You booked the night train for a reason 你心事重重的訂了夜間列車 So you could sit there in this hurt 讓自己能坐著慢慢療癒傷口 Bustling crowds or silent sleepers 忙碌的人群和寂靜的沉睡者 You're not sure which is worse 你不確定哪個更讓你煩躁
Because I dropped your hand while dancing 因為我在跳舞時放開了你的手 Never leave you standing 從未讓你一個人呆站在原地 Crestfallen on the landing¹ 如天塌般沮喪地坐在樓梯口 Champagne problems 真是個世紀難題
Your mom's ring in your pocket 你口袋裡放著你母親的戒指 My picture in your wallet 錢包裡還有我的相片 Your heart was glass, I dropped it 但我摔碎了你那顆玻璃般脆弱的心 Champagne problems 真是個世紀難題
You told your family for a reason 你用了些藉口搪塞了你的家人 You couldn't keep it in 卻沒有辦法好好掩飾真相 Your sister splashed out on the bottle² 香檳從你姐妹手上的酒瓶裡噴灑而出 Now no one's celebrating 可如今沒人想慶祝了
Dom Pérignon³, you brought it 你提前買了瓶昂貴的香檳 No crowd of friends applauded 卻沒有迎來預期的歡呼喝采 Your hometown skeptics called it 你家鄉那些多疑的人說這是 Champagne problems 一個世紀難題
You had a speech, you're speechless 準備好的感言,成了啞口無言 Love slipped beyond your reaches 愛在你伸手的那一刻消失無蹤 And I couldn't give a reason 而我卻無法給個理由 Champagne problems 真是個世紀難題
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door⁴ 你無意中點亮每一個日常的瞬間 November flush and your flannel cure 多虧你送的外套讓我得以渡過寒冷的十一月 "This dorm was once a madhouse" 「這間房子曾經是個瘋人院」 I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me" 我開玩笑說,「那根本是為我打造的」
How evergreen, our group of friends 我們這群青春永駐的朋友們 Don't think we'll say that word again 大概是不會再提起這段過往了吧 And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls 但很快地他們就會有勇氣 That we once walked through 裝飾那條我們曾走過的走廊
One for the money, two for the show⁵ 我們倒數著美好的未來,卻戛然而止 I never was ready, so I watch you go 我從來都沒有準備好,所以只能看著你遠去 Sometimes you just don't know the answer 有時你就是不知道心之所向 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you 直到他單膝跪下掏出戒指 "She would've made such a lovely bride What a shame she's fucked in the head, " they said 「她本可以做個美麗的新娘的, 多丟臉啊,她肯定是腦子壞掉了」他們說 But you'll find the real thing instead 但你會找到真正適合你的她 She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred 她會縫補好我撕裂的那張掛毯
And hold your hand while dancing 在跳舞時牽著你的手 Never leave you standing 從未讓你一個人呆站在原地 Crestfallen on the landing 如天塌般沮喪地坐在樓梯口 With champagne problems 困在這世紀難題
Your mom's ring in your pocket 你口袋裡放著你母親的戒指 Her picture in your wallet 錢包裡放著她的照片 You won't remember all my 你遲早會忘記我的 Champagne problems 世紀難題
You won't remember all my 你不會記得我的 Champagne problems 世紀難題
歌名Champagne Problem是兩難抉擇,意即兩個選項同時都很誘人,讓人不知該選擇哪一個。
2.splashed out on the bottle:這裡是雙關,splash out有花大錢之意,可以理解為他們在香檳上花了不少錢;另一層意思,是經典的開香檳動作:把瓶蓋彈開,隨著「啵」一聲,瓶裡的香檳也跟著噴湧而出。
3.Dom Pérignon:香檳王,一款很貴的香檳。
4.Your Midas touch on the Chevy door:Midas touch是「點石成金」,有可能對應到同專輯的歌曲gold rush(淘金熱)。我這裡是理解他點亮生活的每一個瞬間,或者在他走過的地方留下不可逆的印記。
5.One for the money, two for the show:這是一個兒童在比賽或活動前用來倒數的俚語:
One for the money, Two for the show; Three to make ready, And four to go.
其實一開始聽的時候沒懂,後來才了解這首歌是怎樣的故事。他求了婚,可她卻沒有說Yes, I do,而是留他一人尷尬的站在原地,準備好的香檳、賀詞最後都沒有派上用場,而她也覺得自己會不會其實做了錯誤的決定?但最終,這個人也會找到一個會願意戴上婚戒的她,而那人會修補好他的傷疤。
Hope you enjoy it!