- You rinse bottles and cans, and you might put food scraps in a container destined for a composting facility.
你沖洗瓶子和罐子,可能還會將食物殘渣放入一個將送往堆肥設施的容器中。 - As you sort everything into the right bins, you probably assume that recycling is helping your community and protecting the environment. But is it? Are you in fact wasting your time?
當你將所有東西分類到正確的垃圾桶時,你可能認為回收有助於你的社區並保護環境。但是,這真的如此嗎?你會否其實在浪費時間? - I wrote an article arguing that the recycling process as we carried it out was wasteful.
我寫了一篇文章,主張我們所進行的回收過程是浪費的。 - I presented plenty of evidence that recycling was costly and ineffectual, but its defenders said that it was unfair to rush to judgement.
我提供了許多證據,表明回收成本高且無效,但其支持者表示,急於下結論是不公平的。 - They predicted the modern recycling industry would flourish as the industry matured and the public learned how to recycle properly.
他們預測,隨著行業的成熟和公眾學會正確回收,現代回收行業將會繁榮。 - Despite decades of initiatives, it's still typically more expensive for local governments to recycle household waste than to send it to a landfill.
儘管經過數十年的倡議,但對於地方政府來說,回收家庭垃圾的成本通常仍然高於將其送往垃圾填埋場的成本。 - The prices for these materials have plummeted because of lower oil prices and reduced demand for them overseas.
由於石油價格下跌和海外需求減少,這些材料的價格已經大幅下降。 - The slump has forced some recycling companies to shut plants and cancel plans for new technologies.
這一衰退迫使一些回收公司關閉工廠並取消新技術的計劃。 - As cities move beyond recycling paper and metals, and into glass, food scraps and assorted plastics, the costs rise sharply while the environmental benefits decline and sometimes vanish.
- 第2句“As you ...... you probably assume that ...... But is it? Are you in fact wasting your time?”先輔陳「你應該這樣期待吧」,然後再用兩個問題追問你「真的嗎?真的是這樣嗎?」,可以為任何駁論作為一個強而有力的開場白!例如:
- As you exercise regularly, you probably assum that exercising strengthen your body. But is it? Is it possible that you are actually hurting yourself? (當定期做運動時,你可能認為多運動能令你的身體變強壯。但是,這真的如此嗎?你會否其實在傷害自己?)
- As you remain silent in conflicts, you probably assume that it is a short-cut to peace. But is it? Or is it adding pressure to the next eruption?
- 然後,是第6句,"Despite decades of initiatives",我覺得大家可以常常用前面的部分去講「儘管經過數十年的......」無力感滿滿哈哈哈。例如:
- Despite decades of marriage, Paul still does not know that Kate does not eat fish.
(儘管經過數十年的婚姻,保羅還是不知道凱特不吃魚。) - Despite decades of learning, he still cannot write a 500-word article in English.
由於2017年DSE英文科閱讀卷part A比較艱深,為了不讓大家感到很吃力,我還是把它分成上下兩篇好了。現在,如果你還有氣力,去看看下一部份吧:
2017年文憑試英文閱讀 Part A (2017 DSE Eng pp1 Part A)(2)