Life Goals Are the Walls You Build for Your Own Career

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Your goal isn't a job, a relationship, or even a specific career field. Your primary task in life is simply to show up in this world. ~ The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest


I resonated deeply with an excerpt from The Mountain Is You, which discusses finding your true purpose. Even though I’m an adult now, I sometimes feel like my parents’ values still creep into my own career planning, nudging me toward “safe” options for my future.

1. The Blueprint of Success vs. Reality

Growing up, we’re often told to strive for academic excellence, land a high-paying job in a stable company, and secure a lifelong career. For many parents, this is the pinnacle of success, and it’s a blueprint that society praises. This idea is deeply ingrained, especially when making key career decisions.

But the day-to-day grind can wear you down, and that longing for growth turns into frustration. You might find yourself stuck, feeling like your work no longer satisfies you.

The phrase, “Your goal shouldn’t be a job or a career field,” serves as a reminder: Is our purpose just to earn money and stay secure? Or should we look deeper, exploring the true impact we’re meant to have in the world? For me, this has been a tough battle—between the desire for security and my inner craving for something more. Over time, this conflict becomes even more obvious. "Security" can sometimes kill the possibility of growth, creativity, and real fulfillment.

2. The Thrill of the Unknown

We all know the story: Someone passionate about tech innovation decides to leave their stable corporate job and start their own business. They’re full of energy, yet everyone around them worries about the uncertainty, questioning why they wouldn’t stay in a job that provides a steady income. A predictable career path is often seen as the only road to success, and giving that up seems absurd.

But the future is never a straight line, nor is it always clear. Everyone’s journey is unique, and following someone else’s path might lead you to abandon your own potential.

The idea of the “unknown” shouldn’t be feared as a precursor to failure, but embraced as part of the growth process. Every failure teaches us something new, and we discover sides of ourselves we didn’t know existed. If we’re too afraid of failure and change, we’ll become passive when life throws curveballs. Facing the unknown helps us build resilience, so when life shifts, we’re not caught off guard.


3. Career Goals Shouldn’t Define Your Life

There’s also the story of the recent graduate who gets a finance job right after college. For a while, they think this is their calling. But three years in, they lose their drive, feeling powerless because their life has been boxed into their career. Suddenly, the future seems bleak and empty.

Life is rich and multifaceted. Your goals shouldn’t be confined to one job. Through different experiences and environments, you can tap into new aspects of yourself. This broadens not only your career but your entire perspective on life.

Today, success isn’t just about your job title or the company you work for. Especially with social media, people make an impact in ways far beyond their careers. Success could mean lifting others up, offering encouragement, or making small efforts to help the world, like volunteering at beach cleanups. These actions leave a lasting imprint on the world and strengthen our sense of self-worth.

Simply being in the world matters—your purpose doesn’t have to be tied to a career or accomplishment. It’s about continuous growth and making a positive impact on those around you.

4. You Are the Blueprint for Your Future

Burnout, exhaustion, and the desire to "check out" are really just signals from within. It’s your mind and body telling you to pause, recharge, and prepare for what’s next. And in those moments, you’ll realize that, whether you’re at your highest or lowest, the blueprint for your life is something only you can build. Everyone’s experiences, interests, and skills are unique, and it’s those elements that naturally shape our future.

As Brianna Wiest says, “Nothing about you is an accident.” Every step of your journey—no matter how random it seems—connects to your future. Every day, you’re moving toward what suits you best.

The most valuable thing in your career isn’t what others deem successful; it’s about discovering and challenging yourself. That shiny, successful version of you is found only after you’ve climbed the mountains that you built. Society’s definition of success is just a wall that limits your life to what’s visible.

But by focusing on your own interests, developing your skills, and providing value to others, you’ll gradually find your true direction.

As I said at the start, life’s goals aren’t about following a specific job or role. They’re about growth and having an impact on the world. Let go of others’ expectations and listen to what’s inside. The blueprint for your future is limitless.


After years of being taught the “right” way to live, it’s hard to break free from traditional values and carve out your own path. While advice from parents and mentors comes from a place of love and experience, our inner voice is often a truer reflection of what we really want. Only by following our own path will we feel truly alive.

The Mountain Is You beautifully expresses that life’s goals aren’t about living up to others’ expectations or definitions of success. Instead, they’re about constantly exploring who we are and impacting the world in our own way. Everyone’s blueprint is one of a kind, shaped by experiences only we have lived—that’s the real value of our existence.

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