閱讀時間約 6 分鐘


Kuan Yin


Isn’t it nice to know you have another chance for a new start every year? Or every moment?

1. Give up something you know is not good for you.
You don’t have to be dramatic about it. Just do it. If you slip on your discipline a week later, just try again, quietly.

2. Eat more raw food.
It’s healthier, better for the planet, gives you incredible energy, and makes you want to dance, and by the way…

3. Take up (or re-commit to) meditation practice.
I know, I’m biased. But meditation change your perspective. If you want to make a shift in your life, settle down and watch your breath. Just try it. If you already have a practice, look at it again and see if it’s working.

5. Stop gossiping.
Negativity breeds negativity. So guess what? Positivity breeds positivity. You choose.

6. Get some physical exercise every day.
It’s your only body–you only get one this time around. Take good care of it.

7. Smile more.
If necessary, on those days when it is not forthcoming on its own, turn up the corners of your lips and soften your eyes. You will be amazed at how effective this is.

8. Learn the power of silence.
Turn off all (I mean ALL) of your gadgets and notice what is happening around you. And while you are at it…

9. Spend more time in nature.
Mother earth supports you. Appreciate her and she will reward you with gifts: a sunset, a shower of rain, a frog chorus, a symphony of rustling leaves. But she won’t come to you; you have to go to her. She’s just that way.

10. Practice generosity.
Donate to charities, give to beggars, support good causes, just because it is the kind thing to do. If you truly (be honest with yourself) don’t have the means to make financial offerings, donate your time or attention. It helps you to appreciate the fact that you are rich enough to be give. Or, if you prefer, stew in your poverty mentality. But if you choose that, then please…

11. Stop whining.
You all know. It’s hard. Practice gratitude instead. You can do it.

12. Find a purpose.
Your intention guides you through life. Are your goals in line with your values? Ask what you truly want out of life, and contemplate whether your current activities support that.

13. Love more.
Appreciate your family, friends, and colleagues even when– especially when– they bug you. Offer praise –tell them what inspires you about them. One authentic compliment can boost a person’s day, but it boosts your own day even more. And don’t forget to LOVE YOURSELF, lavishly–not in the gooey sense, but really, do you have to be so hard on yourself? Give it a break! 365 days of this and you’ve got a stellar year ahead of you. So…

14. Relax and Enjoy!
Go ahead, you can.


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    從肉食者轉化到素食者這個過程,當然遭受了很多奇怪的反應和對待。一開始我已經給自己打預防針,知道自己將要失去甚麼。像是很多人可能不會找你一起出去吃飯,吃素或改變自己先失去的是社交。當然你也在這種時候獲得真正的朋友。 The transition from carnivore to vegetar
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    熟識的美髮師在七月份毅然決然離開長達將近二十五年的美髮工作,然後北漂然後北漂的工作跟美髮毫無關連。很配服他的選擇,也很好奇他當下是怎麼分析判斷的,因為中年有勇氣轉職已經非常不容易,更何況還是完全零經驗的工作。 人的一生中都會遇到大大小小的選擇,小到中餐要吃什麼?大到結婚生子買房等等,尤其是遇到重大選
    13歲時,我自己挑了Ivy當英文名字。當時覺得只要簡單好記就行了,後來才知道ivy是常春藤的意思。很多年後,聖靈藉著我的英文名字對我說…… 【I是I am who I am】 【I是天梯】 【I是道路】 【I是橋樑】 【I是十字架】
    最近神力女超人的電影要上映了 回顧一下第一集的感動吧 電影的主軸不像Harry Potter一般 一直say love卻始終讓人摸不著頭緒 愛到底哪裡強大 也不像Carol一般 有著明確的議題 在一個明確的大旗底下 深藏許多深情 Wander Woman 彷彿就是講我們自己一樣一樣 小時候 我們
    Would you be able to walk? Wrong irritation and stoutness, 1 exercise revised back  Pick a protected spot, stand and hold the yoga ball on one knee,
    本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
    想成為一個備受大家喜愛的人。 But it’s too hard to do. 雖然知道沒辦法人人都喜愛,但要符合大眾眼光真難。 或許我註定成為一個異類。 what was I made for… I still do not know who I am n how to live. 生
    從肉食者轉化到素食者這個過程,當然遭受了很多奇怪的反應和對待。一開始我已經給自己打預防針,知道自己將要失去甚麼。像是很多人可能不會找你一起出去吃飯,吃素或改變自己先失去的是社交。當然你也在這種時候獲得真正的朋友。 The transition from carnivore to vegetar
    Anson Seabra - Supposed To Be a Love Song "The city's never seen a love like ours We were teenage dreams, we were movie stars"
    In this rollicking comedy set, he roasts society's obsession with billionaires -- and offers an alternative way to leave a legacy.
    熟識的美髮師在七月份毅然決然離開長達將近二十五年的美髮工作,然後北漂然後北漂的工作跟美髮毫無關連。很配服他的選擇,也很好奇他當下是怎麼分析判斷的,因為中年有勇氣轉職已經非常不容易,更何況還是完全零經驗的工作。 人的一生中都會遇到大大小小的選擇,小到中餐要吃什麼?大到結婚生子買房等等,尤其是遇到重大選
    13歲時,我自己挑了Ivy當英文名字。當時覺得只要簡單好記就行了,後來才知道ivy是常春藤的意思。很多年後,聖靈藉著我的英文名字對我說…… 【I是I am who I am】 【I是天梯】 【I是道路】 【I是橋樑】 【I是十字架】
    最近神力女超人的電影要上映了 回顧一下第一集的感動吧 電影的主軸不像Harry Potter一般 一直say love卻始終讓人摸不著頭緒 愛到底哪裡強大 也不像Carol一般 有著明確的議題 在一個明確的大旗底下 深藏許多深情 Wander Woman 彷彿就是講我們自己一樣一樣 小時候 我們
    Would you be able to walk? Wrong irritation and stoutness, 1 exercise revised back  Pick a protected spot, stand and hold the yoga ball on one knee,