2024-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

A College Poem: [Returning to Campus on a Saturday Morning]


Breezes blowing, sparrow chirping,

Smiled to the brightly smiling sun, and

Greeted by the light-hearted, merry fairies.


Stepping out of the languid College lift,

To the unusually quiet General Office;

Passed the Principal's study with door ajar,

Towards the momentarily deserted staff room.


I leaned against a low stone wall,

Peered at the small court down below,

Youngsters amid a game of basketball,

Leapt with joy at the score of a shot!


Teachers’ desks in teachers’ rooms, texts

new and ancient, papers marked and unmarked.

So many have in these buried their youth and dreams

As well passed their times easy and hard!


I filed away my stray thoughts, collected references

for a new week to start.

As I turned the corner between two flights of stairs -

Sound of the young laughter!


Oh Master of Youth, Master of Joy,

Here on this primitive, slanting slope of virtue and wisdom,

May I bid forward you go, upward you grow,

And upon where darkness befalls, you glow!




一個星期六的早上, 我回到了既熟悉又陌生的校園。在微風輕拂, 麻雀鳴叫聲中, 我向著笑容燦爛的太陽微笑, 校園的外牆上, 俏皮快活的壁畫仙子, 向我夾道歡迎。


走出了慵懶的書院電梯, 前往異常安靜的總務處;經過房門虛掩的校長室, 步向稍微冷清的教員室… 我靠在低矮的石牆上, 望向牆下的小球場, 正在進行籃球比賽的年輕人, 因為投籃得分而歡呼雀躍!


教員室內教師的書桌上, 佈滿了新的和舊的課文, 以及已批改和未批改的習作。多少人在這裡, 埋葬了他們的青春和夢想, 度過了他們或輕易、或艱難的時光!


我把思緒「歸檔」, 收集未來一周需應用的教材。在兩層樓梯的轉角之間, 迎我而來的, 是年輕爽朗的歡笑之聲。噢! 青春和快樂的主人翁啊: 在這原始、簡樸、通往美德與智慧的山坡上, 我祝願你向前走遠, 你向上長高, 在黑暗臨近之處, 你綻放光明!


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