Less Junk, More Value: Transform Your Shopping Habits

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Each year, when I sort through my closet, I'm reminded of just how much stuff I’ve accumulated—things I once wanted or thought I needed but now consider clutter.

Some items were quite costly, and seeing them lose value has taught me an important lesson: many purchases quickly depreciate and even high-end items rarely hold their original worth.

To address this, I developed a system to categorize my purchases. By dividing everything into four value-based categories, I’ve managed to streamline my shopping habits and direct my money towards things that offer lasting value.


Category 1: No Resale Value – Minimizing Everyday Clutter

The first category, No Resale Value, includes everyday consumables, such as household goods, trendy decor, and small impulse buys I often pick up just to reach a discount.

These items, while affordable, add up over time and leave me with items I can neither sell nor reuse effectively. I’ve found that this category was previously responsible for a large chunk of my budget—about 20%.

However, by becoming more conscious of these small expenses, I’ve trimmed this down to 15%. This shift has not only decluttered my space but also minimized waste, making me feel better about my spending habits.


Category 2: Low Resale Value – Cutting Down Bulk Purchases

Low Resale Value items fall under the second category. These include items that can be recycled or sold in bulk, like metal trinkets, outdated magazines, or old appliances.

They have some resale potential but are rarely worth the time and effort required to sell them individually. Reflecting on this category has made me more aware of the hassle associated with managing such items, motivating me to cut my spending from 30% to 20%.

The reduction was an easy win for my budget, and I’m now less inclined to buy things that hold so little value over time.


Category 3: Half-Value Items – Being Selective with Luxury Purchases

The third category is where it gets tricky: Half-Value Items. These are pricier goods, such as luxury items, electronics, and jewelry. Often branded and initially valuable, they depreciate swiftly and require careful handling to resell for even half their original price.

Recognizing that many high-end items are hard to resell—often due to brand reputation or minor wear—has helped me curb my indulgence in this category.

By consciously reducing my spending here from 30% to 20%, I’ve freed up cash that I can put towards other financial priorities, like investments, which offer better returns in the long run.


Category 4: Value-Add Items – Understanding the True Cost of Collectibles

Lastly, my fourth category is Value-Add Items, including pure gold, collectible coins, or items with the potential to appreciate.

While these can sometimes gain value, they often involve high fees or taxes when sold, making them less liquid than traditional investments like stocks. While tempting to buy, they’re not a reliable investment.

This insight has helped me avoid the illusion that collectibles are a sound financial strategy, and I now keep my spending here to a minimal 10%. I treat these purchases more as passion investments, which keeps my expectations realistic.

Since using this categorization system, I’ve significantly reduced impulsive purchases, saving around 35% of my previous spending. This conscious shift has allowed me to channel more funds into growing my wealth, such as investing in index funds, which bring a higher return than most physical items ever could.

By focusing on intentional spending, I’m not only maximizing each dollar I spend but also reducing clutter and boosting financial security. Intentional, value-driven spending has been transformative, freeing me from the cycle of buying and discarding, and instead guiding my money toward a future that truly matters.

If you’d like a copy of this shopping checklist to help you make more mindful purchases, here is the download link.

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一、減法的生活 1.物品的斷捨離 打造零雜物的空間,讓生活中只留下自己現在有在使用的物品,將物品控制在管理的質與量中 2.資訊的斷捨離 除了減去多餘的物品外,資訊也須斷捨離,留意生活中進入你的資訊,網路自媒體平台發達,滑手機時帶給你的都是哪些訊息,也許很多是煽動你購物慾的熱銷商品,或想滿足你
每年過年前都會花些時間整理出不需要的東西丟掉,避免房間東西越堆越多,連行走都很困難。 有回憶的東西,只要還放得下我都盡量不丟它們,先丟一些日常生活中容易再買到的東西。 不過隨著我年紀越來越大,這些帶有回憶的東西也越來越多。
大概從11月份起,就開始每天斷捨離家裡的東西。 不知道是冥想起了作用,還是我內心起了什麼變化,忽然感覺物慾少了很多很多。 某一個週末我大概清出了五大袋(黑色大型裝屍體?的那種)不需要的衣服。 衣櫃空出了至少有一半的空間,清完的時候心理一陣清爽,看著還有很多空間的衣櫃,心裡想的不是要再買
審視你的物品 花些時間檢視你所擁有的物品 確定哪些是你真正需要的 哪些是多餘的 捨棄不必要的物品 將不再需要的物品捐贈回收或賣出 這將有助於釋放空間 同時減少浪費 投資高質量的物品 當你需要替換某些物品時 考慮購買高質量 耐用的產品 這樣可以減少長期的消費成本 減少購買次數 嚐
開始整理東西後發現自己買太多相同品項的東西,很多都過期。 然後書是很大的問題,如果是紙本書真的是很麻煩,可是現在實在很多爛書,所以幾乎還是以借的為主,買電子書可以大大減低開銷和處理問題。 不看網路廣告和廣告電子報,不衝動購買真的會省很多錢。 到實體店面實際買商品,也增加自己會考慮要不要買和實際
一、減法的生活 1.物品的斷捨離 打造零雜物的空間,讓生活中只留下自己現在有在使用的物品,將物品控制在管理的質與量中 2.資訊的斷捨離 除了減去多餘的物品外,資訊也須斷捨離,留意生活中進入你的資訊,網路自媒體平台發達,滑手機時帶給你的都是哪些訊息,也許很多是煽動你購物慾的熱銷商品,或想滿足你
每年過年前都會花些時間整理出不需要的東西丟掉,避免房間東西越堆越多,連行走都很困難。 有回憶的東西,只要還放得下我都盡量不丟它們,先丟一些日常生活中容易再買到的東西。 不過隨著我年紀越來越大,這些帶有回憶的東西也越來越多。
大概從11月份起,就開始每天斷捨離家裡的東西。 不知道是冥想起了作用,還是我內心起了什麼變化,忽然感覺物慾少了很多很多。 某一個週末我大概清出了五大袋(黑色大型裝屍體?的那種)不需要的衣服。 衣櫃空出了至少有一半的空間,清完的時候心理一陣清爽,看著還有很多空間的衣櫃,心裡想的不是要再買
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開始整理東西後發現自己買太多相同品項的東西,很多都過期。 然後書是很大的問題,如果是紙本書真的是很麻煩,可是現在實在很多爛書,所以幾乎還是以借的為主,買電子書可以大大減低開銷和處理問題。 不看網路廣告和廣告電子報,不衝動購買真的會省很多錢。 到實體店面實際買商品,也增加自己會考慮要不要買和實際