更新於 2023/01/09閱讀時間約 14 分鐘


Mama song 媽媽歌
My son, my son 寶貝,寶貝
You are my shining sun
My moon, my stars 閃耀光芒如星辰
My clear blue daylight sky 徜徉蔚藍晴空
And if you looked at me today 凝望著我你的眼睛
My heart would heal so fast 時光從此停留
And if you held me right away, I'd complete at last 緊抱著我你的手心,此生完整夫復何求
At last
You are my favorite 你是我最愛的寶貝
Better than sunset, better than spring 更勝過日落和春天
You bring me joy 你帶來快樂
You make me sing in the morning 歡欣歌唱,陪我度過
And the evening too 白天到黑夜
You are everything to me 我全心全意愛你
And I love you 直到永遠
My son, my son 寶貝,寶貝
You are my golden sun 照亮我的陽光
My son, my son 寶貝,寶貝
You are my shining sun 閃耀光芒的你
All the things my eyes can see 這個世界好神奇
Everything is new to me 美妙新鮮又刺激
Yo dee lo dee lee
What do you call it, call it? 這個東西叫什麼?
What to do with it, with it? 這個用來做什麼?
Yo dee lo dee lo
Yo dee lo dee lo dee lee
Yo dee lo dee lo
Yo dee lo dee lee
We were a king once 馬戲團王國
Can we be king twice 是否能再次榮耀
We were bathing in milk played for diamonds and silk 各種高級的享受,穿金戴銀的日子
But we want it twice 想再來一次
My show was a magnet for the crowd 我的秀有種魔力
No one could resist Volpe's crown 沒有人抗拒的獨特魅力
Now the little ones 小孩或大人
Now the married ones 夫妻或戀人
Prefer Garbo, Gardel, Valentino 大家都愛美妙的音樂
La voce di Caruso 和動人悅耳的歌聲
Jazz on the radio 糜爛地享受著
You were the king once 曾經的王國
Mon dieu, was it nice! 天啊,真的爽!
You were knights of the night 我曾經是光榮又充滿力量的騎士
Full of glory and might once
So let's get it twice 再重溫一次
Believe in you 相信自己
You were the king once 曾經的王國
Believe in me 相信老狐狸!
My gum, my gum 泡泡糖
I pop my bubble gum 我吹個泡泡糖
I scream 我作夢
I cry 也想
For ice cream and for pie 吃冰淇淋蛋糕
I'm free as the wind 自由得像在空中飛翔
No, I'm flying
Popping, tapping, gumming 吹大、破掉、咬咬
Your son, your son 寶貝
Is happy to have 一起開心地
Fun 玩!
Thou art gone 塵歸塵
Thy life hast fled 緣起緣滅
All shall now bevail thee dead 生命消逝雲霧之間
No more flesh 土歸土
And no more bone 如夢雲煙
No more trouble to bemoan 愛恨恩怨終歸蒼天
Ciao, papa 喔,爸爸
Mio, papa 親愛爸爸
Time has come to say farewell 該說聲珍重再見
For how long will I go? Is it far? 未知的旅程推我向前
No one knows, no one can tell 盼望何時能再見
If I am gone for a long, long time 路途或許是艱難遙遠
I'll pack away a fine piece of shine 我會收藏著一片藍天
The sound of birds chirping with bells 鈴鐺與雲雀的旋律
Drawings of plums, two bags of shells 貝殼畮岸櫻花樹前
The smell of bread, a drop of wine 麵包香氣紅酒濃郁
Your memory, father of mine 點點滴滴,親愛爸爸
Farewell, my papa 再見,再珍重
Ciao, papa 喔,爸爸
Mio, papa 親愛爸爸
Time has come to say farewell 該說聲珍重再見
I am ready to go, going far 天涯海角踏上新旅程
Now I know it will be swell 展開華麗的冒險
I shall be gone for a long, long time 耐心守候是相隔萬里
Shall be picking many peaks to climb 穿過河流山峰和天際
Maybe I'll see a camel cry 看見了沙漠的眼淚
Dangerous pirates with a black eye 瘋狂船長駕著海盜船
Rain or shine, I'll keep in mind. Your memory, father of mine 在心底永遠都會反覆溫習,你的回憶
