聽歌_Rod Stewart - You're in my heart

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I know it so well , you're in my heart, you're in my soul.


*Rod Stewart - It's A Heartache

*Rod Stewart Sings Blue Skies on Parkinson 29 Oct 2005

*Rod Stewart- Have You Ever Seen The Rain? (with lyrics)

*Rod Stewart - You're in my heart

The song "You're in my heart" from Rod Stewart.
I didn't know what day it was
When you walked into the room
I said hello unnoticed
You said goodbye too soon
Breezing through the clientele
Spinning yarns that were so lyrical
I really must confess right here
The attraction was purely physical
I took all those habits of yours
That in the beginning were hard to accept
Your fashion sense, beardsly prints
I put down to experience
The big bosomed lady with the dutch accent
Who tried to change my point of view
Her ad lib lines were well rehearsed
But my heart cried out for you
You're in my heart, you're in my soul
You'll be my breath should i grow old
You are my lover, you're my best friend
You're in my soul
My love for you is immeasurable
My respect for you immense
You're ageless, timeless, lace and fineness
You're beauty and elegance
You're a rhapsody, a comedy
You're a symphony and a play
You're every love song ever written
But honey what do you see in me
You're an essay in glamour
Please pardon the grammar
But you're every schoolboy's dream
You're celtic, united, but baby i've decided
You're the best team i've ever seen
And there have been many affairs
Many times i've thought to leave
But i bite my lip and turn around
'cause you're the warmest thing i've ever found

*Rod Stewart
Genres pop, blue-eyed soul, rhythm and blues
Occupations Singer-songwriter, musician
Instruments Vocals, guitar, banjo, harmonica
Years active 1964–present
Website RodStewart.com
Roderick David "Rod" Stewart, CBE (born 10 January 1945)[2] is a British singer-songwriter and musician, born and raised in North London, England and currently residing in Epping. He is of Scottish and English lineage.
With his distinctive raspy singing voice, Stewart came to prominence in the late 1960s and early 1970s with The Jeff Beck Group and then Faces. He launched his solo career in 1969 with his debut album An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down (US: The Rod Stewart Album). His work with The Jeff Beck Group and Faces proved to be influential on the formation of the heavy metal and punk rock genres, respectively.[3][4]
With his career in its fifth decade, Stewart has sold over 100 million records worldwide, making him one of the best selling artists of all time.[5] In the UK, he has garnered six consecutive number one albums, and his tally of 62 hit singles include 31 that reached the top 10, six of which gained the number one position.[6] He has had 16 top ten singles in the U.S, with four of these reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100. In 2008, Billboard magazine ranked him the 17th most successful artist on the "The Billboard Hot 100 Top All-Time Artists".[7] He was voted at #33 in Q Magazine's list of the top 100 Greatest Singers of all time.[8]


