像是:違背意願→go against our wills 取悅朋友→to please friends等等至於這次的英文作文,我認為稍有一點難度,特別是第二段題目要求要發揮想像力這部分。
People were crowding outside the front gate, waiting for the opening time of the department store. As soon as the front gate opened, customers rushed inside and soon, the department store was packed with people, including the staff and the customers. Within minutes, customers started walking towards stores of diverse brands and asking for advice on how to make purchases according to their needs.
As more and more people entered the department store, the staff was too occupied to be aware of any possible danger among customers. All of a sudden, an elderly was hurt because people kept pushing against each other, and this elderly fell on the ground, moaning. It was not until an alert customer called the ambulance, yelled at customers nearby, and demanded them not to move for a while that the elderly was safe from further injuries. How blessed the elderly was! (共 146 字)
大家好,我是 Mary。
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