2021-07-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 21 分鐘


文章來源: 外帶英文官網
Photo by Alex Woods on Unsplash
Photo by Alex Woods on Unsplash


表示哀悼可以立即拿起電話或發簡訊、電子郵件、留私訊等方式,但如果當事人未於社交平台宣布消息,則不宜直接在社交媒體留言表示慰問,可以私訊表示更個人化的哀悼。另一方面,手寫的一張卡片或一封信仍然是傳統上最具意義、更能傳遞溫暖的方式。你不需要寫一整封信(當然,想如此也未嘗不可),但不要讓它成為像是一項艱鉅的任務,保持簡潔、切中要點是最好的,可使用「KISS原則 (Keep It Simple and Sensitive) 」表示慰問:
使用KISS原則 (Keep It Simple and Sensitive)
1. 扼要慰問、表示同理心 「I'm sorry for your loss. 我為你的憾事感到抱歉。」雖然這句話陳腔濫調,但它也是表達同理心的簡單方式,可以讓他知道你在乎。「This must be so hard for you. 這對你來說一定很難。」表達同理心是非常令人安慰的,可以幫助失去親人的人感到不那麼孤單。
2. 分享對往生者的有趣回憶、獨特特質、說你也會想念他們 如果你認識往生者,提及逝者的大名表示尊重當事人的悼念,可以分享你喜歡逝者的部分或一段美好的回憶「He/she was a wonderful person. 他/她是一個很棒的人。」、「I will miss him/her. 我會想念他/她。」;如果你不認識往生者,可以表達你沒有機會認識的遺憾,也可以說「When you're ready I'd like to get together to learn more about what the person who died was like. 當你準備好時,我想了解更多關於往生者的為人。」主動傾聽當事者的心聲,不僅可以讓當事者感到被關心,還可以減輕一些直接互動的壓力。


  • I am so sorry to hear of this unexpected loss. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. 我很遺憾聽到這個突發意外,請接受我衷心的哀悼。
  • My heart goes out to you after this sudden loss. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. 面對這場突如其來的意外,我的心與你同在,我很關心你也為你祈禱。
  • I was so saddened to hear this shocking news. My heart goes out to you at this time of grief. 聽到這個令人震驚的消息,我很難過。在這個悲傷的時刻,我的心與你同在。
  • I’m stunned by this news. I’m so sorry for your loss. 這消息太令人震驚,我很遺憾聽聞你的噩耗。


  • Words can't describe how sorry I am at this loss. You're in my prayers. 言語無法形容我對你的噩耗有多麼難過,我為你祈禱。
  • Words fall short of expressing my sadness/sorrow for your loss. 言語不足以表達我對你的失去感到的難過/悲傷。
  • Sorry I am at a loss for words to express my sadness. 對不起,我無語表達我的悲傷。
  • We are sorry beyond words for your loss. 對於你的失去,我們深表遺憾。


  • I'm deeply/really sorry to hear of your loss. With heartfelt condolences. 得知你的噩耗,我深感抱歉,表示衷心的哀悼。
  • Please accept my deepest sympathies on your profound loss 請接受我為你的噩耗致上最深切的慰問
  • May you find peace and comfort in the memories of [Name] that you cherish in your heart. 願你在[名字]的回憶中找到平靜與安慰。
  • My sincere condolences. May you find comfort and the strength to cope. 至上我的深切哀悼,願你找到安慰和力量來應對。


  • The people we love never go away for they live in our hearts. His/her memory will reside forever in my/our heart(s). 我們愛的人永遠不會離去,因為他們活在我們心中。與他/她有關的回憶將永遠留在我/我們的心中。
  • In memory of an amazing one-of-a-kind man/woman a person we were blessed to know and love. 紀念一位了不起的、獨一無二的男人/女人。一個我們有幸認識和愛的人。
  • [name] will never be forgotten. We will treasure our memories of him/her. [名字] 永遠不會被遺忘。我們將珍藏對他/她的回憶。
  • I'll always remember the joy that [name] brought into our lives. We mourn his/her loss along with you. 我會永遠記得[名字] 帶給我們的快樂。我們與你一起哀悼他/她的逝世。
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


  • I just want you to know that I am available any time. I can’t imagine what you must be going through right now and I would love to help in any way that I can. Just say the word. 我只是想讓你知道,我隨時有空。我無法想像你現在必須經歷什麼,我很樂意盡我所能提供幫助,只要一句話。
  • Please holler if you need anything. I am available 24/7 to watch the kids to run errands to help around the house to just be a silent presence if that’s what’s you need. 有需要請呼叫我,我可以全天候幫你看孩子、跑腿、打掃家裡、或只是安靜陪伴,如果你需要的話。
  • I know there’s not a lot I could say right now but I would like to offer my service if you ever need anything I am just a text or phone call away. 我知道我現在能說的不多,但如果你需要什麼,我願意提供幫忙,就發訊息或打電話給我。
  • Whether you need a shoulder to lean on or a friend to cry with or even to get angry and yell I am here for you. 無論你需要一個可以依靠的肩膀,或需要一個可以陪伴你哭泣的朋友,甚至陪伴你生氣或大喊大叫,我都在。


  • On behalf of our entire team please accept our deepest sympathies. 謹代表整個團隊,請接受我們最深切的慰問。
  • Our condolences for the loss of your mother/father/partner. With deepest sympathy from your coworkers. 我們對您的母親/父親/伴侶的離去表示哀悼。致上同仁最深切的慰問。
  • We are wishing you and your family courage and peace during this time of mourning. 我們祝願您和您的家人在這悲痛的時刻保持勇氣與平靜。


