島語者 No.001 February 28 incident in Penghu, Taiwan

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  • Islanders' Gaze No.001
    "Between the Gunshot and the Rising Smoke"-February 28 incident in Penghu, Taiwan 1947
  • Lecture Date: February 28, 2025 (Friday)
  • Location: Penghu Booker
  • Written by: 冼義哲(James / Sheng, I-che)
  • Translated by: ChatGPT & Boattoad Studio

I am grateful to be back at Penghu Booker to share my novel "西瀛勝境" [note 1] again. It has been two years since I last presented here, and in that time, Taiwan's domestic and international circumstances have changed profoundly—just as from 1945 to 1947, Taiwan and Penghu experienced a complete upheaval in every aspect of life.

[note 1] 西瀛勝境 is a tourist attraction in Magong City, Penghu. Its original name means "Decorated Archway of Penghu Paradise." Chiang Kai-shek established this archway as a gift to Penghu to maintain good order during the 228 Incident.

Sheng I-che's Novel  and 228 Taiwanese Lily Pin

Sheng I-che's Novel and 228 Taiwanese Lily Pin

Historian Heng-tao Lin (林衡道) once commented on the 228 Incident, describing it as "A tragedy that occurs when a culturally advanced people are ruled by those culturally behind." (「那是已經文化進步的人們,被文化落後的人們統治所產生的悲劇。」)

Taiwan and Penghu, once considered to be culturally advanced by half a century, fell into tragedy under the rule of culturally regressive successors from China (Republic of China).

It took less than two years for the seeds of disaster, sown during the transfer of power, to grow into a full-scale armed suppression that set the land ablaze. Yes, such a short time was enough to bring about an indescribable catastrophe.


Since the publication of 《西瀛勝境》, I have always insisted that this is a "novel", not a "historical record." However, I also believe that as long as this story is documented, it will eventually lead more people to learn about it or be willing to explore it, ensuring that this memory is not forgotten.

In this book, every character in each story are real people who lived through World War II and the White Terror. For them, these were not just "historical terms"—they carried traumas beyond what we can imagine today.

To prevent further harm, I made adjustments to the narrative in the novel. In particular, some names of those involved cannot be disclosed, but they remain documented in the notes and audio recordings from my field research.

In this lecture, I talked about the dangers of blindly trusting official historical records. In fact, even today, several outstanding teachers and cultural researchers in Penghu frequently point out errors and inaccuracies in local government documents.

And these mistakes are merely due to "negligence" and "unprofessionalism." Now, think about it—if this is the state of things today, what about an era when the government relied on violence and deception to maintain its rule?

冼義哲(James / Sheng, I-che)

冼義哲(James / Sheng, I-che)

The 228 Incident should never be merely labeled as "riots" or "repression", and the martyrs should never be reduced to vengeful spirits. Otherwise, fear will continue to triumph over hope; and with the disappearance of the spirit of resistance will cause the subjectivity and value of "the people" to be consumed.

That's why we must never forget that the countless martyrs sacrificed their lives in the hope of securing a better future for the generations to come.

February 28 is a national day of mourning, and March should be a month of remembrance.

This day, February 28, must be a collective memory passed down through generations of Taiwanese people. However, the way the "228 Memorial Day" is currently being marginalized and stripped of its historical context is deeply concerning.

 Calligraphy Red Couplet: Taiwan No.1 & Evergreen Island

Calligraphy Red Couplet: Taiwan No.1 & Evergreen Island

We remember the 228 Incident not only to prevent the resurgence of authoritarianism but also to remind those of us who now live in democracy and freedom that under the rule of an authoritarian and dictatorial China, the consequences would be unimaginable.

One of the most important lessons Taiwan and Penghu must learn from the 1947 228 Incident is this - freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and a good life should never be placed in the hands of "the goodwill of foreign governments beyond our control."

78 years later (in 2025), we must reflect on the compromises and naivety of our predecessors. 78 years ago (in 1947), the Taiwanese-led committee chose to enter into a peace agreement with the regime from China (the Republic of China), only to be met with death and humiliation.

Today, while we should honor the courage of our ancestors, we must also remember how they failed and what mistakes they made.

As a descendant of a family involved in the Penghu 228 Incident, I have the responsibility to remind everyone—"It is extremely foolish to hope for the goodwill of an authoritarian China!"

James and his uncle, his father 趙文邦(23yrs) who involved in the Penghu 228 Incident in 1947.

James and his uncle, his father 趙文邦(23yrs) who involved in the Penghu 228 Incident in 1947.

If China (the People's Republic of China) were to truly annex Taiwan, the 228 Incident would inevitably repeat itself. The cruelty and brutality of the KMT/ROC party-state system in Taiwan's modern history would not only return but could become even more ruthless and barbaric.

This lecture is being held on February 28, 2025—Given the current situation in Taiwan and Penghu, how can we not feel as though we are standing between the gunshots and the rising smoke?

The 228 Incident— We never need to be reminded of it, because we will never forget.