Farewell, my papa 再見,再珍重
And as I gambol on my long, long climb 當我越過高聳綿延山巔
I hold on tight to our best of times 緊抓著回憶甜美燦爛
Eyes in the rain, I try to hide 雨水中讓眼淚滑落
Tears of a boy who shouldn't cry 去了脆弱的破綻
Forevermore, I'll keep in mind 直到永遠,不曾遺忘
Your memory, father of mine 點點滴滴,親愛爸爸
I fight for the land 我是小英雄
I fight oversea 我是小戰士
I'll fight up to the end 英勇地向前衝
Glory to Italy 不怕難不怕死
The flag in hand for fatherland 槍在我手上,快跟我走
Il Duce, Il Duce we sing out and we pray 為國家我們高聲歡唱
The horizon in sight 目標在前方
Stand up, follow the light 迎接勝利榮光
Like an eagle soaring 老噟自由飛翔
Magnificent and free 氣勢澎湃無比
I'll be marching 腳踏正步
Marching on the path to victory 就帶著榮耀一起前進
We are brave 我勇敢
We are young 我強壯
Italia, be jolly 義大利,我愛你
Italia, we are strong 義大利,我最愛的國家
My dear father loved to say 親愛的爸爸總是說
"Hop to the top of the day" 清晨時光要把握
"The drops are easy to swallow" 露水這時候最甜美
My dear father loved to say 親愛的爸爸總是說
"Mop your tears 擦去淚水
"And mend your sorrow" 修復傷口
To not drown yourself wishing for better tomorrows 別把一切寄託在虛幻的未來
You want to think bright 想著光明面
You want to think right 人生會改變
A star falling down, down, down 就算星星掉下來
Doesn't break the night 夜空不會變
You want to think bright 想著光明面
Whatever you do 不論在何方
Shadows bring you down, down, down 當你用力掙扎
Dimming all the light 黑暗偷偷地籠罩捉弄你
As you try to climb
For life has a funny way of going round and round 人生就是反反覆覆考驗和挑戰
On a ride it goes, one day side to side 忽然發現是相反方向
One day upside down, down, down 團團轉
You can make it right 要問心無愧
Well worth a good fight 勇敢不後悔
And if some days have downs and lows 苦痛艱難猶如雲煙
Open your arms to better tomorrows 抬頭迎接更美好的明天
A floating tune is in the air 輕快旋律提醒著我
The simple things you care to share 小小幸福珍惜把握
A trace of light 那一束光
A flock of sparrows 那一隻蝴蝶
Anything high you dare to follow 那座山頭,勇敢去翻越
Open your arms to better tomorrows 展開雙臂去迎接更美好的明天
Tomorrows 明天
You want to think bright 想著光明面
You want to think right 人生會改變
To let your heart sing, sing, sing 打從心底大聲唱
On a summer night 穿越你心田
You want to think bright 想著光明面
Whatever you do 不論在何方
When the string goes zing, zing, zing 跟著音樂去飛翔
Fly high with the band 敞開心跳舞
Just get up and swing 迷人而悠揚
I fight for the land 我是小英雄
I fight oversea 我是小戰士
For baby-poops-his-pants 大便的攻擊嚇得他們尿褲子
Right there in front of me 只有大便,沒有武器
The poop in hand, for fatherland 為國家
Il Duce, Il Duce 臭便特攻隊
Go smell your farts and pray
Eat your boogers, you slime 丟鼻屎也可以,快全部吃下去
You can also get mine
Poop! Poop! Poop!Poop! 大便,大便,大便,大便
Like a bag of poop 我有一袋大便
Magnificent and free 臭氣鋪天蓋地
You are farting 再加臭屁
Farting in the men's lavatory 放屁在你鼻子前面
You're a poop! 臭死你
We are young 閃邊去
Eat caca, big baby 吃大便!臭便便
Eat caca, we are strong! 有便便最厲害
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