我握著Emily Dickinson的詩,躺臥在用兩百元買到的二手床上,對我來說那跟新的一樣。我盯著蒙上一層灰色的白色天花板,用淺顯易懂的英文與上帝對話:
“Dear Father, I’m tired of feeling everything in this world. you must know why I feel bad about it. I’m not happy with my life, I just complained about too many things that I’ve been through. But I really need a word, a message, or a way that you give it to me. I need you to guide me to bright one..... Just gives me some messages to prove that I really exist in this world. Now I just take a book written by Emily Dickinson, please just give me one point. I‘m begging for this moment, Father. I love you, in your name, amen.”
“One of the ones that Midas touched...”
當然,我無法完全理解這首詩的意含,Emily Dickinson的來歷我一無所知,只是在焦慮的這個深夜,我莫名地將它拿起,期許這個世界還存有一些希望。