
更新於 2024/03/30閱讀時間約 19 分鐘





### 1. 文法和句型結構

- **現在時與過去時**:

- 當描述自己來自哪裡時,應使用現在簡單時(如 "I come from Taiwan."),表示一個常態或事實。

- 談論過去發生的事情時,應使用過去簡單時(如 "I went to bed at ten last night.")。

- **助動詞的正確使用**:

- 在回答是否題時,若問句中包含助動詞(如 "do"),則回答中也應包含相應的助動詞(如 "Yes, I do.")。

- **名詞和動詞的一致性**:

- 確保句中的主詞與動詞在數和時態上保持一致(如 "It usually takes me 1 hour to finish my homework.")。

### 2. 單字和短語選擇

- **專業詞匯的正確使用**:

- 使用正確的學科名稱和專業詞匯,如 "PE (physical education)" 而不是 "the PE subject"。

- **活動描述**:

- 使用動名詞形式描述活動(如 "I like playing basketball."),這在英語中更自然。

- **時間和地點的表達**:

- 使用準確的時間短語(如 "in the evening", "on the weekend")和地點介詞(如 "from Taiwan", "at school")。

### 3. 避免中式英文的陷阱

- **句型結構的自然性**:

- 避免直接從中文翻譯,例如使用 "I am study the music class."(不自然的結構)而應該說 "I study music at school."(更自然的英文句型)。

- **連貫性和流暢性**:

- 使用連接詞如 "and" 來串聯句子,使之流暢且連貫(如 "I play sports and read books on the weekend.")。

- **疑問句的結構**:

- 確保疑問句的結構正確(如 "What is it called?" 而不是 "What did it called?")。

### 4. 實際練習建議

- **模擬對話**:

- 透過模擬考試情境進行實際練習,如角色扮演、描述圖片或情境回答問題,增加應對各種問題的靈活性。

- **錄音和回顧**:

- 錄下自己的口說練習,之後回顧並檢查語法、詞彙和發音的正確性。

- **廣泛閱讀和聽力訓練**:

- 透過閱讀英文材料和聆聽英語講話來提高語感,了解不同情境下的語言用法。





What is you name?

What is your surname?


Where do you come from?

I’m come from Taiwan. (x)

I come from Taiwan. (O) / I’m from Taiwan. (O)


Do you study English at school?

Yes, I do. I study English at school.


What other subjects(科目) do you study?

I study piano. (x)

I study Chinese, math, geography, PE and music at school.


What subject do you like the best?

I like math THE best because it is interesting.


What do you like about your school?

I like PE classes at school because I can play basketball.


What do you usually do in the evening?

I usually do my homework in the evening.


What time do you usually go to bed?

I usually go to bed at ten o’clock.


What time DID you go to bed last night?

I WENT to bed at ten last night.


How much homework do you usually do?

I usually finish at school. (x)

I usually have homework from two subjects every day.

It takes me 1 to 2 hours to finish my homework.


What sports do you like doing?

I like playing basketball because I like teamwork.

What other things do you do in your free time?

I usually will talking to my friends in my free time. (x)

I usually talk to my friends in my free time. (O)


What other things do you do on the weekend?

I will play sports, reading the books on the weekend. (x)

I play sports and read books on the weekend. (o)


Tell me something about one TV program you like?

I like to watch pokemon cartoons very much.


Group Discussion


What did it called? (x) ANS: It’s called Future World.

What is it called? (o)


How much it is? (x)

How much is it? (o) ANS: It is 35 pounds.


How expensive it is? (x)

Is it expensive? No, it’s only 35 pounds.


How many players can it plays? (x)

How many players can play together? (o) ANS: 2-4 players can play together.


Where did you buy it? (x)

Where can you buy it?

ANS: It can buy in computer shops and supermarkets. (x)

ANS: I can buy in computer shops and supermarkets. (o)


Can I buy it now?

ANS: No, because it is from next week. (x)

ANS: No, it’s on sale next week. You can buy it when it’s cheaper next week.


Exchange the roles


What is it’s name? (o)

What was the magazine’s name? (x)

What is the magazine’s name? (o)

ANS: It’s name is TEENVOICE.


Is it on the website? (o)

Can you read it on the website? (o)

ANS: Yes, you can read it on


What can I read about? (o)

ANS: You can read about interesting stories and page about fashion and music. (?)

ANS: You can read about interesting stories and pages about fashion and music. (?)


What does it cost? (x)

How much does it cost? (o)

ANS: It costs 2 pounds.


