Fifth English Writing Diary

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11:17 a.m. In Starbucks Coffee Shop.
  But how should I balance my daily habit? I want to watch TV, play game, do recreational things…You need to solve with longly temper. Lots of things is boring, they can’t really satisfy your feeling all the time… Why do people still stay in library, even they have four successive rest? Do they have the same issues as me? Why are they so hardworking now?
  OK, I recorded a video called “請先說你好” that I enjoyed in playing guitar with my favorite songs. I felt lots of happiness when I found what is my real joyful matters, e.g., singing, riding bicycle, reading spiritual books, pray, and etc. These things brought lot’s of gratification and release pressure in my entire body. I always take much expectation to myself, so it let me can’t breathe, and then I will forgive abandon the anticipation finally(= eventually). It’s a sad thing to hear that.
   I didn’t want to lose anybody( =anyone), but my mom sent a message via line, which told that you should let other win sometimes, because it didn’t have enough value to ruin relationship, just in order to benefit yourself in small thing. I could realize the sentence meaning, but it’s really hard to execute practically. I still a selfish man. Hmm… But I have will to change my defect now; nevertheless, I still need to make more efforts on lots of things.
   I need to finish some works today. Cheer up!
12:16 p.m. Friday, April.
Cost time: 1 hr (including examination time)

Vocabulaires and References:

etc. means “et cetera” (= and so on, and so forth)
Joyful a.高興的,令人喜悅的 (elated)
Gratification n.喜悅,滿足,滿意,可喜的事物 (= satisfaction, pleasure, enjoyment)
Entire a.全部的 (= whole, complete, total, overall)
Myself pron. 我自己,我親自,我本人,我的情緒
e.g. I’m teaching myself again.
-> I myself wrote the report.
-> I’ll take to her myself.
-> I’m feeling myself again.
Tension n.拉緊,繃緊,緊張,張力,電壓
e.g. The tension was so great that the rope broke.
-> He is suffering from nervous tension.
Forgive v.原諒
Anticipate v.預期,期望,搶先
(Deriv.) Anticipation n.
Nevertheless conj. 但是(= yet, notwithstanding, however, unless)
But for conj. 要不是
e.g. But for your help, we would
Phrase n.片語,成語,慣用語,措辭,樂句
e.g. She phrased her refusal politely.
-> Try to learn by heart these English words and phrases.
-> The speaker certainly has a way with a phrase.
副詞連接詞( Adverbial conjunction): 是兼有副詞作用的連接詞,用來連接合句中的兩個對等子句。
Usage: 通常以分號和逗號加諸於副詞連接詞前後,並置於兩個獨立子句之中。
  • 此外,而且:moreover, furthermore, besides,
  • 然而,可是:however, nevertheless, still
  • 因此,所以:hence, therefore, accordingly, finally, consequently
  • 有選擇意謂:instead, otherwise
  • 同時:meanwhile
  • 有強調意謂:in fact, indeed

    He rarely seems to study; nevertheless, he always gets the highest score in the class.

