2021-04-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 16 分鐘

23. 剝 100000 山地-艮坤 (Quarter 2-6)

不利有攸往。-- 山嶺地表下通常有著層層覆蓋的土壤,那是經過很久的時間纔逐漸形成的「地層結構」(earth-strata)。如果想挖掘地底究竟埋藏著什麼東西,可要小心謹慎的去進行,以免破壞地層結構、導致山崩地裂。
初六:剝床以足,蔑貞凶。/ 變卦山雷頤 -- 用鑽探的方式採取地層土壤來分析,鑽探的深度要達到岩層、不能再向下鑽探為止,如此纔足以採集各個地層土壤成分的樣本,同時也不會過度破壞地層結構。如果輕率的採用大規模挖掘、削山、截斷山腳、破壞山床、動搖林木根基的方式去偵測,有可能會引起地層滑動或下陷的危險。在探測地層的同時,也必須兼顧地層的涵養和維護啊!
六二:剝床以辨,蔑貞凶。/ 變卦山水蒙 -- 用鑽探的方式採取地層土壤來分析辨識各個地層土壤的成分,同時要注意水土保持和水流的變化。如果輕率的採用大規模挖掘、削山、截斷山腳、破壞山床、動搖林木根基的方式去偵測,有可能會引起地層結構的改變,甚至釀成土石崩流及地下水流失的危險。
六三:剝之,無咎。/ 變卦艮為山 -- 鑽探土壤通常採用環環相扣、形似以「之」字形的螺旋狀組件相連構成的螺旋鑽桿,這是沒有錯的。採用螺旋鑽桿加上注水降溫的鑽探方式纔能在層層覆蓋的地層中沒有阻礙的進出自如啊!
六四:剝床以膚,凶。/ 變卦火地晉 -- 如同從皮膚感測體溫或脈博來檢查身體內部狀況一樣,山嶺和地表下的溫差和動靜也可以提供探測的線索,此時只要從地表上方用熱感測器來偵測地表下方熱源發出的熱輻射、熱氣流,或是觀察地磁力線的變化,經過長期的觀察計算,或許可以發現地底埋藏了什麼東西呢!(P.S. 此處「凶」字解爲收集資訊和數據告一段落並進行計算之意,相當於 English 的 calculation。)
六五:貫魚,以宮人寵,無不利。/ 變卦風地觀 -- 另一種探勘地層的方式是觀察潛行生物的活動。例如,魚群習慣在地層縫隙的水流中串連游竄,似乎往來在不為人知的地底水域,好像地底下也有迷宮般龐大的宮室群落。藉著觀察潛行生物的活動,也可能發現什麼呢!這種間接觀察而非直接挖掘的方式,也沒什麼不好啊!
上九:碩果不食,君子得輿,小人剝廬。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 其實就算在深山地底挖掘到什麼寶物,結果大多是一些不能當作食物的礦石或結晶石、化石、甚至殞石等等。君子為了此事,還得事先堪察地形地勢、繪製詳細的地理堪輿圖和探測計劃,不能像少數人一樣到處敲敲打打的,甚至把整座高聳的山嶺都剷平了,還以為挖山掘地就像剝果皮、拆茅屋、掀盤蓋那麼簡單呢!就算是掀盤蓋,也得當心是否有迎面而來的熱氣或異味吧!(P.S.古稱「葫蘆」也有可能與 English 的 fruit 互通。西方的方位在古代古天文中曾被稱爲白虎方,「葫蘆」的「蘆」字中帶有類似「虎」的符號也是很合理的,而其中的「田」也和「果」字上的「田」相同,「皿」則可能代表盛果之盤。「廬」可能特指類似果實或其它物體的表面或遮蓋物。)
"Due to this Hanese word '剝' is sounded like 'bo' in modern traditional Chinese, its original meaning might be similar to 'bore', 'bark' or 'peel', and related to exposing and discovering, or exploring." "Maybe...... just like a multiple bubble with many layers, also seem like a ball-shape root or bulb, and when a bubble exploded, it might sound like 'bo!'......" "What kind of ball-shaped object contains many layers? Is it the Earth?....... A giant ball is just moving in the universe and consisted of water and fire, soil, rock, stone, wood, metal elements, and air......., and we are just living as the residents on its surface." "To the residential construction, there is no more dangerous than building the houses on a site where involves the hidden possibilities of mountain sliding and earth rending." "Many ancient wisdom words had told us: 'To build on the firm rock and stable boulder.', even included some sacred words in the Holy Bible." "Sometimes I wonder why the undercurrent or hidden spiral might be aroused under the water, does something transmits the detecting messages from deep water for watching the surface of the ocean? Is it a natural phenomenon?"
"It's not impossible, but most of the time the water spiral could be aroused on the edge when the flowing water met obstruction, seemed like the rock in water, submerged reef, or the other flow came from inverting way. Try to consider about such situation, if you met something obstructing your way, would you hover around a while before moving across it?" "I get it! That's why there were some words described the digging technology about spiral drilling tools for detecting the stratums of the earth, those ancient geological engineers might have ever learned from the natural phenomenon!......" "That's why there was a word '之' in the third yao..... I mean the third 爻 of this qua, it sounded like 'Zhi', seems like a little similar to 'drill'...... The original author of 易經 might try to describe a spiral drilling tool by a pictogram word....."
"Maybe that's why 'bolt' sounded like '剝', and '剝' seems like having a feature about spiraling shape in its left top. Then......'剝' also reveals the ancient drilling technology also involved the water for lubricating when such drilling tool was working, because of a water symbol '水' in there, and '水' sounded as 'dri' in Taiwanese." "So, we can imagine when that drilling tool was working very fast, it might sound as 'dril-dril-dril-dril-dril......' or 'drul-drul-drul-drul-drul......', that's why '彔' was sounded like 'ru' or 'lu' in modern traditional Chinese, and this technology was called 'drill' in English." "If we considered the consonant 'd' of the symbol '刂' in the right part of this word '剝', and combined the sound of '水' in Taiwanese, then we must know '剝' might have the other spelling sound as 'drill'......"
"No matter what, those ancient geologists might worry about the destruction of earth-strata caused by digging, then tried to find several indirect methods to detect the underground stratum, such like detect the different temperatures or the changing of flowing-air, observe the earth's magnetic fluxing lines,...... even watch fishes’ moving directions or the other living creatures’ activities in the subways which connected with many mysterious spaces under the surface of the earth......" "Some words in this qua seemed like not encourage people to dig the ground without good planning and training and without the careful consulting from drilling experts." "Finally, they tried to prevent invasive detecting or examining, but it was not easy...... Actually, as you are analyzing something, you might set it apart......"
"That's why the next qua '復' was going to talk about recovery,...... and about the way to get back to the original or comfortable condition...... Humankind could not destruct their earth and also live on earth at the same time......" "The healthy civilization is always built on the healthy earth...... And the technology of discovery is also built on the ability of recovering...... I think such manner might be the true spirit of this qua....." "Some lost ancient civilizations had ever told, a peaceful and plenty mountain is covered by many trees and flowers, and a dead mountain is bald, Especially as the poisonous gas deeply covered inside the ground was exposing to the air and water by carelessly digging, it might harm the nervous system of human body and let all of the civilians become insane by the hallucinations." "Except that, a natural exploding of the big volcano might also cause severe damage to the civilization of humankind and kill a great lot of living beings on earth." "To the mind in original author of 易經, the technology of recovery seemed like as important as discovery, not just beautified the surface, but tried to find a way for keeping the naturally healthy balance. The great earth is also a life, isn't it?......"
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
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