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以下是四道不同主題的雅思口語考試Part 1問題:

1. What do you like to do in your free time? 你在空閒時間喜歡做什麼?

Answer: "In my free time, I enjoy planning a solo adventure to an unfamiliar city. It's exciting to research new places, map out interesting spots, and imagine the unique experiences awaiting me."


2. Do you prefer traveling alone or with others? 你更喜歡獨自旅行還是和他人一起旅行?

Answer: "I actually prefer embarking on a solo adventure to an unfamiliar city. It gives me the freedom to explore at my own pace and often leads to unexpected discoveries and personal growth."


3. What's the most challenging thing you've ever done? 你做過的最具挑戰性的事情是什麼?

Answer: "The most challenging thing I've done was embarking on a solo adventure to an unfamiliar city in a country where I didn't speak the language. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me valuable lessons in self-reliance."


  1. What's something new you'd like to try in the future? 你未來想嘗試的新事物是什麼?

Answer: "In the future, I'd love to embark on a solo adventure to an unfamiliar city in Australia. It would be exciting to navigate a completely new culture, try unfamiliar cuisines, and challenge myself to communicate in a different language."


這些例子都自然地將"a solo adventure to an unfamiliar city"融入其中。

IELTS Speaking Part 2不同話題可能有一大部分是相同內容



Describe a time you learned a valuable lesson. You should say:

when and what happened
who was involved
why you think that was a valuable lesson

and say how that experience influenced or changed you afterward.

I've coped with a lot of struggles, big and small. Among those terrible experiences, one also stands for a salutary reminder of the consequences of taking the promises of friends on trust.
While working part-time as a convenience store cashier in my sophomore year of university, I met Olivia, my coworker that had worked there for five years. She really took good care of me like covering for me. One day when we had dinner together at the restaurant across the store. She told me she was going to quit in a month because she was planning to run her own store. Then she asked if I'd like to invest two hundred thousand dollars in exchange for a position as store manager. Two days after careful consideration, I agreed although the investment would take all my savings.
I didn't really expect her to lie to me. She disappeared off the face of the earth and for five years I've been living under the shadow of being betrayed. I've learned from that event that money is a taboo subject. Besides, thanks to the invaluable experience, I won't let the money issue ruin the relationship between someone and me.

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Describe something that a friend has done but you haven't done. You should say:

what your friend did
where and when you friend did this
how you felt about your friend's experience

and explain why you would (or wouldn't) like to do what your friend did.

While working part-time as a convenience store cashier in my sophomore year of university, I met Olivia, my coworker that had worked there for five years. She really took good care of me like covering for me. One day when we had dinner together at the restaurant across the store. She told me she was going to quit in a month because she was planning to run her own store. I was astonished but still congratulate her on the new chapter of her career.
A few years later I dropped in on her on the way home from work. She was too busy to spare me one minute. At that moment, I felt slightly disappointed because I had no chance to share a piece good news with her. That is, I was going to become one of the franchisees of her rival soon. In fact, she was so successful that I’d envied her for years. To keep up with her, I set aside some money each month and finally decided to put all my savings into the business.
Her success has inspired me to run my own business. I really appreciate it.

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