Ninth Diary

閱讀時間約 9 分鐘
1:07 p.m.
  Today, I accepted an interview about iOS Engineer in the nan-gang exhibition building. I finally confront my fear about my weakness. Although they seemed to configure that I’m not qualified enough to serve their company, I still felt better than before that I always worried about everything, even that I couldn’t get a good sleep at night. I would be nervous about interview content and doing lot’s of effort. I didn’t understand whether this situation is suitable to current unemployment state. Despite feeble professional ability, I still can pluck up my spirits after getting such depressing thing. I won’t let myself stop at the same point again because lord is my helper.
  I know that I will experience lots of unemployment in great disappointment when I determined to quit the job. I don’t have chance to go back and it’s no time for sorrow. I’ve to avoid this bummer and let me become a decisive man. Forgetting the past and moving on ahead. Don’t let anything bother your will. However, what should I do in order? There were plenty of challenge needed to overcome. Yeah… I often told with these words like don’t and can’ and doubted myself. This feeble spirit has to eliminate from my life.
  When you covet someone’s achievement, you can’t satisfy with your intrinsic worth. Sorrow amplitude will corrupt your bone; however, delight mind cure your soul.
2:49 p.m.
Cost time: 1hr 30 mins


  1. despite prep.不管,儘管,任憑
  2. Feeble a.虛弱的(feeble from sickness),衰弱的,無力的,軟弱的(feeble personality),站不住腳的(his argument is feeble),拙劣無效的,微弱的(feeble cry),薄弱的
  3. 振作 brace one’s heart, brace up, rally, bestir, perk up, pluck up, to be of (good) comfort, gather oneself up, lift up(or raise) one’s head, take heart, pull oneself together.
  4. 傷心 heartbroken, grieve, broken-hearted, sorrowful, be sick at heart, break one’s heart
  5. Grieve v.悲傷,苦惱,哀悼 (= mourn, lament, sorrow)
    e.g. She was grieving for that dead baby.
  6. Lament n.悲痛之情,哀悼,痛哭,哀歌,輓詩,悼詞
    e.g. The widow lamented the death of her only child.
  7. Widow v,n.寡婦,喪偶
    e.g. His widowed mother brought him up.
    (Derivative.) widower n.鰥夫
  8. 失望 lose hope, get the cheese, disappointed, frustrate, disappointment, letdown, frustration
  9. Disappointment n.失望,掃興,沮喪,使失望的人,令人掃興的事
    e.g. He left the station in great disappointment, for (因為) she wasn’t on the train.
  10. 失憶,挫傷 failure, setback, abortion, washout, letdown, frustration, rue, sorrow, disillusionment, disenchantment, bummer, blow
  11. 果斷 resolute, decisive, firm determined, purposeful
    e.g. A decisive person is needed to deal with situation.
  12. 戒 take precaution against, warn, admonish, give up, get rid of , abstain from, refrain from, guard against, avoid
  13. Precaution n.預防,警惕,謹慎,預防措施
    e.g. I took an umbrella as a precaution.
  14. Admonish v.告誡,警告,提醒,勸告,責備
    e.g. My mother admonished me against arrogance(驕傲).
    e.g. His friend admonished him against drinking.
  15. Brake v.煞車
  16. 大量 amplitude, fullness, exuberance, luxuriance, lavishness, prodigality, richness
  17. Lavish a.慷慨的,浪費的,大量地,豐富的,無節制的
  18. 懷疑 doubt, have doubts, mistrust, suspect, discredit, call sth. In question, be dubious of (I’m dubious of her honesty.)
  19. 羨慕 v.admire, envy, covet (垂涎、貪圖、渴望), begrudge (吝惜,嫉妒,羨慕), admiration, envy, jealousy (妒忌、猜忌、戒備、警惕)
  20. Sorrow v,n.悲傷,悲痛 (= grief, sadness, regret, trouble, misfortune, suffering, woe, anguish(v, n.苦惱,極度痛苦), misery, agony(極度痛苦,臨死的痛苦,爆發), remorse(n.痛悔,自責))
    e.g. With remorse and shame, he asked for her forgiveness.
    e.g. She had no remorse about what she had said.
    e.g. They went through the agonies of war and famine.
    e.g. The loss of her son anguished her deeply.
  21. Torment n.痛苦,苦惱,痛苦的根源
    e.g. She is real torment to me.
    e.g. He suffered torments from a bed burn.
    e.g. She torments everyone with her silly questions.
  22. 腐蝕 corrode, etch, erode, corrupt, canker
    e.g. It was power that corrupted him.
  23. Corrupt v.墮落,腐化,腐壞,腐爛
    e.g. Complete power corrupts completely.
