2019-12-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

October 18

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
I am your refuge and strength, a very present help in times of distress and trouble. Learn to call upon Me, to lean upon Me, to draw from Me, to put your whole faith and trust in Me, and as you do so see every difficulty and problem dissolve into nothingness. There is the perfect answer to every problem. Look for it and you will find it. Waste no time wallowing in your problems and in self-pity, but rise above them. Give thanks that the answer is right there when you expand your consciousness and have faith that the answer is there waiting to be put into action when you can still your mind. 'Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.' You can solve every problem simply by knowing that the answer is there when you can become still and take time to seek and find it. Cease running round in circles, getting nowhere. Call upon Me.
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