Eleventh Diary

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Starting time: 5:20 afternoon
  I’ve a plan that I need to accomplish to write 300 words in diary in twenty-five minutes. Can I achieve the goal? Ha! Let us move on. I read a movie which is told what the love is in the afternoon and the movie is written by puuung.
   I really like the photographer’s style in interpreting love issue. It was so touched to my ideal love form but the fact is not wonderful as movie. Ha, Actually I may go to coffee shop to start up my work in head, however my rented boss told that my dogs cause neighbors to smell bad taste yesterday and if I couldn’t improve this situation in these days, then I shall be forced to leave the living place. It is a terrible thing to me because I’ve lots of unfinished affairs needed to deal with, and furthermore I don’t have any thought to solve the problem right now, so I stayed home to take care of them instead of moving outside to work.
  There are some shortcomings which I face today and I need to overcome with it. First, I will feel comfortable home, in that case I can’t concentrate with one thing. I try to use reward manner to inspire myself; moreover, if I fail at this manner, I should replace with it at once. Second, I’m lack of fight in doing work. It seems like a little difficult to me to find the cause but I guess that it’s cause from lacking exercise with focusing on one thing continuously. I should use some unimportant affairs instead of wasting time like watching Youtube, playing guitar or surfing internet. If I can plan a solution to everything effectively, then I shall grow up to complete every small target in anticipation. That’s all.
To be continued...
(300 vocabularies completion)
Finishing time : 5:46 afternoon
Cost time : 26 mins
No distraction just looking up some words but I still need to avoid from this behavior owing to prohibition in exam.


  1. 而且 further; furthermore; moreover(adv.); what’s more; and that; and; as well (as)
  2. 鬥志 the will to fight; morale
    e.g. He has plenty of fight in him.

Mime的沙龍 的其他內容
5:32 afternoon   Friend told that my father worked till 4:00 in the morning to me. I reminded myself and meditate with my current state. How should I
1:07 p.m.   Today, I accepted an interview about iOS Engineer in the nan-gang exhibition building. I finally confront my fear about my weakness. Alth
5:41    I felt graceful and peaceful in the coffee shop because I had been losing the warming love inside my heart for a long time after reading bibl
03:20 p.m. 04/05    I’m not a patient man who can continuously insist on self thought that can’t be influenced by others, even self… I’m often defeat
11:54 a.m.    I slightly arrived at Starbucks late today. I waked up more late day after day gradually. It seems like that I’ve a little tired about
11:17 a.m. In Starbucks Coffee Shop. E   But how should I balance my daily habit? I want to watch TV, play game, do recreational things…You need to so
5:32 afternoon   Friend told that my father worked till 4:00 in the morning to me. I reminded myself and meditate with my current state. How should I
1:07 p.m.   Today, I accepted an interview about iOS Engineer in the nan-gang exhibition building. I finally confront my fear about my weakness. Alth
5:41    I felt graceful and peaceful in the coffee shop because I had been losing the warming love inside my heart for a long time after reading bibl
03:20 p.m. 04/05    I’m not a patient man who can continuously insist on self thought that can’t be influenced by others, even self… I’m often defeat
11:54 a.m.    I slightly arrived at Starbucks late today. I waked up more late day after day gradually. It seems like that I’ve a little tired about
11:17 a.m. In Starbucks Coffee Shop. E   But how should I balance my daily habit? I want to watch TV, play game, do recreational things…You need to so
Google News 追蹤
Schedule a journal session today. Put this time on your calendar. Find a quiet place, take a pen and a notebook, and write down everything you have in
昨天做的是輔大的招生海報,我在家輕輕鬆鬆地做了一下午,中間也穿插著蕃茄鐘,每25分鐘的工作我就休個5分鐘,那5分鐘我拿來做體操。 傍晚上吃完飯後我睡了一下之後去公園散步,散步回來之後我再把招生海報的部份完成,但我還不想傳給客戶看,因為我後面還有很多稿子要做,我一旦先傳給了客戶他們就會開始沒日沒
日記 113年1月4日(四) 我以為我會就懶了 不寫日記了 我想這應該是我很久沒有這麼想做的一件事情了,(內心純萃的力量) 我又想距離上次寫日記是高中時期了,但還記得是簡單的記錄。 忙完的一個早上和吃完了中餐,觀察了一下天氣  還不錯喔 開口約老公下午我們去環保公園曬太陽,他沒思考的說
昨天太晚睡了,因為傍晚接到一個臨時任務要臨時做近200張的活動識別證名牌,而且要讓客戶對好稿在今早10點以前發出,等於就是整個晚上都要搞這些了。 後來也是忙到晚上12點多才去洗澡,等看完廣島之戀都1點多了,所以想說第二天一定會很累索性就決定讓自己賴床一下吧! 所以我今天是睡到9點才起床的,希
Schedule a journal session today. Put this time on your calendar. Find a quiet place, take a pen and a notebook, and write down everything you have in
昨天做的是輔大的招生海報,我在家輕輕鬆鬆地做了一下午,中間也穿插著蕃茄鐘,每25分鐘的工作我就休個5分鐘,那5分鐘我拿來做體操。 傍晚上吃完飯後我睡了一下之後去公園散步,散步回來之後我再把招生海報的部份完成,但我還不想傳給客戶看,因為我後面還有很多稿子要做,我一旦先傳給了客戶他們就會開始沒日沒
日記 113年1月4日(四) 我以為我會就懶了 不寫日記了 我想這應該是我很久沒有這麼想做的一件事情了,(內心純萃的力量) 我又想距離上次寫日記是高中時期了,但還記得是簡單的記錄。 忙完的一個早上和吃完了中餐,觀察了一下天氣  還不錯喔 開口約老公下午我們去環保公園曬太陽,他沒思考的說
昨天太晚睡了,因為傍晚接到一個臨時任務要臨時做近200張的活動識別證名牌,而且要讓客戶對好稿在今早10點以前發出,等於就是整個晚上都要搞這些了。 後來也是忙到晚上12點多才去洗澡,等看完廣島之戀都1點多了,所以想說第二天一定會很累索性就決定讓自己賴床一下吧! 所以我今天是睡到9點才起床的,希