    A while ago, a moment ago, just now, exactly, only, only just, hardly 剛剛
exactly adv.確切地,精確地,完全地,恰好地,完全正確
e.g. Tell me exactly where she lives.
-> That’s exactly what I expected.
Not exactly 根本不,並沒有,不完全
e.g. We’re not exactly driving fast.
-> That’s not exactly what I had in mind.
Slightly , rather, trifle, a bit, a little adv.稍微地,輕微地,瘦小,纖細地,嬌弱地
e.g. White wine should be slightly chilled.
Chill n.寒氣,風寒,掃興,
e.g. The chill of autumn is in the air.
Troop n.部隊
undergo v.經歷,忍受
e.g. You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before experiencing success.
-> All the freshmen will undergo a physical examination.
Mime的沙龍 的其他內容
 11:52 a.m.Thursday in April 4   It’s really hard to insist on personal thought all the time, in the other words, I still need to follow up this worl
  一轉身誰能把感慨拋在腦後,在事過境遷後 過去了又改變什麼,濃情愛戀突然陌生了.. 我不恨妳了,甚至原諒妳的殘忍理由... 聽 Tanya 唱歌,是種療癒讓人忘記時間,沈入回憶漩渦一圈一圈,直達鎖在內心深處的黑暗。 ”我好愛妳” 不管你怎麼做,聲嘶力竭、拋棄自尊、丟失自我、墜入絕望深淵、行屍走
08:34 Start Today, I waked up at 6:00 o’clock probabaly. It’s a little not expecting matter, because I hope that I can adjust to get up earlier like 5
About TOEFL iBT:   The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The entire test is about four hours long, and a
Counting time:25mins Current time: 02:36    This is the secondary second diary which was written today. I changed to library to implement with it. Aft
Writing Target: Practicing brainstorming in English and writing article without doing other things like looking up vocabularies and concentrating with
 11:52 a.m.Thursday in April 4   It’s really hard to insist on personal thought all the time, in the other words, I still need to follow up this worl
  一轉身誰能把感慨拋在腦後,在事過境遷後 過去了又改變什麼,濃情愛戀突然陌生了.. 我不恨妳了,甚至原諒妳的殘忍理由... 聽 Tanya 唱歌,是種療癒讓人忘記時間,沈入回憶漩渦一圈一圈,直達鎖在內心深處的黑暗。 ”我好愛妳” 不管你怎麼做,聲嘶力竭、拋棄自尊、丟失自我、墜入絕望深淵、行屍走
08:34 Start Today, I waked up at 6:00 o’clock probabaly. It’s a little not expecting matter, because I hope that I can adjust to get up earlier like 5
About TOEFL iBT:   The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The entire test is about four hours long, and a
Counting time:25mins Current time: 02:36    This is the secondary second diary which was written today. I changed to library to implement with it. Aft
Writing Target: Practicing brainstorming in English and writing article without doing other things like looking up vocabularies and concentrating with
Google News 追蹤
快到家之前,要先生放我在便利商店下車。 「幹嘛?」 我想買罐啤酒。 依舊是忙亂不堪的一天。早上的咖啡還沒喝完,就講了一個鐘頭的電話,和設計師討論棘手的案子。 講完電話已耗盡元氣,但還得打起精神,處理雜務,然後出門陪爸爸回診。 看完診,接著趕往北投,陪老師洽談一件合作案。告辭時,天已黑。
現在就去做你最想做的事 人生在世總會對某些事、某個人有些看法或想法,然而也總會因故而有些猶猶疑疑,有些拖拖拉拉,有些惶惶恐恐,有些畏畏縮縮…,結果就這樣錯過了、空過了。事後回想,難免有些後悔,有些懊惱,但也已經來不及了,追不回了。 晨起聽戴西的《當下集市》Vol.17,題為:「勇敢一點,現在就去
這是一篇廢廢的心靈打氣文章,當然是為了我自己打氣,如果你過得很好,可以離開不用看,但如果你最近低潮,希望我的經歷能為你打氣,也希望這些文字能給你一點溫暖和療癒。 生活就是建立在各種小事上。 一早起來習慣列一下今天的代辦事項,說是代辦事項,但現在正在放長假,所以代辦事項也只是今天中午要煮什
快到家之前,要先生放我在便利商店下車。 「幹嘛?」 我想買罐啤酒。 依舊是忙亂不堪的一天。早上的咖啡還沒喝完,就講了一個鐘頭的電話,和設計師討論棘手的案子。 講完電話已耗盡元氣,但還得打起精神,處理雜務,然後出門陪爸爸回診。 看完診,接著趕往北投,陪老師洽談一件合作案。告辭時,天已黑。
現在就去做你最想做的事 人生在世總會對某些事、某個人有些看法或想法,然而也總會因故而有些猶猶疑疑,有些拖拖拉拉,有些惶惶恐恐,有些畏畏縮縮…,結果就這樣錯過了、空過了。事後回想,難免有些後悔,有些懊惱,但也已經來不及了,追不回了。 晨起聽戴西的《當下集市》Vol.17,題為:「勇敢一點,現在就去
這是一篇廢廢的心靈打氣文章,當然是為了我自己打氣,如果你過得很好,可以離開不用看,但如果你最近低潮,希望我的經歷能為你打氣,也希望這些文字能給你一點溫暖和療癒。 生活就是建立在各種小事上。 一早起來習慣列一下今天的代辦事項,說是代辦事項,但現在正在放長假,所以代辦事項也只是今天中午要煮什