When can I buy it? (o)

ANS: You can buy it NOW.


That’s the end of the test.


(26) 劍橋KET口說測驗 - YouTube


(00:01) Oh good afternoon hello can you give me your mark sheets please I'm Jenny cook and this is Yves Regas she will just listen to us now what's your name serozha thank you and your name Yanis thanks charissa what's your surname Fritsche and how do you spell that F R I T s CH I thank you and Yanis what's your surname Fritsche and how do you spell it f R I T s

(01:08) CH I thank you Yanis where do you come from German yes Germany and do you study English at school yes what other subjects do you study here by orderly German lateen sport arts and music what subjects do you like best sport is my favorites up to check subject why you can move you can play a sport football tennis and other sports and cheresa where do you come from I'm from Germany to do you study English at school yes and what other subjects do you study history and biology physic shimmy and sport arts music French math

(02:18) so what do you like about your school um the brakes and yes because you can meet friends and so cheresa what do you usually do in the evenings um I play tennis and meet my friends and play something with my brother or my sister yes what time do you usually go to bed 10 o'clock yes and because um I do my homework in the evening and watch TV and how much homework do you usually do one hour so yes 1/2 hour and yeah Yanis what sports do you like doing and I like football and tennis because

(03:23) football I like ball sports why you move and yeah that's all I like sports what other things do you do in your free time go play football with friends and go to the swimming pool sometimes I make a big chocolate cake and eat it yeah and how often do you make a big chocolate cake one one chocolate kid in one month so one yes so Yanis tell me something about a television program you like I like how I Met Your Mother it's about five friends who make funny things together and one of the person of the five persons tell his

(04:24) kinder his children's um how he meets his mother and I like so um the Big Ben for you too it's about for nerds and one of the Nerds is so crazy makes funny things and cheresa tell me something about what you do the weekends at Saturday morning and I play tennis with my family then I meet some friends into evening or afternoon and Sundays I stay with my family and go to a museum or go swimming with them so like this thank you in the next part you're going to talk to each other cheresa here is some information about a

(05:25) computer game Yanis you don't know anything about the computer game so ask cheresa some questions about it and use these words to help you do you understand so now Yanis asked cheresa your questions about the computer game and sherry say you answer them what call it the computer game and future world it's the computer game expensive and no only 35 pounds how many players can play the computer lives two to four where I can buy the computer game I'm in computer shops and supermarkets can i buy it now and I know it's unsafe from

(06:17) next week thank you can I have the booklets please Yanis here is some information about a teenage magazine cheresa you don't know anything about the teenage magazine so I'll see honest some questions about it and use these words to help you do you understand yes so now cheresa asked hyun-seo questions about the teenage magazine and Yun su answer them and what's the name of the magazine teen voice it's the name and on which website I can't find it www teen voice dot-com what can I read about

(07:13) you can read interesting interesting stories and pages of fashion and music and what does it cost its cost two pounds and when can I buy it you can buy it now every week thank you can I have the booklets please that is the end of the test goodbye bye [Music]

