This is the whole thing. Are the right people there in your life? And of course, if you’re somebody who has come into the world to be hopeful and to be hopeful in your call to others—think about the 5th line heresy. You’re dealing with the 45; you’re dealing with the tribal leader. You’re dealing with a stability and grounding of the Personality that comes from the strength of the ego. This is the line of the heretic. And the reality is that in that line of the heretic the heretic can be driven in many ways.
I’m a heretic and I have a 3rd Color. My 5th line is motivated by a 3rd Color. Or you can have a 5th line heretic that’s being motivated by a 2nd Color. And of course, we need our hopeful heretics. I’m a desire heretic. Instead of being a believer, I’m a leader. So I try to lead heresy, which is what I seem to be doing in my life.
But the whole thing about you is seeing so clearly that this is a gateway for you to recognize when somebody is not simply conditioning you, that’s not the point. That’s the magic for you to grasp. It’s not the point. It doesn’t matter that they’re conditioning you. You’re so different.
It’s the beauty for me of what a Projector is, that it is so different from me, as an example, I’m a Manifestor and so different from Generators. We have an almost over-reaction to conditioning. Where there is an actual conditioning embrace, at least the illusion of it, in the way in which the Projector operates because, in fact, they could not exist without that contact with conditioning because this allows them to explore. When you’re designed like that, it’s hard to differentiate. It’s hard to tell who is on your team and who isn’t on your team.