更新於 2022/03/06閱讀時間約 9 分鐘


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連假通常會跟週末連在一起,所以「連假」的英文常常會說 long weekend,字面上的意思是「很長的週末」。
來看兩個小對話吧 :
A: What’s your plan for the 228 long weekend?
B: I may go hiking with a few friends, but it still depends on the weather. I’m not going if it’s too cold.
A: In Taiwan, the Qingming long weekend usually lasts for 4 days instead of 3 because it also includes the celebration of Children’s Day on April 4th.
B: Cool. I’ll definitely take advantage of this holiday and explore the island.
另外,其實也可以直接說這是幾天的假期,例如連假有三天就說 three-day holiday,連假有四天就說 four-day holiday,以此類推。
來看兩個例句 :
We are going to have a nine-day holiday for Chinese New Year this time. Hooray!
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming up soon! What are you going to do during the three-day holiday?
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如果有國定假日剛好在星期二或四,星期一或五通常就會彈性放假,可以說這天是 bridge day,或者就講一般的 day off(放假沒上班)即可。
bridge 就是「橋」的意思喔,可以想像 bridge day 這一天把假期和週末連起來。
但我老公(新加坡人)說他其實沒聽過 bridge day,所以可能這個說法也不是到很普遍。
我有在一個網站維基百科上看到一些 bridge day 的英文解釋,你可以參考一下 :
A working day that is sandwiched between a holiday and a weekend is called a bridge day.
Bridge day is a day taken off from work to fill the gap between a holiday on Thursday or Tuesday and the weekend.
我們來看個小對話 :
A: How come the holiday for the Mid-Autumn Festival this year lasts for 4 days? Isn’t it a one-day holiday?
B: In Taiwan, if a national holiday falls on Tuesday or Thursday, we can get a bridge day (day off) on Monday or Friday to have a longer holiday.
A: I see. It’s such a smart policy! It can encourage people to take longer trips and stimulate the economy. People can also take a good rest and have a higher level of happiness.
B: Yeah. I can’t agree with you more. It’s too bad that there is no such policy in your country.


首先,要知道「彌補」的英文可以說 make up (for something),例如 I think her enthusiasm and hard work will make up for her lack of experience.(我覺得她的熱情和努力會彌補她的經驗不足。)
那因為「補班」就是要為了彌補之後的彈性放假,因此「補班日」英文可以說 make-up day。
可以參考下方的小對話 :
A: What?! We have to work next Saturday?! How come? I have already made plans with my family that day…
B: Don’t you know that it’s a make-up day for the National Day holiday? It lasts for 4 days this time.
A: Oh…I completely forgot about it. I guess I’ll still take a day off next Saturday, using my paid leave.


「補假日」的英文其實也是可以說 make-up day 喔!
We will have a 3-day holiday for the New Year, from Friday to Sunday. New Year’s Day falls on Saturday this time, so the make-up day is on Friday (so it will be made up on Friday).
由於米小鹹時間有限,一個月只開放 2-5 個名額喔!
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