在澳門的素食者/How is it like to be a vegetarian in Macao

2023/11/02閱讀時間約 6 分鐘


The transition from carnivore to vegetarian has elicited enough peculiar reactions from my surroundings. Before making this decision, I had already prepared myself for some of the things that would occur as a result, and I am aware of what I am going to lose after this monumental change in my life. For instance, most people won't even bother to invite you out for dinner or lunch, as they may see it as a burden. They need to consider your preferences all the time. You may lose friends, but at the same time, the ones who remain are your true friends!


I guess most people also receive doubts from others like "are you doing this for losing weight?", or "is it about religion?" or "come eat meat together, forget about being a vegetarian".

我不再去口頭解釋自己為甚麼要吃素, 因為解釋讓我像責怪別人一樣。

I don't verbally explain why I choose to be a vegetarian, as it may come across as if I'm passing judgment on others for their meat-eating habits. I understand this perspective because I was in the same position not too long ago.


For the reasons that someone may want to know.

在還沒看過earthlings之前, 我一直以為自己是個環保的人, 我在荷蘭的時候, 幾乎所有能回收的物品都會洗乾淨再拿去回收或是買二手衣服, 這些舉動使我沾沾自喜, 覺得自己是個足夠環保的人, 可以成為環保小兵. 但看完奶牛陰謀 (Cowsipracy) 和地球公民(Earthlings) 之後, 才發現自己其實甚麼都不懂. 養牛的土地(導致deforestation)和排放的氣體是二氧化碳的十倍, 吃少一點肉可以幫助地球更多. 而且我發現自己長久以來, 把自己的快樂, 建築在其他同樣生活在地球的生物上.

Before watching "Earthlings" and "Cowspiracy," I used to believe that I was an environmentally friendly person because I diligently recycled items that were recyclable. Additionally, during my time in the Netherlands, I made a conscious effort to purchase second-hand clothing. Engaging in these practices brought me a sense of fulfillment, as I felt I was contributing to the betterment of the planet.

However, upon discovering the extent of the damage caused by human activities, I realized that my previous efforts were just scratching the surface. It wasn't only about the waste we thoughtlessly discarded, but also the emissions stemming from livestock farming, particularly cows. This industry is a major contributor to deforestation, and the methane emitted by cows is a greenhouse gas with a potency ten times that of carbon dioxide.

In this realization, I grappled with the fact that while I was enjoying the comforts of my life, I was doing so at the expense of other sentient beings who also have a rightful claim to the Earth's resources.


I have a profound love for the Earth, which is why I chose to become a vegetarian. The reason behind this decision is quite simple.

Iman Kuok
Iman Kuok
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