2022-09-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

11 Mirrors-Justin Timberlake

Producer-Garland “Sebastian” Mosley, Chris Godbey, J-Roc, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland & James Fauntleroy Inspired by his relationship to Jessica Biel and his grandparents. Released-February 11, 2013-Album-The 20/20 Experience


Aren't you something to admire Cause your shine is something like a mirror And I can't help but notice You reflect in this heart of mine If you ever feel alone and The glare makes me hard to find Just know that I'm always Parallel on the other side
[pre-chorus] Cause with your hand in my hand And a pocket full of soul I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go Just put your hand on the past I'm here trying to pull you through You just gotta be strong
[chorus] Cause I don't wanna lose you now I'm looking right at the other half of me The vacancy that sat in my heart Is a space that now you hold Show me how to fight for now And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy Coming back into you once I figured it out You were right here all along It's like you're my mirror My mirror staring back at me I couldn't get any bigger With anyone else beside me And now it's clear as this promise That we're making Two reflections into one Cause it's like you're my mirror My mirror staring back at me
Aren't you something, an original Cause it doesn't seem merely assembled And I can't help but stare, cause I see truth somewhere in your eyes I can't ever change without you You reflect me, I love that about you And if I could, I Would look at us all the time
[pre-chorus] [chorus]
Yesterday is history Tomorrow's a mystery I can see you looking back at me Keep your eyes on me Baby, keep your eyes on me
Oh-oh-oh… You are, you are the love of my life 18x
Baby, You're the inspiration of this precious song And I just wanna see your face light up Since you put me on So now I say goodbye to the old me, It's already gone And I can't wait, wait, wait, wait, Wait to get you home Just to let you know, you are
Girl you're my reflection, all I see is you My reflection, in everything I do 2x
Oh-oh-oh You are, you are the love of my life…
FAVORITE LINE Yesterday is history, tomorrow’s a mystery.

那這裡接續之前在《Safe and sound》提過的「人際圈」繼續說明這個概念。 人際圈是一個由「原點」和向外拓展的五到七個「同心圓」所組成。 在設立完圓心(代表自我)的自我界線後,我們就可以開始向外分析並建立同心圓。
最接近自己的這一圈,我稱呼它為「人際第一圈」。 在第一圈,我們可以放置,你最重視的或是最能讓你放心的在他面前展現自己的一個人。 這個人可能是你的伴侶,當然如果你年紀還小或是目前沒有穩定伴侶的人,像是我(當然是因為年紀小,呵呵…),就可以把其中一位你的監護人放在這個位置。 當然,是沒有硬性規定只能放一個人,像我目前就把我的爸媽都放在第一圈。 另外,如果你有了伴侶或是小孩,第一圈放的是誰,就會需要好好的思考了。

被放置在第一圈的,通常是你會優先考慮狀態的那位,你最重視的人。 對我而言差不多就是一個可以寄託我存在的一個角色。
第一,清楚的自我界線。 第一圈在自我界線以外,所以你可以付出,但你無法控制對方對你的回應,請慎重地給予任何物質上和精神上的質量,確保自己不帶有交易的心態。
第二,尊重彼此的選擇。 雖然自己把他人擺放在第一圈,但不代表對方也是如此的重視你,因此,要好好辨認對方把你放置的位置,尊重、友善的表現你的風度。
第三,人際關係是經營出來的。 溝通也許不能解決全部的事情,但不溝通,事情就只會變得更差。
最後,不要勉強做會讓自己不舒服的事情。 不開心的事情無法做長久,就算真的有足夠的毅力,時間久了,身心都會有莫大的壓力。

就是分享歌曲,無論你是想豐富自己的歌單,還是好奇JAD同學平常在房間裡飆的是哪個音符(並沒有人好奇),都可以來這裡逛逛。 文章內容除了簡單的歌曲資訊和歌詞以外,常常會出現不少與歌曲毫不相關的人生體悟、學習資訊、閱讀心得...之類的東西,希望可以陪伴大家很多個春夏秋冬喲!
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