Emma: I think this kind of advertisement is not suitable to post on IG.
Coco: No, I don’t agree with you. IG is used by most of the young-aged now.
Emma: I don’t mean it. I mean the post should be better presented on FB since we need the readers who has adequate amount of reading ...... (艾瑪:我不是這樣說的。我意思是這則貼文放在FB的效果比較好,因為我們傾向鎖定的族群是閱讀量比較多的....... )
Coco: Yeh, I know, yeh. You don’t use IG that often. I understand it.
Emma: No! That is not because I don’t use it often so I don‘t suggest IG. I don’t suggest it because our advertisement need the customers to...
(艾瑪:什麼鬼! 我不推IG跟我不常用IG有什麼關係!不推的原因是因為我們的廣告是需要我們的客戶.....)
Zoe: I agree with Emma. I know what she meant.
(柔伊:其實我懂艾瑪的用意。 ) Coco: Of course you know what she meant.... You belongs to the same age group!!
(可可:你當然懂她啊,你們年齡相近嘛~ ) Emma: WHAT!I AM ONLY 1 YEAR OLDER THAN YOU! You are 10 and I am 11!
(艾瑪:你在說什麼?我們才差一歲不是嗎?妳十歲,我十一歲啊~) Coco: 12 months counts a lot~~ (可可:12個月可不是開玩笑的多誒~ )
Emma:It differs from level to level. It doesn‘t matter. Let‘s stay at where we are.
艾瑪: 其實,level 無港款啦。你聽無也唔差。不港款ㄟ人麥講太多卡不會破病。
讓我們一句打趴所有淺薄。敬 It differs 這個句型!乾杯~~