2022-06-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

【歌詞翻譯】Paul-cover by Cavetown

Paul- cover by Cavetown收錄在專輯Man’s Best Friend, 2021
Paul- cover by Cavetown收錄在專輯Man’s Best Friend, 2021
聽完這首好喜歡,原曲是Big Thief所唱(也好聽,不同的感覺,很慵懶、蓬鬆),歌詞敘述相愛的戀人各種相處與情趣,但當愛情無法拯救彼此時,只好放手和分離。

◌ 歌詞節錄 (不專業翻譯)
I'll be your morning bright goodnight shadow machine 我會是你早晨的陽光 你夜晚的電影幻燈片 (*shadow machine不知道怎麼翻XD) I'll be your record player baby if you know what I mean 如果你明白我也會是你的唱片播放器 I'll be your real tough cookie with the whiskey breath 是你帶著威士忌香味的硬曲奇/難纏的情人 (*tough cookie 難纏的人、堅韌不屈不撓的人) I'll be a killer and a thriller and the cause of our death 我也可以成為可怕的殺手上演驚悚片 成為我們死亡的理由
I was your starry-eyed lover and the one that you saw 我曾是你眼中見你時眼睛如星星般閃爍的愛人 I was your hurricane rider and the woman you'd call 曾在你需要時像颶風騎士一樣飛奔而至 We were just two moonshiners on the cusp of a breath 但我們不過是在呼吸交匯中偷偷品嚐了烈酒的氣息的兩個非法私釀者 And I've been burning for you baby since the minute I left 從我離開的那一刻起我都在為你燃燒
In the blossom of the months 在花開的那幾個月 I was sure that I'd get driven off with thought 我將會帶著亂七八糟的想法離開 So I swallowed all of it 所以我無語吞嚥、讓這一切消失 As I realized there was no one who could kiss away my shit 因為我意識到沒有人可以用一個吻帶我逃離 沒有人可以讓我糟透的生活好起來了 Paul, I know you said that you'd take me anyway I came or went Paul我知道你說過無論我去哪你都會和我一起 But I'll push you from my brain 但我要把你從我腦中趕走了 See, you're gentle baby 看你那麼溫柔 I couldn't stay, I 'd only bring you pain 我卻只能帶給你痛苦所以我不能留下來了
As I realized there was no one who could kiss away my shit. 因為我意識到沒有人可以用一個吻帶我逃離,沒有人可以讓我糟透的生活好起來了。

南雲夏霧; 遺棄在遠方的一切都成朦朧。
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