Powerful Lessons You Can’t Afford To Ignore

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It is so simple but people are still looking for the “secret”.

Twenty more years went so far in my life.
I’ve been living a life with default mode — consuming pieces of information from others, from the internet.
It made me anxious, made me feel I am useless. Slipping through a whole bunch of time — struggling, thinking, talking, lying on the couch, yelling, burn out, and still DO NOTHING.
Inspiring stories are everywhere.
Inspiring means something, someone or some stories make you think then do something.
Most of the time, people including myself just feel inspiring then forget to take actions, apply learnings, ideas into our own game, our own life.
We all default to pursuing a better version of ourselves. Becoming better and better.
How? Start taking action.
So, let’s start with the small experiment.

On Experiment

I am the guy — Thinking ambitiously but with tiny action.
Every time I thought it’s time to change. Here are words in my head — I’m lazy, I just want to stay at home, do nothing, I feel tired easily, forget it, I can’t do it.
Changing is slowly add-up, small tweak, it takes time, it’s a continuous process.
How could we start changing?
Giving yourself a chance to start any short-time period of the experiment.
There was a time, I binge eating, whenever I feel stressed out, I eat randomly to comfort myself.
You know what they said — To destroy is easier than to create, to build.
Getting fat, more than 220 pounds is easy to predict until I can’t stand it anymore.
Time to change. I start a small experiment for only one to two months.
I started back to the gym and adjust how I eat.
Guess what?
Small wins could build up confidence and it would expand to other areas of your life.
After that, I wrote emotionally, document this journey and lessons learned.
It resonates with people, mo matter friends I knew, or strangers on the internet. This experiment gives me a chance to see what’s possible.

On Consume vs. Create

Consuming inspiring information is great, but before that, I want to create more. I don’t know why, maybe creating is something wired into humans.
When talking about creating, I mean producing everything from you.
Not strict to any specific form.
It could be writing down your thoughts, emotions, ideas, write it then show it to your friend, to the world, or simply just write it down on paper, in your lovely notebook.
It could be recording yourself, your voice. Telling a joke, an inspiring story, or acting, publishing on the internet, putting it together as a video or podcast, whatever you want, or simply upload it, share it with friends without any editing.
It’s not about what medium you leverage, it’s about actually creating something.
In the past, in the morning, I usually scrolling the phone for no reason, consuming news or feeds on social media. Turns out, it makes me feel anxious or even worse, jealous.
Now, I want to live a life with more intention.
I want to take back attention. Focusing on myself.
Stop scrolling the phone. Start creating something, anything.Creating before Consuming.

On Goals vs. Systems

I read a book named “ How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life” written by Scott Adams.
It’s been six months now, I hit the gym, training every single day. Thanks to this book.
You know what’s really inspiring means? Like I said in the beginning, it makes you think then do something but most of the time, people just feel inspiring then do nothing.
This book obviously inspiring me.
I really excited to share one of the great insights from Scott Adams.
Please be careful reading on, because it would slowly change how you see things, ultimately might change your life.
It is powerful.
A goal is a specific objective that you either achieve or don’t sometime in the future.

A system is something you do on a regular basis that increases your odds of happiness in the long run.

If you do something every day, its a system. If you’re waiting to achieve it someday in the future, it’s a goal.

If you achieve your goal, you celebrate and feel terrific, but only until you realize you just lost the thing that gave you purpose and direction. Your options are to feel empty and useless, perhaps enjoying the spoils of your success until they bore you, or set new goals and re-enter the cycle of permanent pre-success failure.

All I’m suggesting is that thinking of goals and systems as very different concepts has power.

Goal-oriented people exist in a state of continuous pre-success failure at best, and permanent failure at worst if things never work out.

Systems people succeed every time they apply their systems, in the sense that they did what they intended to do.

The goals people are fighting the feeling of discouragement at each turn.

The systems people are feeling good every time they apply their system.

That’s a big difference in terms of maintaining your personal energy in the right direction. — Scott Adams
What’s interesting happen to me personally is, I know we, people have different emotions every single day. My approach is not to be a robot or ditch the emotions entirely.
My approach is knowing emotions does exist, emotions would coming to me sometimes randomly, but it’s okay.
You probably feel more exhausted after working all day long than the other day, then you think, you don’t want to go to the gym or don’t want to do something at that time.
You know yourself better than anyone, you either sleep, wake up earlier, avoid working out after working all day long.
The point is to adjust your lifestyle to properly match the systems you intend to build is your own responsibility.
Keep complaining, making more and more excuses to make yourself feel better is totally wasting your time.
Photo by Kyle Johnson on Unsplash

On Perspective Shift

The most powerful things I observed, learn from the insight — “ Goals vs. Systems ” is more beyond it — Perspective shift.
I start seeing hit the gym as a routine, a habit, a default mode.
I start seeing building muscle is not just for growing it — It is a way to help me develop the ability to focus at the moment, an alternative way to meditate, a way to bring me more inner peace.
Once I actually change the perspective, I start focusing on different things, it accidentally becomes my own habit, a lifestyle.
As they said, a well-known adage,
Perception is reality. How we see something becomes our truth, which can sometimes be self-limiting.
Changing perspective is the most powerful thing in the world, it would ultimately change your life.
You want the secrets to life, to success?
Stop wasting time, you won’t find it out until you start living it.

