2009年,American University School of Communication出版了《Honest Truths : Documentary Filmmakers on Ethical Challenges in Their Work》(1);一份應該被提及的文件(2),當中引述了紀錄片導演Gordon Quinn的一段話:
We say to our subjects, “We are not journalists; we are going to spend years with you. Our code of ethics is very different. A journalist wouldn’t show you the footage. We will show the film before it is finished. I want you to sign the release, but we will really listen to you. But ultimately it has to be our decision.” In some cases I will say, “If there is something that you can’t live with then we’ll discuss it, we will have the argument and real dialogue. In the end, if I can’t convince you then we’ll take it out.”
曾任職傳媒的吳芷寧在facebook撰文,指出《給》「好睇,但就係有啲唔舒服」(5),觀看《Seven Up》及《7 plus Seven》的成人/兒童/少年對答環節,一樣出現類似尷尬情況。其中一位受訪成員Jackie就曾經抱怨:為何Apted詢問女孩子有關「men and marriage」,卻詢問男孩子「保守黨正在做甚麼」(6)。另一位受訪成員Charles,在《21 Up》後拒絕在《UP》中亮相,部份成員與制作單位不咬弦,也不是甚麼秘聞(7)。
……We must take due care over the physical and emotional welfare and the dignity of under-18s who take part or are otherwise involved in our editorial content, irrespective of any consent given by them or by a parent, guardian or other person acting in loco parentis. Their welfare must take priority over any editorial requirement……
……We must ensure that under-18s are not caused unnecessary distress or anxiety by their involvement in our output. Their involvement must be editorially justified, consents should be obtained as appropriate to the circumstances of the person and the nature of the contribution and content, and support should be given to them where necessary……
Section 9: Children and Young People as Contributors
筆者認為張婉婷對BBC如何拍攝紀錄片,應該有一定程度了解。觀乎《UP》那種冷眼旁觀、不投入感情的鏡頭畫面,靜態得幾乎沒有背景音樂,可以用冷酷形容之。這種風格,張婉婷稱之為「a fly on the wall」(9)。她在去年一次訪問中,清楚指出由於是替母校拍攝的作品,難以不get involved、不投放感情,故此《給》不會是過往BBC那種冷酷的「蒼蠅視角」紀錄片(10)。
後記:文字在同文Commons Facebook 專頁貼出後,承蒙瀏覽的朋友指正,《UP Series》其實並非 BBC 作品。《UP Series》其中一輯在 BBC One 播出,但主要在 ITV 播出,故此標題「BBC《UP Series》」及內文談及BBC的內容,當中有不實之處,筆者查證工作不足,必須承認錯誤。
(1) 《Honest Truths : Documentary Filmmakers on Ethical Challenges in Their Work》https://web.archive.org/web/20210428041258/https://archive.cmsimpact.org/sites/default/files/Honest_Truths_--_Documentary_Filmmakers_on_Ethical_Challenges_in_Their_Work.pdf
(6) 《The story behind TV's longest-running documentary series, Up》 (Royal Television Society,13/6/2019) https://rts.org.uk/article/story-behind-tvs-longest-running-documentary-series
(7) 《A Thing or Two About Life The education of Michael Apted.》 (The Nation,2/11/2020) https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/michael-apted-up-series-british-life/