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    剑18写作范文及解析 | Test2 大学专精还是广泛学习 来源:      浏览:212      发布日期:2023-07-12 17:26 【大中小】返回列表   今天,新航道南京雅思培训机构小编带大家一起来看一下剑18写作范文及解析 | Test2 大学专精还是广泛学习。   双边类
    Google News 追蹤
    本文探討了複利效應的重要性,並藉由巴菲特的投資理念,說明如何選擇穩定產生正報酬的資產及長期持有的核心理念。透過定期定額的投資方式,不僅能減少情緒影響,還能持續參與全球股市的發展。此外,文中介紹了使用國泰 Cube App 的便利性及低手續費,幫助投資者簡化投資流程,達成長期穩定增長的財務目標。
    【面試,就是一場唬爛大會】 求職者在面試時,為了獲得公司的青睞,都會表現出自己最自信優秀的那一面。 公司也會為了吸引人才,把最優渥的福利待遇呈現出來 在面試的時候,雙方都講得天花亂墜,到底該如何判斷對方說的是真還是假呢? 【現在,比未來重要!】 我曾在面試時,聽見對方把薪資福利講得很優渥:
    這一家餐廳是TripAdvisor網友評鑑南灣區美食餐廳第九名喔! 峇里島美食推薦 他們的肋排好吃,還有超讚的雞肉咖哩喔! 到了南灣區不能錯過的美食!
    Hai lao động nhập cư người Việt bị tòa án Đài Loan kết án 16 tháng tù vì tham gia nhóm trộm gỗ hoàng đàn trị giá hơn 90.000 USD. 鈺鵬國際管理顧問有限公司
    年輕不懂為何要白紙黑字這麼硬,遇到過不好的人就知道重要性了。 從台北到台南中間其實有許多的租房經驗,說真的在這之間,可以看到城市中的縮影,各種人各種好與壞,也是一種很有趣的觀察。 還記得當時因永和的房子售出關係,租約時間非常的緊迫,幾乎是兩個禮拜內的時間就要找好租屋處以及連繫搬家。 當初其實有跟
    【口說無憑,給我証據】 . 一直以來,都對一種人很厭惡, 就是什麼憑證都拿不出來,卻一副天下人負我的樣子。 請白了就是自以為是的[被害妄想症〕之自說自話。 . 題材大概免不了就是真心換絕情之類的… 故事的真相, 大概只有本人知道及天知道. . 當你拿到証據時, 才發現很多事和當事人說的[相反] 
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    嗨嗨~這篇很明顯地算是半個葉佩雯了,但是我得事先說明太爛我也不會參加這個活動,就是因為TUTORING  APP真的好用我才會報名此項體驗活動……(不相信了話你們可以看活動參與條件,必須要體驗過他們的課程進行程度測試才可以開始申請的唷!…
    本文探討了複利效應的重要性,並藉由巴菲特的投資理念,說明如何選擇穩定產生正報酬的資產及長期持有的核心理念。透過定期定額的投資方式,不僅能減少情緒影響,還能持續參與全球股市的發展。此外,文中介紹了使用國泰 Cube App 的便利性及低手續費,幫助投資者簡化投資流程,達成長期穩定增長的財務目標。
    【面試,就是一場唬爛大會】 求職者在面試時,為了獲得公司的青睞,都會表現出自己最自信優秀的那一面。 公司也會為了吸引人才,把最優渥的福利待遇呈現出來 在面試的時候,雙方都講得天花亂墜,到底該如何判斷對方說的是真還是假呢? 【現在,比未來重要!】 我曾在面試時,聽見對方把薪資福利講得很優渥:
    這一家餐廳是TripAdvisor網友評鑑南灣區美食餐廳第九名喔! 峇里島美食推薦 他們的肋排好吃,還有超讚的雞肉咖哩喔! 到了南灣區不能錯過的美食!
    Hai lao động nhập cư người Việt bị tòa án Đài Loan kết án 16 tháng tù vì tham gia nhóm trộm gỗ hoàng đàn trị giá hơn 90.000 USD. 鈺鵬國際管理顧問有限公司
    年輕不懂為何要白紙黑字這麼硬,遇到過不好的人就知道重要性了。 從台北到台南中間其實有許多的租房經驗,說真的在這之間,可以看到城市中的縮影,各種人各種好與壞,也是一種很有趣的觀察。 還記得當時因永和的房子售出關係,租約時間非常的緊迫,幾乎是兩個禮拜內的時間就要找好租屋處以及連繫搬家。 當初其實有跟
    【口說無憑,給我証據】 . 一直以來,都對一種人很厭惡, 就是什麼憑證都拿不出來,卻一副天下人負我的樣子。 請白了就是自以為是的[被害妄想症〕之自說自話。 . 題材大概免不了就是真心換絕情之類的… 故事的真相, 大概只有本人知道及天知道. . 當你拿到証據時, 才發現很多事和當事人說的[相反] 
    學習英文的路從小四因興趣起始,我記得我還特地要求去英文補習班,英文的「聽、讀、寫」都不是什麼大問題,但在小的時候,很難克服對於口說的恐懼,青少年時期的我,覺得在全班同學面前開口很難為情(?) 英文口說連一句簡單的話都說不好..
    2019年的4月5日,在歷經7場的客場之旅後,響尾蛇終於回到溫暖的家--大通體育場(Chase Field),迎來該季的主場開幕戰。但對球迷來說,今年的開幕戰與往常不同,畢竟這是他們9年來第一次沒有「蛇王」高史密特(Paul Goldschmidt)的開幕戰......
    嗨嗨~這篇很明顯地算是半個葉佩雯了,但是我得事先說明太爛我也不會參加這個活動,就是因為TUTORING  APP真的好用我才會報名此項體驗活動……(不相信了話你們可以看活動參與條件,必須要體驗過他們的課程進行程度測試才可以開始申請的唷!…