2022-03-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘


標準化制度及思維雖然讓我們社會高度的發展,但是同時也讓個體的效益低落,無論是對我們自身或是我們隱藏潛能發揮所能有的貢獻。這在經濟學中也從來都是無解的兩難,效益及效率總是需要二選一,就像是通膨及失業率一樣。 想當年剛進入職場時,最不習慣的事情就是自由的失去,個體是一個要被削除的概念,配合公司政策去執行及發展是往上爬最快的方式。 在這樣子的標準化制度下,每個東西都是有名額的,所以人才很高的機率沒辦法找到適合自己的地方發揮所長,所以各位若是在爭取新的職位沒成功也不必要太灰心,畢竟這只是在標準化思維下效率的結果而已,因為現實並沒辦法依照合格的人設立職位數目,而是在一開始就決定好了。 為了跳脫人生做著自己不喜歡的工作虛度光陰,尋找著自己的「微動力」是非常重要的,他會帶著你活出你自己的人生,成為最好版本的你。但這後面代表得就是為自己負責並且花費時間來投資,老實說真的是一件非常不容易的事情,在這邊只能多多鼓勵大家,如果現在的感覺不對了,只要沒有經濟壓力,鼓勵大家盡快的去執行,這跟複利效果一樣,絕對是越早做越可以享受到後續的獲利。並非鼓勵大家都要出人頭地,而是希望每個人都可以朝著更好的自己邁進。 Although standardized systems and thinking allow our society to develop at a high level, it also reduces the benefits of individuals, whether it is for ourselves or our hidden potential. This has always been an unsolvable dilemma in economics. Efficiency and efficiency always need to choose one or the other, just like inflation and unemployment rate. When I first entered the workplace, the most unaccustomed thing was the loss of freedom. The individual is a concept to be eliminated. Cooperating with company policies to implement and develop is the fastest way to climb up. Under such a standardized system, everything has a quota, so there is a high probability that talents can’t find a place that suits them to give full play to their strengths, so if you are not successful in fighting for new positions, you don’t need to be too discouraged, after all. This is only the result of efficiency under standardized thinking, because it can't establish the number of positions according to qualified people, but decides it at the beginning. In order to escape from life and waste time doing work that you don't like, it is very important to find your own "micro-power". It will lead you to live your own life and become the best version of yourself. But behind this means being responsible for yourself and spending time to invest. To be honest, it is really not easy. I can only encourage everyone here. If it feels wrong now on your job or life, as long as there is no financial pressure, please give it a try asap. To execute, this is the same as the effect of compound interest. The earlier you do it, the more you can enjoy subsequent profits. It is not to encourage everyone to get ahead but to hope that everyone can move towards a better self.
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