A mesmerizing minimalistic charcoal and pencil sketch captures the silhouette of a mysterious, possibly female figure. The subject stands amidst a chaotic web of interconnected lines and dots, transitioning from red to orange to blue, creating an ethereal atmosphere. The figure's motion and the trailing strands of the web add a sense of movement and dynamism. Faint outlines of other figures in the background enhance the complexity and interconnectedness of the scene. The stark white background accentuates the contrast between the figure and the intricate web, resulting in a striking visual impact. The artwork, masterfully executed with pencil and acrylic paint, adds depth and texture, challenging traditional portraiture and inviting viewers to question their perceptions of beauty, form, and the human experience. This captivating piece of conceptual art, with its cinematic appeal, transcends boundaries, conceptual art, illustration, cinematic, poster, painting, vibrant
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3. 馬斯克:Grok 3 即將問世、算力比前代高 10 倍
馬斯克宣布,xAI的Grok 3即將問世,並且將擁有比前代Grok 2高十倍的算力。這一新進展預示著xAI在加速推進大規模AI專案上取得了重要突破。Grok 3將不僅具備更多參數,還將具備更先進的推論能力,朝通用人工智慧(AGI)邁進。此進展顯示,xAI正處於AGI研發的前沿,並有望引領人工智慧領域的重大突破。閱讀完整文章
4. 不需要暗能量解釋宇宙加速膨脹,新研究:暗能量可能是錯覺
5. 微軟與 OpenAI,誰能成功達成 AGI?