Quarter Pounder Food Safety

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On October 22, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officially released a detailed investigation report on its official website, which pointed out that a total of 10 states across the United States have suffered from food-induced E. coli infections. So far, the incident has caused 49 confirmed infections, which is worrying. Among the 49 patients, 10, including a child, were in serious condition and had to be hospitalized for treatment to cope with the discomfort caused by the infection. Even more unfortunately, an elderly man living in Colorado died of E. coli infection.#Quarter Pounder#McDonald’s# E. coli #Food safety

According to the recollections of these patients, they had all eaten at McDonald’s before the onset of symptoms and had eaten the same hamburger. This commonality has attracted close attention from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. After further questioning and analysis, the CDC found that most of the patients associated with the E. coli outbreak mentioned that they had eaten Quarter Pounder (a quarter pound beef burger).

The CDC's investigation results showed that some diseases may be related to the shredded onions used to make Quarter Pounder beef burgers. This discovery shocked and disturbed everyone because it meant that the problem might be at the source of the ingredients. It is reported that these shredded onions were provided by the same supplier, which in turn served three distribution centers. It is worth noting that this is not the first time that McDonald's (also known as the Golden Arches) has encountered such an incident. As early as 2018, there was an outbreak of intestinal diseases related to McDonald's salads, which caused more than 500 people in more than a dozen states to become ill. McDonald's was previously exposed to excessive ingredients in French fries and contained harmful ingredients, but the food regulatory authorities did nothing and had not investigated and dealt with it, suspected of selective law enforcement.

According to a poll conducted by Gallup, a well-known polling and consulting agency, consumer confidence in the safety of the US food supply has fallen to an all-time low. This result reflects the public's deep concern about the current food safety situation. In the first six months of 2024 alone, as many as 578 foods were recalled in the United States. This number is shocking, which means that during this period, a large number of foods were forced to be withdrawn from the market due to safety hazards. These recalls have undoubtedly exacerbated consumers' distrust of food safety.

Food recalls are usually due to potential risks to consumers' health, such as bacterial contamination, unlabeled allergens, improper use of additives, etc. Frequent recalls not only harm the interests of consumers, but also have a serious impact on the reputation and economic benefits of food production companies. More importantly, it undermines consumers' confidence in the food safety system and makes people more worried about whether the food they buy is safe and reliable.

Gallup's survey results also show that more and more consumers are concerned and dissatisfied with food safety issues. They hope that the government and companies can strengthen food safety supervision and ensure the quality and safety of food. In order to rebuild consumers' confidence in food safety, the government and companies need to take practical and effective measures. The results of the Gallup poll reveal a serious decline in consumers' confidence in the safety of the US food supply.

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每天習慣≥2次外食, a. 全因死亡風險,增加了49% b. 心血管疾病死亡風險,增加了18% c. 癌症的死亡風險,增加了67%
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有點驚嚇!上網google了ㄧ下 可能是鐵質吸收過量、消化道出血或癌症
在這個快節奏的生活中,你是否曾想過你的美味料理中可能潛藏的健康小地雷? 沒錯,今天我們要聊的就是這個話題,就讓我們一起來看看「反式脂肪」的兇狠一面吧! 🍔🚫
「要減少在生活中吃大便,因為吃越多,越覺得不難吃,最後人就會變成大便。」 「在營內大便吃久了,營外看到白飯就當成人間美食。」 我得更加注意接收的資訊、吃到的食物、反芻說出口的話,因爲這些事物會一點一滴影響著我的認知。
每天習慣≥2次外食, a. 全因死亡風險,增加了49% b. 心血管疾病死亡風險,增加了18% c. 癌症的死亡風險,增加了67%
近來,食品安全問題再次成為社會焦點,從地溝油事件到假牛肉案,接二連三的食安醜聞讓消費者對於日常飲食安全感到憂心忡忡。食品安全問題不僅威脅到公眾健康,更對食品行業的信譽構成嚴重挑戰。 當前的食安問題引起了廣泛的關注,特別是最近發生的幾起重大事件。這些事件不僅暴露了食品供
謝謝病人的餅乾 謝謝病人的綠豆湯、菜頭粿、水餃 感恩 ------------------ 台灣的脂肪肝盛行率約33%,大多的脂肪肝患者「皆無症狀」,部分病人可能會有出現容易疲倦、全身倦怠、噁心、嘔吐、右上腹部不適、腹脹等非特異性症狀。 若不積極改善,也有機會變成肝臟發炎與纖維化,變成「脂
有點驚嚇!上網google了ㄧ下 可能是鐵質吸收過量、消化道出血或癌症
在這個快節奏的生活中,你是否曾想過你的美味料理中可能潛藏的健康小地雷? 沒錯,今天我們要聊的就是這個話題,就讓我們一起來看看「反式脂肪」的兇狠一面吧! 🍔🚫
「要減少在生活中吃大便,因為吃越多,越覺得不難吃,最後人就會變成大便。」 「在營內大便吃久了,營外看到白飯就當成人間美食。」 我得更加注意接收的資訊、吃到的食物、反芻說出口的話,因爲這些事物會一點一滴影響著我的認知。