To Create A Life You Want, Focus On These...

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3 Things, Especially In Your 20’s — The best time to build the foundation for your life.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash
Lately, I started a new side hustle, interviewing startup founders, entrepreneurs about how they launched their careers.
One of the people I asked, Taker, my mentor, shared life experience, career journey with me. He created an online course teaching people to build the website step by step and ultimately help his student create a life they want which means living a financial freedom life.
I learned the first step is to learn a SKILL.
Helping people, making people’s life easier, exchange for money is a win-win approach and it’s not impossible to make it happen.
Living on my own terms, leaving the office working style, 9–5 jobs I don’t like to commit have been always my plan, my dream. So I started trying new things on the side.
One night, I had a casual talk with my Dad, I don’t know where is the idea came from, I simply asked him: “ Dad, would you ask your ex-girlfriend why she decided to break up with you?“
He said “No“ at first, “You should know before that happens, or there are signs you might be just overlooked, or you just too dumb or not much care about your relationships.”
I asked: “But what if I just don’t know what went wrong, how could I improve if I don’t ask her why?“
Dad responds: “You could ask her, but my point is you should know what went wrong in your relationship.“
Then the conversation leads to more broadly.
“Son, you know what, the part of falling in love is easy. You’re 24 now, dating a girl is not the hard part. When talks about committing to a new relationship, you still can’t run from the essential things:
“Taking good care of yourself. Financially and Physical”
“Build a career you want or make sustainable money at least”
“Being kind to people“
It got me thinking, I mentioned two casual conversations for a reason,
it implies something here, a pattern.
Have you ever read the book, “The Tools Of Titans” written by Tim Ferris?
If yes, do you still remember how Tim arranges the order of the chapters?
No? give it a try! the books are full of great amounts of advice on life, career. But, keep in mind that there is no one size fits all advice. However, being open-minded to give new ideas a try to see what works for you is not a bad idea.
The reason I mentioned this is because I noticed that the order of the chapters goes like this:
  1. Health
  2. Wealth
  3. Wisdom
These exactly are the fundamental ingredients to create the life you want. Without any of them, you need to slow down and pay attention to building them patiently.


As you know, one of the best investments you can make is an investment in your health.

People full of energy could achieve anything. How?
The way to be in that state is to start taking care of your body seriously.
There is a reason why training your body, physically, not simply just for better body shape. The process of training is uncomfortable, it helps you build resilience, and finally, through the process, it would gradually build a strong mind, mentally strong. which are the traits normal people lack but could be developed.
I work out at the gym every single day, just 1 hour, sometimes 25 minutes.
Make time, you have 8 hours to binge-watching Nextflix, don’t have 25 minutes to do something else? Stop making some shit excuses.
it’s one of the great investments in the long term. Also, I can find peace from it.
Training muscle needs focus, somehow a perfect alternative way to meditate.
The additional value is to get a good shape and help me build more confidence, it expands to other areas of my life.


We could make lots of money in many different ways. The wealth means you could support your own life, live the way you want, being independent.
Some people think making more and more money is good, I don’t think that’s totally wrong, but it’s not totally right. When I hear people say their dream is making a lot of money without a specific goal and how they’re going to take advantage of it, they usually mean they just need a sense of security.
After trying and making lots of stupid career decisions, I start following my heart, the voice in my head, the intuition. I look in the inner self and it makes me feel more peaceful, not much anxious like years ago. I need to focus on myself.
Looking for something that excites you or at least you don’t hate about it, build a career around it.
Be patient.


How to be wiser? Making bad decisions get you more experience. The more experiences you have, the wiser you are.
it came from experiences, everyone has their own unique experiences. That would turn into your unique advantages or even shape the way how you view the world.
Wisdom is not about knowing everything, it’s about knowing who you are, making the choice that works for you, and how you respond to those life struggles, challenges.

Closing Thoughts

Nobody is coming to save you. Start building the foundation intentionally.
The doctor can’t save you if you keep sticking with bad habits and being weak physically and mentally.
The trainer you hired can’t help you build a strong, healthy body if you don’t show up at the gym, lying on the couch.
Parents can’t keep feeding your mouth when they get older if you still do nothing to support yourself, let alone build a career or try new ideas?
God can’t help you grow if you keep staying fixed-minded.

The only one who could save yourself is YOU.