Thanks for attending!

Thanks for attending!

#Islanders' Gaze


島語者 Islanders' Gaze No.001 【槍響之後,煙硝之前-228事件的澎湖故事】 講座日期:2025/02/28(五) 地點:澎湖.植隱冊室 紀錄:鄭承榆 講者:冼義哲 澎湖媽宮南甲人,其著作《西瀛勝境》探討1947年228事件中,澎湖不僅有流血事件,也有青年是醞釀起
撰文:冼義哲 感謝植隱冊室、 舟集工作室 Boattoad Studio,能讓我在兩年之後再度分享《西瀛勝境》。兩年,台灣所身處的、面臨的內外部環境已然大不相同,而1945-1947這兩年,台灣、澎湖同樣在生活的方方面面經歷了天翻地覆。 歷史學家林衡道評論二二八時寫下,「那是已經文化進步的人們
2024年起,台灣社會陷入前所未見的撕裂與對立— 國會亂象頻傳,朝野失和,民間因各類立場對立而爭論不休,全台掀起一波又一波的「罷免風潮」。 身為澎湖人,我深刻感受到,當台灣本島的公民運動如火如荼地展開,我們不能僅在外島作壁上觀。 事實上,2024年政治僵局的癥結,從不只是政治人物的責任,更反映出
島語者 Islanders' Gaze No.001 【槍響之後,煙硝之前-228事件的澎湖故事】 講座日期:2025/02/28(五) 地點:澎湖.植隱冊室 紀錄:鄭承榆 講者:冼義哲 澎湖媽宮南甲人,其著作《西瀛勝境》探討1947年228事件中,澎湖不僅有流血事件,也有青年是醞釀起
撰文:冼義哲 感謝植隱冊室、 舟集工作室 Boattoad Studio,能讓我在兩年之後再度分享《西瀛勝境》。兩年,台灣所身處的、面臨的內外部環境已然大不相同,而1945-1947這兩年,台灣、澎湖同樣在生活的方方面面經歷了天翻地覆。 歷史學家林衡道評論二二八時寫下,「那是已經文化進步的人們
2024年起,台灣社會陷入前所未見的撕裂與對立— 國會亂象頻傳,朝野失和,民間因各類立場對立而爭論不休,全台掀起一波又一波的「罷免風潮」。 身為澎湖人,我深刻感受到,當台灣本島的公民運動如火如荼地展開,我們不能僅在外島作壁上觀。 事實上,2024年政治僵局的癥結,從不只是政治人物的責任,更反映出
「台灣人的鮮血,應該流在清白的襯衫上。」 這句話,是曾經的台灣礦業鉅子劉傳明,在長達8年餘的白色恐怖冤獄中所說的。 而這張照片,則是沈睡在新店檳榔路溪畔的振山煤礦運煤道隧道遺址,這裡早在1949年就收坑,至今已將近80年,就連新店在地人都快要忘記這件事了。更沒想到,這裏與白色恐怖竟有著深深的關聯。
二二八事件是發生在70多年前的一場悲劇。 他是歷史,但他不只是過去的一個故事,是奠定至今社會樣貌的重要根基。 「查緝私菸造成警民衝突」是十多年前的我在歷史課本裡面學到的,直到二十三歲那一年,意外的在小南門附近遊蕩經過了二二八紀念館。 實際上的二二八事件並不是1947年2月28日那天,發生了一
不知道槍聲響起的那天,時間是不是過得特別漫長?就像走進他的故居,用來辦公與就寢的二樓小室,透過毛玻璃的光線,目前只放著一張他與妻的合照。 最後他拒絕被黑布蓋頭,對著武裝士兵以日語高喊:「台灣人,萬歲!」,是湯德章在被行刑前歷史性的重要一幕。
「台灣人的鮮血,應該流在清白的襯衫上。」 這句話,是曾經的台灣礦業鉅子劉傳明,在長達8年餘的白色恐怖冤獄中所說的。 而這張照片,則是沈睡在新店檳榔路溪畔的振山煤礦運煤道隧道遺址,這裡早在1949年就收坑,至今已將近80年,就連新店在地人都快要忘記這件事了。更沒想到,這裏與白色恐怖竟有著深深的關聯。
二二八事件是發生在70多年前的一場悲劇。 他是歷史,但他不只是過去的一個故事,是奠定至今社會樣貌的重要根基。 「查緝私菸造成警民衝突」是十多年前的我在歷史課本裡面學到的,直到二十三歲那一年,意外的在小南門附近遊蕩經過了二二八紀念館。 實際上的二二八事件並不是1947年2月28日那天,發生了一
不知道槍聲響起的那天,時間是不是過得特別漫長?就像走進他的故居,用來辦公與就寢的二樓小室,透過毛玻璃的光線,目前只放著一張他與妻的合照。 最後他拒絕被黑布蓋頭,對著武裝士兵以日語高喊:「台灣人,萬歲!」,是湯德章在被行刑前歷史性的重要一幕。
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