I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist 我在腦海的迷霧中看見幻影般的光點 I kept calm and carried¹ the weight of the rift 我努力保持冷靜並承受著裂痕的重量 Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away 每一次他要漂走我都會抓得更牢
My spine split from carrying us up the hill 我的脊椎因背著我們到山坡而斷裂 Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill 汗水浸透衣服,連疲憊的骨頭都能感受到濕意 I stopped trying to make him laugh 我不再試著逗他笑 Stopped trying to drill the safe 不再試著要他打開心房
Thinkin, how much sad did you think I had 想想看,你覺得我有多悲傷呢 Did you think I had in me? 你覺得我有多痛苦呢 Oh, the tragedy 噢,真是齣悲劇
So long, London 再會,倫敦 You'll find someone … 你會找到更好的……
I didn't opt in to be your odd man out 我並非刻意讓你如此格格不入 I founded the club she's heard great things about 我打造了那個聲名遠揚²的俱樂部 I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the Heath³ 我拋下一切熟悉之物,而你則留我獨自一人在Heath旁的房子裡
I stopped CPR⁴, after all it's no use 我停下心肺復甦,畢竟已毫無用處 The spirit was gone, we would never come to 昔日的精神已然退去,我們無法重燃火花 And I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free 而我很不滿自己就這麼把大把青春都免費給了你
For so long, London 再會,倫敦 Stitches⁵ undone 縫補失敗的傷口 Two graves, one gun 兩個墳墓,一把槍 I'll find someone … 我會找到更好的……
And you say I abandoned the ship 你說我拋棄了這艘船 But I was going down with it 但我其實在與它一同沉沒 My white knuckle dying grip 我泛白的指節正在斷裂 Holding tight to your quiet resentment and 只為死死抓緊你無聲的憤恨 My friends said it isn't right to be scared 我的朋友說我這麼害怕肯定不對勁 Every day of a love affair 在這段關係裡的每一天 Every breath feels like rarest air 每一口呼吸都如此窒息 When you're not sure if he wants to be there 當你根本不確定他是否還想繼續 So how much sad did you think I had, 所以你覺得我有多悲傷呢? Did you think I had in me? 你覺得我有多痛苦呢? How much tragedy? 這該有多悲劇? Just how low did you think I'd go? 你覺得我會讓自己陷得多低? Before I'd self-implode 在我承受不住自爆之前 Before I'd have to go be free 在我忍不住奔向自由之前
You swore that you loved me but where were the clues? 你發誓說你愛我,但我一點頭緒也沒有 I died on the altar⁶ waiting for the proof 我倒在戀人們發誓的聖壇上只為等到你的證明 You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days 你在最憂鬱的那段日子裡將我們獻祭給上帝 And I'm just getting color back into my face 而我的臉終於慢慢有了血色 I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place 我只是憤怒至極因為我真的很愛這個城市
For so long, London 再會,倫敦 Had a good run 至少我們沒有虛度光陰 A moment of warm sun 一切有如倫敦短暫的暖陽 But I'm not the one 但我不是你命定的人 So long, London 再會,倫敦 Stitches undone 縫補失敗的傷口 Two graves, one gun 兩個墳墓,一把槍 You'll find someone … 你會找到更好的……
1.Keep calm and carry on:可以聯想到英國在二戰開始時做的一張海報,意為「保持冷靜,繼續前進」。
2.聲名遠揚:有些人猜測這一段的意思是,Joe Alwyn是在與Taylor交往後才有了更大的名氣。當然其他的例如說Joe Alwyn手機裡的聊天群組等解釋也是有的,沒人知道哪個是真的。
3.Heath:通常有荒野之意,但這裡顯然是指位於倫敦的一個公園Hampstead Heath(漢普斯特德荒野),當地人會直接叫它the Heath。據傳兩人交往時住在這公園附近的房子。
4.CPR:不曉得是不是巧合,因為You're Losing Me的節奏是被美國心臟研究學會認證的、適合CPR的歌。而這兩首歌,都被主流輿論認為是在寫Joe Alwyn。
5.Stitches針線:有人發現這裡可能對應到Midnights的Glitch裡這句歌詞:"Five seconds later, I’m fastening myself to you with a stitch"。我這裡本來是翻譯為「未完成的針線活」,但後來想著可能縫補失敗的傷口更適合整首歌的氛圍,所以改了。
6.Altar祭壇:這裡很有趣!Taylor說的是"on" the altar,而非"at" the altar。差在哪裡呢?如果說是兩位新人站在祭壇前發誓,就會用at;Taylor此處用on,意即她人在祭壇上,而非祭壇前,這也剛好接到下一段「獻祭給上帝」,彷彿在祭壇上的她是個祭品。
Hope you enjoy it!