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5:41    I felt graceful and peaceful in the coffee shop because I had been losing the warming love inside my heart for a long time after reading bibl
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11:54 a.m.    I slightly arrived at Starbucks late today. I waked up more late day after day gradually. It seems like that I’ve a little tired about
11:17 a.m. In Starbucks Coffee Shop. E   But how should I balance my daily habit? I want to watch TV, play game, do recreational things…You need to so
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Google News 追蹤
Hi 我是 VK~ 在 8 月底寫完〈探索 AI 時代的知識革命:NotebookLM 如何顛覆學習和創作流程?〉後,有機會在 INSIDE POSSIBE 分享兩次「和 NotebookLM 協作如何改變我學習和創作」的主題,剛好最近也有在許多地方聊到關於 NotebookLM 等 AI 工具
國泰CUBE App 整合外幣換匯、基金、證券等服務,提供簡便、低成本的美股定期定額投資解決方案。 5分鐘開戶、低投資門檻,幫助新手輕鬆進軍國際股市;提供人氣排行榜,讓投資人能夠掌握市場趨勢。
看完2024/06/18任天堂直面會後,加入觀察清單的遊戲:《薩爾達傳說 智慧的再現》、《夏爾故事:魔戒™ 遊戲》、《LEGO® 地平線大冒險》、《波與月夜之青蓮》
Nintendo Super Mario系列-小庫巴/庫巴Jr. 介紹任天堂瑪莉歐系列角色的公仔,這隻小庫巴很多關節都是可動的,有很多動作可以做變化
從小時候迷上瑪利歐的遊戲開始,一路玩到現在離不開。 長大後開始蒐集瑪利歐的周邊,在這篇分享了我喜歡的角色以及好幾款瑪利歐公仔。
哇,要說到 Nintendo Wii 的沒落,這也真的蠻可惜的。Wii 在推出初期的時候真的是一個風靡一時的產品,透過其獨特的遙控器和動感操控,吸引了很多非傳統的玩家群體。然而,隨著時間的推移,其他遊戲主機如 PlayStation 和 Xbox 逐漸提升了硬體性能,開始提供更為精緻的遊戲體驗。而
最近想把我的 Switch OLED 帶出門,在挑什麼 Switch 攜帶包比較好,看很多人都推薦 tomtoc,感覺評價挺不錯的,最後決定入手 tomtoc 的玩家首選旅行包 以 Switch OLED 來說有三種選擇......
問題一、使用Switch手把,XY、AB鍵顛倒 PC版初期設定,與Switch的操作設定不一致,例如X變成使用道具、A變成翻滾。個人調整方式如下
Hi 我是 VK~ 在 8 月底寫完〈探索 AI 時代的知識革命:NotebookLM 如何顛覆學習和創作流程?〉後,有機會在 INSIDE POSSIBE 分享兩次「和 NotebookLM 協作如何改變我學習和創作」的主題,剛好最近也有在許多地方聊到關於 NotebookLM 等 AI 工具
國泰CUBE App 整合外幣換匯、基金、證券等服務,提供簡便、低成本的美股定期定額投資解決方案。 5分鐘開戶、低投資門檻,幫助新手輕鬆進軍國際股市;提供人氣排行榜,讓投資人能夠掌握市場趨勢。
看完2024/06/18任天堂直面會後,加入觀察清單的遊戲:《薩爾達傳說 智慧的再現》、《夏爾故事:魔戒™ 遊戲》、《LEGO® 地平線大冒險》、《波與月夜之青蓮》
Nintendo Super Mario系列-小庫巴/庫巴Jr. 介紹任天堂瑪莉歐系列角色的公仔,這隻小庫巴很多關節都是可動的,有很多動作可以做變化
從小時候迷上瑪利歐的遊戲開始,一路玩到現在離不開。 長大後開始蒐集瑪利歐的周邊,在這篇分享了我喜歡的角色以及好幾款瑪利歐公仔。
哇,要說到 Nintendo Wii 的沒落,這也真的蠻可惜的。Wii 在推出初期的時候真的是一個風靡一時的產品,透過其獨特的遙控器和動感操控,吸引了很多非傳統的玩家群體。然而,隨著時間的推移,其他遊戲主機如 PlayStation 和 Xbox 逐漸提升了硬體性能,開始提供更為精緻的遊戲體驗。而
最近想把我的 Switch OLED 帶出門,在挑什麼 Switch 攜帶包比較好,看很多人都推薦 tomtoc,感覺評價挺不錯的,最後決定入手 tomtoc 的玩家首選旅行包 以 Switch OLED 來說有三種選擇......
問題一、使用Switch手把,XY、AB鍵顛倒 PC版初期設定,與Switch的操作設定不一致,例如X變成使用道具、A變成翻滾。個人調整方式如下