2025科技商業戰聚焦於AI技術的突破、普及化,及如何運用AI優化人類生活中?異軍突起的DeepSeek為何在美國引起一陣討論風潮?以下是擷取於美國CNN科技商業新聞記者David Goldman的深入報導。
閱讀以下CNN關於DeepSeek財經新聞報導,學習startup,take by storm,rattle nerves,breakthrough, Sputnik moment,rival,fraction七個 TOEIC金藍色證照生字。
What is DeepSeek, the Chinese AI startup that shook the tech world?
作者By David Goldman, CNN
更新Updated 4:55 PM EST, Mon January 27, 2025
(CNN) ─A surprisingly efficient and powerful Chinese AI model has taken the technology industry by storm. It’s called DeepSeek R1, and it’s rattling nerves on Wall Street.
(一個令人驚訝的高效且強大的中國AI模型已經在科技行業引起轟動。它名為DeepSeek R1,並且正在華爾街引發緊張情緒。)
The new AI model was developed by DeepSeek, a startup that was born just a year ago and has somehow managed a breakthrough that famed tech investor Marc Andreessen has called “AI’s Sputnik moment”: R1 can nearly match the capabilities of its far more famous rivals, including OpenAI’s GPT-4, Meta’s Llama and Google’s Gemini — but at a fraction of the cost.
(這個新的AI模型是由DeepSeek開發的,這是一家成立僅一年的新創公司,但它不知已何法已設法突破,著名的科技投資者Marc Andreessen稱之為「AI的斯普特尼克時刻」:R1的能力幾乎可以媲美其更著名的競爭對手,包括OpenAI的GPT-4、Meta的Llama和Google的Gemini,但成本卻只有一小部分。
1. **startup** (noun) 新創公司
The small **startup** quickly became a tech giant, revolutionizing the industry with its innovative solutions.(這家小型**新創公司**迅速成為科技巨頭,以其創新解決方案革新了行業。)
2. **take by storm** (phrase)風靡
The new social media app took the market by storm, attracting millions of users within days.(這款新的社交媒體應用**風靡市場**,在幾天內吸引了數百萬用戶。)
3(A). **rattle** (verb)使不安
The sudden announcement of the merger rattled the employees, leaving them uncertain about their future.(突然宣布的併購**使員工感到不安**,使他們對未來感到不確定。)
3(B). **rattle nerves** (phrase)使人心神不寧
The unexpected drop in stock prices **rattled investors' nerves**, causing a wave of panic selling.(股票價格的意外下跌**使投資者心神不寧**,引發了一波恐慌性拋售。)
4. **breakthrough** (noun)突破
The scientists achieved **a major breakthrough** in cancer research, offering new hope for patients worldwide. (科學家在癌症研究方面取得**重大突破**,為全球患者帶來新的希望。)
5. **Sputnik moment** (phrase)斯普特尼克時刻
The launch of the advanced AI model was considered **a Sputnik moment**, spurring global technological advancements. (高階AI模型的推出被認為是**斯普特尼克時刻**,促進了全球技術進步。)
註解:Sputnik moment(斯普特尼克時刻)這個詞源於1957年蘇聯發射Sputnik 1號,這一事件促使美國加快其太空和技術努力。後人用Sputnik moment指一個重要事件觸發大眾的注意和廣泛的緊迫感,繼而推動在某特定領域的進步。
6. **rival** (noun) 競爭對手
Despite being a newcomer, the company quickly outperformed its **well-established rivals** in the market.(儘管是新進者,這家公司迅速超越市場上**得到公認的競爭對手**。)
7. **fraction** (noun)一小部分
The new technology reduces production costs to **a fraction** of what they used to be.(新技術將生產成本降低到以前的**一小部分**。)