這個項目最特別的是,除了一般學校要求的履歷(CV)、申請文書(SOP)、推薦信,在你提交了Application form之後,還會收到一封關於Video Essay的邀請信,需要你在*四個工作日之內完成(時間可能每年會有變動)。
很多人文書修改了幾個月,Video Essay卻只匆匆忙忙地準備了兩三天,但我認為Video Essay的重要性不亞於SOP,這是評審委員第一次可以聽你的聲音,看你這個人的形象,直面了解你的個人特質的機會!
Video Essay是什麼?
Video Essay總共三題,每題有三分鐘的作答時間,問題唸完之後需要立馬作答,等於沒有思考時間。
但慶幸的是,Cornell 的Video Essay是有題庫的,而且經過幾年的累積已經達到一定的數量了(追夢網上不定期有人分享),因此在實戰中通常都不會出現沒見過的題目。
P.S 其他關於履歷(CV)、申請文書(SOP)、推薦信的準備,請參考我2021年時在Medium的這篇文章。
Video Essay考古題題庫
名字是必考:What is your full name and any nicknames you prefer?
1. 個人背景
- What is special about your birthplace and current residence?
- What are some notable features of your university?
- If you get accepted into this program, how will you introduce yourself to your schoolmates?
2. 本科情況
- What was your favorite course in university?
- What was your least favorite course in university?
- *What is your proudest assignment or project at university?
- How did your university studies prepare you for graduate school?
3. 工作經歷
- *What is your role in your internship experiences, and how have they prepared you for your graduate studies or future development?
- Describe an experience where you took on a leadership role.
- Describe a setback you have experienced.
- Do you prefer to work individually or as part of a team? Please explain.
- Describe your volunteer experience and how it relates to your career goals.
4. 職業規劃
- What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
- Why do you want to pursue this program?
- Why do you think an MPS degree will help you reach your career goals?
- Why do you want to pursue a graduate degree? How does graduate study align with your long-term plans?
- Why do you think this is the right time for you to pursue a graduate degree?
- *After graduation, do you plan to work in the U.S. or internationally?
5. 項目了解
- Why are you interested in Cornell, particularly the MPS program? What attracts you to this program, and why do you think it is a good fit for you? (Be specific.)
- What preferred class or classes would you like to take in Cornell’s MPS program?
- How did you first learn about this program? What attracts you the most to this program?
- What advantages do you have that make you a strong candidate for this program?
- How will this program help develop your capabilities?
注意:Video Essay的連結只可以開啟一次,且錄製過程中不能刷新或離開頁面,因此大家一定要做好萬全準備才開始!