馬斯卡彭 的其他內容
這週五即將要迎接新的一年了,你準備好了嗎?為你整理出 3 篇這週我發現的好內容 、2 句值得深思的話、1 個想和你分享的想法或小故事,跟 1 個問題,留給你想想。
我們習慣被一種思維受限:別人怎麼做有效果,我們就照著做,應該會有用吧? 對,我相信有些適用,但事實上,事情不完全是這樣子運作。 在未知的道路上,你也可以發揮創意,彈性的嘗試不同的方法,因為通往成功的道路不是單一制式的。
念歷史系以後能幹嘛?能賺錢嗎? 一直以來,我醉心於中國歷史,對於特別感興趣的歷史事件,總能牢記於心,甚至會自動自發的背上幾首詩詞,應用在作文考試上,博得國文老師的歡心。 進入大學就讀的前夕,我並沒有選擇認真看待這個內心的選項 - 就讀歷史系。在被親戚、家人的反問下,我急了。
迎接第 25 年的人生,不知道是我太敏感,還是自命清高,總是想像個哲學家一樣自問一時之間難以回答的大問題,又或者只不過是對未來的不確定而感到恐懼、不安,讓我不時會在心裡自問 (也可以說是胡思亂想): 「要是我明天,不,要是我今天,今天下午,或下一秒就發生意外,不幸離世了,該怎麼辦?」
這週五即將要迎接新的一年了,你準備好了嗎?為你整理出 3 篇這週我發現的好內容 、2 句值得深思的話、1 個想和你分享的想法或小故事,跟 1 個問題,留給你想想。
我們習慣被一種思維受限:別人怎麼做有效果,我們就照著做,應該會有用吧? 對,我相信有些適用,但事實上,事情不完全是這樣子運作。 在未知的道路上,你也可以發揮創意,彈性的嘗試不同的方法,因為通往成功的道路不是單一制式的。
念歷史系以後能幹嘛?能賺錢嗎? 一直以來,我醉心於中國歷史,對於特別感興趣的歷史事件,總能牢記於心,甚至會自動自發的背上幾首詩詞,應用在作文考試上,博得國文老師的歡心。 進入大學就讀的前夕,我並沒有選擇認真看待這個內心的選項 - 就讀歷史系。在被親戚、家人的反問下,我急了。
迎接第 25 年的人生,不知道是我太敏感,還是自命清高,總是想像個哲學家一樣自問一時之間難以回答的大問題,又或者只不過是對未來的不確定而感到恐懼、不安,讓我不時會在心裡自問 (也可以說是胡思亂想): 「要是我明天,不,要是我今天,今天下午,或下一秒就發生意外,不幸離世了,該怎麼辦?」
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This morning started with a sudden rain when i was still in bed. Raindrops hit the leaves in the yard, like dancing spirits. Thanks God!
I listened to the audio clip with two purposes. One was to motivate myself when i was jogging; the other one was to train myself for better skill
不要急著進場買股,等我指示開始實戰練習,再開始操作。 市場不會跑掉不用擔心。當然我對你並沒有任何強制力,但這是我認為對你最好的建議,你可以選擇聽或不聽。我們今天要談的是價格位階的意義,以及位階的決定方法,也就是「線的畫法」。
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Crypto futures are the "next big thing" – and leading exchanges don't hesitate to adopt them. New York, NY - June 14, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - Recently,
#自我成長 #人際關係 #領導力 一直以來…我們總是追求…Powerful… 但卻常常變成…我想Powerful…卻被教訓… 總是有更Powerful的人…來讓我體會…我的渺小…   有一個新的發現… 就是…先Adorable…才能…Powerful… 當我Adorable…變
This morning started with a sudden rain when i was still in bed. Raindrops hit the leaves in the yard, like dancing spirits. Thanks God!
I listened to the audio clip with two purposes. One was to motivate myself when i was jogging; the other one was to train myself for better skill
不要急著進場買股,等我指示開始實戰練習,再開始操作。 市場不會跑掉不用擔心。當然我對你並沒有任何強制力,但這是我認為對你最好的建議,你可以選擇聽或不聽。我們今天要談的是價格位階的意義,以及位階的決定方法,也就是「線的畫法」。