  • Your true love story is beautiful to all who know you. I know your love will always continue even though you are parted. I’m keeping you in my thoughts.認識你的人都聽聞過你優美的真愛故事,我知道你們的愛會一直延續,即使你們永別了。我把你放在心上,很關心你。
  • I’m so heartbroken and shocked to hear about the loss of your spouse/partner. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I’d love to know if there’s anything I can do to help. 聽到你失去配偶/伴侶的消息,我感到非常傷心和震驚。請接受我衷心的哀悼。我很想知道是否有什麼我可以幫忙的。
  • I’m sorry to learn of the passing of your dear husband/wife/partner. Wishing you courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to hold in your heart forever. 得知你親愛的丈夫/妻子/伴侶去世,我深感遺憾。願你勇敢地面對未來的日子,愛的回憶永遠留在你心中。


  • Your father/mother was such an incredible person. No one can ever replace him/her. Extending my deepest sympathies for the loss of your father/mother. 你的父親/母親真是個了不起的人,沒有人可以取代他/她。謹向你的父親/母親衷心至上我最深切的哀悼。
  • I never met your father/mother but I can tell how wonderful s/he must have been just by knowing you. Take comfort in your memories as you grieve. 我從未見過你的父親/母親,但認識你我知道他/她一定是多麼棒。希望你能從回憶中獲得慰藉。
  • No matter how old we are it’s never easy to lose a parent. I would like to offer my deepest sympathy to you and your family. May the soul of your father/mother rest in peace. 無論我們年紀多大,失去父母都很煎熬。謹向你和你的家人致上我最沉痛的悼念,願你父親/母親得享安息。


  • I’m so glad I had a chance to know your sister/brother. She/he was a special person who will be so sorely missed. 我很榮幸有機會認識你的姐妹/兄弟。她/他是一個特別的人,令人非常想念。
  • I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I wish I had been able to meet your sister/brother. I know from your stories how special s/he was. Please accept my condolences. 得知你的不幸消息,我深感遺憾。我希望我曾見過你的姐妹/兄弟。我從你的故事中知道她/他有多麼特別。請接受我的哀悼。
  • Your sister/brother was such an intelligent lovely soul. I’ll never forget her/him. I know you have a lot of great childhood memories with her/him. I hope they bring a smile during this hard time. 你的姐妹/兄弟是如此聰明可愛的人。我永遠不會忘記她/他。我知道你和她/他有很多美好的童年回憶。我希望這些回憶能在你悲傷時帶給你一些溫暖的慰藉。


  • I’m so saddened to hear about your child’s death. I’d love to drop by your house or do something else to help you out. 聽到你孩子的死訊,我很難過。我很樂意去你家一趟或做些什麼幫助你。
  • There are no words for such an unimaginable loss. My heart aches for you and your family. You’re in my thoughts. 喪子之痛難以言喻,我為你和你的家人難過,我衷心關心你。
  • It has been such a joy in my life to know your beautiful child. S/he has been a light in the world and still is. Please accept my condolences and let me know if you need anything. 認識你的寶貝孩子是我一生的快樂。他/她一直是世上的一盞燈,至今仍是。 請接受我的哀悼,如果你需要什麼,請告訴我。


  • Our pets are some of our very best friends. Thinking of you as you grieve. 我們的寵物是我們最好的朋友。你悲傷的時候捎上我的關心。
  • I know your sweet pet was a member of your family and it hurts so much to lose her/him. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. 我知道你的可愛寵物是你的家人,失去它很難過。我衷心關心你並為你祈禱。
  • You gave your pet such a wonderful life full of love and comfort. I know he/she loved you for it. All my best as you grieve this loss. 你給你的寵物如此美好的生活,充滿愛和舒適。我知道它愛你。祝你一切安好。
Photo by Jasmin Ne on Unsplash


  • 不要將自己的感受與他們的感受進行比較 「I know how you are feeling. 我知道你的感受」雖然聽起來像是表達同理心,但通常會產生反效果。每個人對失落和悲傷的體驗都不一樣,表達你的同理心的更好說法可能是:「If you want to talk about how you are feeling know that I am here for you. 如果你想談論你的感受,你知道我在。」
  • 不要過分樂觀 「Don’t worry you’ll feel better soon. 別擔心,你很快就會好起來的。」雖然你可能想幫助當事者展望未來,但重要的是要給悲傷的人時間和空間經歷他的感受。不要強迫他馬上克服。
  • 不要說如果你的伴侶/父母/朋友死了你會怎麼做 專注於你可以為他們提供什麼幫助,而不是以自己立場思考。「I don’t know what I would do if my …. died. 如果換成是我,我不知道我會怎麼做。」雖然這句話對你來說可能是絕對正確的,但它並不能安慰當事者。 事實上,這可能會讓當事者在悲痛中更加孤立無援。相反,可以讓對方知道你會陪在他身邊。
  • 不要「至少At least……」 「At least he didn't suffer. 至少他沒有受苦。」雖然如此,但逝者已離去不會重生;「At least you can have another child 至少你可以再要一個孩子。」對當事人來說每個孩子都是獨一無二的;「At least you're still young and can marry again至少你還年輕,可以再婚。」同樣,對當事人來說,伴侶也是獨一無二的;「At least she's in a better place. 至少她在一個更好的地方。」除非你確定當事者及往生者都相信輪迴或來生,否則這種說法可能具有冒犯性。雖然你試圖透過At least句子表達安慰,但面對死亡,有時不能勉強用正面方式面對,可以適當表達同理心,理解當事者可能會感到痛苦並節哀。
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