2019-11-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

週三英文法 — 聊八卦 | 好句型

    講八卦的人,通常臉上的表情是什麼? 你學學看,就知道。 It is said that the upcoming president is related through marridge to the chairman of the board. 謠傳說即將上任的董事長與董事會主席有姻親關係。 ” It is said ”用的是虛主詞。也就是「有人說」。那個 “有人” “誰” 並不重要,重要的是,我想講的那件事---八卦本身。所以才用個 ‘it’ 來當主詞。 It is said 「據說」,也可以用 Word has it that + 句子來代替。因此,上句就可以改成: Word has it that the upcoming president is related through marridge to the chairman of the board. ex: Zoe: It is said that Jojo met his Mr.Right. 柔伊: 據說那個男的是喬喬的命中注定。 Emma: Are you sure? I don’t think so. Word has it that he is not that simple. 艾瑪:你確定,我覺得不是那樣。聽說他不單純。 哈哈哈。講完八卦總是格外淒涼。
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