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主題:謝謝你來愛我 一首詩詞代表人生一段經歷 這次第一次為朋友寫下一份詩詞 (😭) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0XUd8f2pz8 在遇見你之前 不知道什麼是愛情 你就像一束光 闖進我的生命之中 日子開始充滿無限生機 喜歡 手機訊息
今天讓自己放一天假,沒下雨的天空仍然灰暗但是帶點涼意。依然進行每日的晨間儀式-為自己沖一杯咖啡。覺得此時此刻很適合聆聽 Sting所唱的My One and Only Love (我唯一的愛),或許最近時常彈奏這首曲子,所以聽起來特別有共鳴。 Sting 的 "My One and On
盧·里德(Lou Reed)在 80 年代推出的一系列個人專輯,為死忠樂迷帶來風格轉換的震撼,且在經歷美學重塑與分裂的 70 年代之後,終於組建了自地下絲絨以來最穩定與最具探索精神的伴奏樂團。而《 Legendary Hearts 》講述了他對生活的掙扎和感嘆,但最終仍決心為所擁有的一切付出奮鬥。
Alexander Stewart - broken by you 在2024年3月8日發布 深刻的心碎和對愛情結束的無奈。面對愛情的終結,感受無法避免的心碎和回憶。雖知道結局的不變,但有片刻幸福和平靜,即使在夢境中。過去愛情的執著,即使分離後。透露出對愛情的感慨和無奈,對過去時光的懷念和渴望。
周末到高雄看Ed Sheeran演唱會,暖場嘉賓由同樣來自英國的Calum Scott擔任,45分鐘的暖場帶來9首膾炙人口的歌曲,當中不乏高難度的曲子,誠意十足,聽完直接被圈粉。
《我的心裡只有你沒有他》(Historia de un Amor)這是一首膾炙人口的流行歌,早在20多年前,鳳飛飛就翻唱過,也是我非常喜歡的一首流行歌,曲中道出熱戀男女普遍心理,那種焦灼的心態,是我們每個人年輕時期都有過的。最近聆賞到《我的心裡只有你沒有他》的西班牙文原唱,唱者是西國著名的歌星
一首經典歌曲,第一項特質就是旋律優美且朗朗上口。在您記憶所及的範圍內,想必有不少個人喜愛的「經典」歌曲,在某個生活片段會突然浮現腦海,輕聲淺唱之時和心情相輔相成。 這首歌〈Stand By Me〉,發行於1961年,原作為Ben E. King演唱。1986年也上映了一部同名電影,1987年成
介紹Kenny Loggins、Bruce Springsteen、Richard Marx、Bryan Adams、Huey Lewis、Rod Stewart、John Mellencamp、David Bowie、Corey Hart,這11位80年代知名的搖滾男歌手及其歌曲賞析。
主題:謝謝你來愛我 一首詩詞代表人生一段經歷 這次第一次為朋友寫下一份詩詞 (😭) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0XUd8f2pz8 在遇見你之前 不知道什麼是愛情 你就像一束光 闖進我的生命之中 日子開始充滿無限生機 喜歡 手機訊息
今天讓自己放一天假,沒下雨的天空仍然灰暗但是帶點涼意。依然進行每日的晨間儀式-為自己沖一杯咖啡。覺得此時此刻很適合聆聽 Sting所唱的My One and Only Love (我唯一的愛),或許最近時常彈奏這首曲子,所以聽起來特別有共鳴。 Sting 的 "My One and On
盧·里德(Lou Reed)在 80 年代推出的一系列個人專輯,為死忠樂迷帶來風格轉換的震撼,且在經歷美學重塑與分裂的 70 年代之後,終於組建了自地下絲絨以來最穩定與最具探索精神的伴奏樂團。而《 Legendary Hearts 》講述了他對生活的掙扎和感嘆,但最終仍決心為所擁有的一切付出奮鬥。
Alexander Stewart - broken by you 在2024年3月8日發布 深刻的心碎和對愛情結束的無奈。面對愛情的終結,感受無法避免的心碎和回憶。雖知道結局的不變,但有片刻幸福和平靜,即使在夢境中。過去愛情的執著,即使分離後。透露出對愛情的感慨和無奈,對過去時光的懷念和渴望。
周末到高雄看Ed Sheeran演唱會,暖場嘉賓由同樣來自英國的Calum Scott擔任,45分鐘的暖場帶來9首膾炙人口的歌曲,當中不乏高難度的曲子,誠意十足,聽完直接被圈粉。
《我的心裡只有你沒有他》(Historia de un Amor)這是一首膾炙人口的流行歌,早在20多年前,鳳飛飛就翻唱過,也是我非常喜歡的一首流行歌,曲中道出熱戀男女普遍心理,那種焦灼的心態,是我們每個人年輕時期都有過的。最近聆賞到《我的心裡只有你沒有他》的西班牙文原唱,唱者是西國著名的歌星
一首經典歌曲,第一項特質就是旋律優美且朗朗上口。在您記憶所及的範圍內,想必有不少個人喜愛的「經典」歌曲,在某個生活片段會突然浮現腦海,輕聲淺唱之時和心情相輔相成。 這首歌〈Stand By Me〉,發行於1961年,原作為Ben E. King演唱。1986年也上映了一部同名電影,1987年成
介紹Kenny Loggins、Bruce Springsteen、Richard Marx、Bryan Adams、Huey Lewis、Rod Stewart、John Mellencamp、David Bowie、Corey Hart,這11位80年代知名的搖滾男歌手及其歌曲賞析。