😁伊索寓言(Aesop’s Fables)藉動物的故事影射人類,除The Milkmaid & her Pail〈村姑與牛奶〉,Two Travelers & Bear〈兩個旅人與熊〉,The Fisherman & the Little Fish(漁夫與小魚),The Boy & the Filberts等故事是人類現身說法,大部分的寓言故事皆是藉由動物的故事,以簡潔方式(conciseness)表達作者對於人性透徹的觀點,讓讀者在閱讀每篇「寓教於樂」故事時,產生會心一笑。
😱在The Lion’s Share(最大份額,大部分)寓言故事中,獅子(lion)與驢(ass)一起狩獵後,獅子以「萬獸之王」名義(King of the beasts),先索取三分之一的戰利品(spoil)。接者獅子以合夥人的名義(as your partner),再取三分之一的戰利品(spoil)。最後,獅子以「強權即是公理」(Might is right)藉口,奪取最後三分之一的戰利品(spoil)。
👍The Aesop’s Fable for Children— The Lion’s Share英文網站連結:https://read.gov/aesop/141.html
📚當華人成年人閱讀以下1954年英國Penguin Books出版原文時,中文母語者可以藉由這兩段古典英文短文,學習十個進階英文閱讀及寫作詞彙正確用法:
📚A lion and a wild ass were hunting — the lion using his strength and the ass his swiftness of foot. When they caught a number of animals, the lion divided them into three lots. ‘I will take the first lot,’ he said, ‘because as king I hold the highest rank; and the second one, as your equal partner. As for this third one, it will bring you into serious trouble unless you choose to make yourself scarce.’(獅子和野驢一起出去狩獵— 獅子憑藉其力量,野驢善用其快足。當他們圍捕一些動物時,獅子將它們分成三份。「我會拿第一份,」他說,「因為作為萬獸之王,我有最高的地位;我拿第二份,作為你平等的夥伴。至於這第三份,除非你選擇自行離開,否則它會給你帶來嚴重的麻煩。)
§ Whatever he undertakes, a man should estimate his capacity, according to his own powers, and not enter into alliance or tie himself up with people who are too strong for him.(無論一個人從事什麼事情,他應該根據自己的能力來評估,而不是與比他強大的人結盟或與之糾纏。)
📚文章出處:S.A. Handford, Fables of Aesop. Great Britain: Penguin Books Ltd, 1954.
🌷字彙①ass n.(古英文)驢;傻瓜,笨蛋;屁股
The merchant used his ass to carry the heavy load of merchandise from the store to the market.(商人用他的驢子,從商店到市場,運送沉重的草料。)
The dictator is regarded as a pompous ass. (獨裁者被視為自命不凡的蠢驢。)
🌷字彙② swiftness n.快,迅速
The 100-meter dash gold medalist amazed the crowd with his swiftness as he sprinted towards the finish line. (一百公尺賽跑金牌得主,在奔向終點線的過程中,以他的敏捷驚艷了觀眾。)
🌷字彙③ lot n.一批;一組;一套
The tycoon divided his property into three lots for individual sale. (大亨將其不動產分為三批,進行個別出售。)
🌷字彙④ make oneself scarce v. phr.避開(麻煩),溜走
When the drug den got busted by the police, some of the drug dealers quickly made themselves scarce to avoid getting caught. (當毒窟被警察突襲時,一些販毒者迅速開溜,以避免被抓到。)
🌷字彙⑤ undertake v. 從事(困難耗時之事),(開始)做,承擔
The entrepreneur decided to undertake the challenging project despite knowing the risks involved.
🌷字彙⑥ estimate v. 估計;估算;估價
Don’t estimate your potential based on other people’s values. (勿根據他人價值觀,評估你自己的潛能。)
🌷字彙⑦ capacity n.(尤指某人)辦事能力
A perseverant entrepreneur has a great capacity for hard tasks. (有毅力的企業家特別能吃苦耐勞。)
🌷字彙⑧ alliance n.聯盟,結盟;同盟
The two smaller parties formed an alliance against the ruling party. (兩個小政黨結成執政黨的聯盟。)
The two corporations formed a strategic alliance to expand their market share. (這兩家公司建立了戰略聯盟以擴大其市占率。)
🌷字彙⑨ the lion's share 最大份額,大部分
When it comes to distributing the government’s revenue, the budget for national defense manages to grab the lion's share. (當談到分配政府收入時,國防預算設法獨占最大的一部分。)
🌷總結:每日閱讀一篇Fables of Aesop《伊索寓言》,學好進階英文閱讀寫作用字遣詞,也讓自己洞悉人性,靈活運用於中英文生活情境中。
✊圖片出處:S.A. Handford, Fables of Aesop. Great Britain: Penguin Books Ltd, 1954.
🌷註①:The Milkmaid & her Pail〈村姑與牛奶〉寓意為 Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. (不要高興得太早;不要過早樂觀)
🌷註②:Two Travelers & Bear〈兩個旅人與熊〉寓意為Misfortune is the test of true friendship. (患難見真情。)
🌷註③:The Fisherman & the Little Fish〈漁夫與小魚〉寓意為A small gain is worth more than a large promise. (實質小收入勝於一張空頭支票)
🌷註④:The Boy & the Filberts〈男孩與榛子〉寓意為Do not attempt too much at once. (貪多嚼不爛)