一起組隊探索這個展覽?」

Wilson: "Sure thing! I'd be happy to show you around. Let's grab a show guide when we get in, and we can plan our route."「當然好啊!我很樂意帶你逛逛。我們進去後拿個展覽指南,然後可以規劃我們的路線。」

Jake: "Great! Looking forward to it. This is going to be so much better with a local guide!"「太好了!我很期待。有個當地嚮導一起逛展覽感覺會好多了!」

Wilson: "Glad to help! "「很高興能幫上忙!」

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