Start building foundation TODAY.
粗臂賽門 的其他內容
你在「想要讓身材變得更好」的層面上要死要活的拼命運動,我卻開始在「持續下去」的層面上耐心耕耘。 你真的了解你處在什麼樣的賽局之中?你真的清楚你在玩什麼遊戲嗎?
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如果你有某件熱愛的事情,想將它轉變成創業題目,不是不可能。 但首先,你需要先做一件違反直覺的事:與其把事情過度複雜化,不如想想看可以先從什麼地方開始著手。
你在「想要讓身材變得更好」的層面上要死要活的拼命運動,我卻開始在「持續下去」的層面上耐心耕耘。 你真的了解你處在什麼樣的賽局之中?你真的清楚你在玩什麼遊戲嗎?
「我到底剛剛他 X 的在幹嘛?」剛掛掉與小紐約披薩老闆的電話後,我不斷對自己狂罵,藉此掩蓋滿腹尷尬之情,當時,我還多少有些害怕。
如果你有某件熱愛的事情,想將它轉變成創業題目,不是不可能。 但首先,你需要先做一件違反直覺的事:與其把事情過度複雜化,不如想想看可以先從什麼地方開始著手。
Google News 追蹤
時常在腦中產生許多思緒,可是卻沒能很好的整理出來變成文章分享,一部分可能是時間不夠用。 我通常在思緒產生的當下,會用手機記事本App-Google keep或notion紀錄,想說之後再統整好,寫成文章來分享,可是遇到很大的狀況是,其實根本沒有後續的創作,想著想著也覺得很可惜。 突然靈光一閃,或
相信每人都曾因選校、選科系感到迷惘. 亦或者在職涯是否該轉職、換跑道,都有許多的問號。《發現你的天職》這本書,作者深入點出一些對於尋找自己熱愛的事的誤解,引導讀者探索他們的內在潛能,解鎖人生的意義。並用清楚的邏輯架構引領讀者找到自己的天職。 這本書都將成為你探索和實現職業使命的不可或缺的指南。
其實我一直覺得我知道自己只需要付出行動並且堅持下去就好,但幾乎每一年,我都會再度陷入困惑與迷惘,好像非得要有個老公以外的人來明確告訴我,我的能力並不差只是我把自己看得太微不足道了,以及我該如何去落實,我的行動。 怎麼會找上 Life coach? Life coach 是什麼? 在對談
我們在生活當中,可能會遇到一些瓶頸,像是經常有人會說:「我不知道自己在幹嘛」、「我對生活好像失去了熱情」,此時如果找到一個不錯的「人生教練」,就有機會幫你梳理現狀、排解問題,並幫助你找到人生下一個目標或新的方向。 關於「人生教練」(Life Coach)的起源,大部分公認的版本是 1980 年
《重啟人生》的作者Arthur Brooks提出了三個練習,讓我們不會在人生終止時留下後悔與遺憾。這些包括事先分配時間,做核心要務和聰明投資。關注這些關係帶來的回報,而不是看我們自己的方便。
人生、事業、成功……這些東西跟進夜店的道理是一樣的。 想進門,你可以走人最多的第一道門,想出頭全憑本事; 富二代可以走專用的第二道門; 不過,沒有人告訴過你,還有傳說的第三道門存在。 作者只是一個19歲的大學生,用採訪比爾蓋茲的旅程, 告訴我們什麼是第三道門。
時常在腦中產生許多思緒,可是卻沒能很好的整理出來變成文章分享,一部分可能是時間不夠用。 我通常在思緒產生的當下,會用手機記事本App-Google keep或notion紀錄,想說之後再統整好,寫成文章來分享,可是遇到很大的狀況是,其實根本沒有後續的創作,想著想著也覺得很可惜。 突然靈光一閃,或
相信每人都曾因選校、選科系感到迷惘. 亦或者在職涯是否該轉職、換跑道,都有許多的問號。《發現你的天職》這本書,作者深入點出一些對於尋找自己熱愛的事的誤解,引導讀者探索他們的內在潛能,解鎖人生的意義。並用清楚的邏輯架構引領讀者找到自己的天職。 這本書都將成為你探索和實現職業使命的不可或缺的指南。
其實我一直覺得我知道自己只需要付出行動並且堅持下去就好,但幾乎每一年,我都會再度陷入困惑與迷惘,好像非得要有個老公以外的人來明確告訴我,我的能力並不差只是我把自己看得太微不足道了,以及我該如何去落實,我的行動。 怎麼會找上 Life coach? Life coach 是什麼? 在對談
我們在生活當中,可能會遇到一些瓶頸,像是經常有人會說:「我不知道自己在幹嘛」、「我對生活好像失去了熱情」,此時如果找到一個不錯的「人生教練」,就有機會幫你梳理現狀、排解問題,並幫助你找到人生下一個目標或新的方向。 關於「人生教練」(Life Coach)的起源,大部分公認的版本是 1980 年
《重啟人生》的作者Arthur Brooks提出了三個練習,讓我們不會在人生終止時留下後悔與遺憾。這些包括事先分配時間,做核心要務和聰明投資。關注這些關係帶來的回報,而不是看我們自己的方便。
人生、事業、成功……這些東西跟進夜店的道理是一樣的。 想進門,你可以走人最多的第一道門,想出頭全憑本事; 富二代可以走專用的第二道門; 不過,沒有人告訴過你,還有傳說的第三道門存在。 作者只是一個19歲的大學生,用採訪比爾蓋茲的旅程, 告訴我們什麼是第三道門。