2021-06-10|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘


3rd report
June 6, 2021
1. In western countries, people like to hold parties on different occasions. For instance, if someone’s birthday comes, his friends will hold a birthday party for him. When someone gets married, there will usually be a wedding party as well. Even moving to new houses, people will sometimes throw parties to celebrate regardless of the occasion, the purposes of holding parties are to gather people together, sharing the feeling of happiness in this extraordinary day.
2. Reading novels is a good way to relax. The novels I like the most are the ones that describe the life in the past. These novels are really amusing, but at the same time, they can also make me think about the past and use my imagination as well. What’s more, though they describe the living in the past, sometimes they can also let me think about the world nowadays.
1. 兩個兄妹拿著新的iPhone走在路上,沒想到兩個人都太專注的滑手機聽音樂,以至於妹妹撞到了樹幹,哥哥因為隔音太好沒聽到喇叭聲被車撞到,司機很驚訝哪個品牌的耳機隔音那麼好,便下車詢問,最後跟哥哥買了那個耳機。
honk 按喇叭
injure 受傷
immerse in the melody 沈浸在音樂中
After school, Tom was very delighted that the exhausting time had already past, and he wanted to do something special. Because he didn’t need to go to the cram school on Wednesday. He decided to take his girlfriend Cindy to a French restaurant called Friendy, followed by a romantic movie night. Having the plan in mind. He rushed to class 202, asking his girlfriend out. On the mind breezing way to the restaurant, there were few people on the walk side. So they kissed each other heartily. However, as they walked forward, Cindy noticed a familiar figure stalking behind them. Judging by the sheer body shape. Sandy recognized that it was her Mon. As soon as Cindy saw her Mon walking behind herm they pretended that they didn’t know each other. Immediately, Tom put on his earphones, listening to his favorite song-California. He increase the volume to the maximum scale and enabled his ear to beat every single note that blew from the earphones. Meanwhile, Cindy replied to some messages from her friends, busying focusing on her phone that she didn’t spare time to look up and check the surrounding. Without any warning. Cindy found herself walking headfirst into the tree and screamed out loud. Sadly, so immersed was Tom in his music that he didn’t notice anything happen. After that, Tom was still fascinated by the classical music, ignoring the roaring car right after him. It was no surprise that the driver was furious about the high school student. Just as the driver was about the scold him, the scene happened next nearly scared the driver to death. A truck driven at full speed was coming straight into Tom on the other side. Without thinking, the driver jumped out of the car and pulled Tom away from the drive way saving Tom from being rolled over. It was really a narrow escape for both of them.
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