Fever dream¹ high in the quiet of the night 在這狂熱到有如夢境的寂靜夜晚 You know that I caught it 你知道我總會把握機會 Bad, bad boy 典型的壞男孩 Shiny toy with a price 像架上昂貴但閃閃發光的玩具 You know that I bought it 你知道我就是願意掏錢買下 Killing me slow, out the window 像慢性自殺一樣,我望向窗外 I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below 我總是盼著你在樓下等我 Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes² 惡魔們下了賭注,天使們轉了轉眼珠 What doesn't kill me makes me want you more 所有與你相愛的困難 都讓我更想得到你
And it's new, the shape³ of your body 多新奇啊,你身體的線條 It's blue, the feeling I've got 可我的心卻有如藍色般憂鬱 And it's ooh, whoa, oh 而這一切 It's a cruel summer 有如殘酷的夏天 It's cool, that's what I tell 'em 這很棒啊,我這麼告訴他們 No rules in breakable heaven⁴ 在隨時都會被打破的天堂裡,隨心所欲吧 But ooh, whoa oh 而與你在一起 It's a cruel summer 讓這一切 With you 成了再殘酷不過的夏天
Hang your head low In the glow of the vending machine 你低下頭 販賣機的光籠罩在你身上 I'm not dying(oh yeah, you're right, I want it) 我才沒有沉溺其中(你是對的,我喜歡這個) You say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times 你說我們總會在嘗試中搞砸無數次 We're not trying(oh yeah, you're right, I want it) 但我們根本沒用心對待(你是對的,我喜歡這個) So cut the headlights, summer's a knife 所以關掉車頭燈吧,夏天是把利刃 I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone 我一直在等你給我個痛快 Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes 惡魔們下了賭注,天使們轉了轉眼珠 And if I bleed, you'll be the last to know 如果我受傷了,你會是最後一個知道的
Oh, it's new, the shape of your body 多新奇啊,你身體的線條 It's blue, the feeling I've got 可我的心卻有如藍色般憂鬱 And it's ooh, whoa, oh 而這一切 It's a cruel summer 有如殘酷的夏天 It's cool, that's what I tell 'em 這很棒啊,我這麼告訴他們 No rules in breakable heaven 在隨時都會被打破的天堂裡,隨心所欲吧 But ooh, whoa, oh 而與你在一起 It's a cruel summer 讓這一切 With you 成了再殘酷不過的夏天
I'm drunk in the back of the car 我醉醺醺的倒在車子後座 And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh) 在回家的路上像個孩子一樣嚎啕大哭 Said, "I'm fine, " but it wasn't true 說著「我沒事」,但都是騙人的 I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you 我不想為了留住你 而一直守著秘密 And I snuck in through the garden gate 但我還是偷偷從後院門口溜了進去 Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh) 每晚夏夜都讓我更確定自己的命運 And I screamed for whatever it's worth 而我大喊著:「管他有什麼意義, "I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? 『我愛你』,這難道不是你聽過最糟糕的話嗎?」 He looks up grinning like a devil 他像個惡魔一樣笑了起來
Oh, it's new, the shape of your body 多新奇啊,你身體的線條 It's blue, the feeling I've got 可我的心卻有如藍色般憂鬱 And it's ooh, whoa, oh 而這一切 It's a cruel summer 有如殘酷的夏天 It's cool, that's what I tell 'em 這很棒啊,我這麼告訴他們 No rules in breakable heaven 在隨時都會被打破的天堂裡,隨心所欲吧 But ooh, whoa, oh 而與你在一起 It's a cruel summer 讓這一切 With you 成了再殘酷不過的夏天
I'm drunk in the back of the car 我醉醺醺的倒在車子後座 And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh) 在回家的路上像個孩子一樣嚎啕大哭 Said, "I'm fine, " but it wasn't true 說著「我沒事」,但都是騙人的 I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you 我不想為了留住你 而一直守著秘密 And I snuck in through the garden gate 但我還是偷偷從後院門口溜了進去 Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh) 每晚夏夜都讓我更確定自己的命運 And I screamed for whatever it's worth 而我大喊著:「管他有什麼意義, "I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? 「『我愛你』,這難道不是你聽過最糟糕的話嗎?」 He looks up grinning like a devil 他像個惡魔一樣笑了起來
1.Fever dream是「似噩夢般的奇異經歷」。
2.Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes惡魔們下了賭注,天使們轉了轉眼珠:這裡本來是翻譯成「惡魔們轉著骰子,天使們翻著白眼」但為了押韻所以選擇了後來的版本。另外,這個有出現在Lover的MV裡(大約1:09處):
3.Shape形狀:有人猜測這裡對應到Dress的"There is an indentation in the shape of you Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo"
4.Breakable Heaven:在Lover MV中1:11處有出現:
Hope you enjoy it!