I will never, ever regret the things I've done. Because most days, all you have are places in your memory that you can go to. 我永遠不會後悔曾做過的每件事,因為它將永存在我往後的回憶裡,歷久彌新、永不凋零。
威廉堅持安樂死的決定,也希望露伊莎能在場陪著他,讓露伊莎感到殘忍及痛苦,她選擇遠離不敢去面對,她父親的一句話《You can't change who people are, you love them. 你不能改變別人,但你能選擇去愛他們。》愛了就愛到底,讓露易莎鼓起勇氣到瑞士送威廉最後一程。
「You are scored on my heart, Clark. You were from the first day you walked in with your sweet smile and your ridicuious clothes. And your bad jokes and your complete inability to ever hide a single thing your felt.
妳深深地刻在我心裡,Clark。當妳第一天走進來,臉上掛著甜美的笑容,身上穿著滑稽的裙子,和妳的冷笑話,妳毫不掩飾自己感受到的一切。 Don't think of me too often. I don't want to think of you getting all maudlin. Just live well. Just live. I will be walking beside you step of the way.