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Stacey Kent - Isn't This A Lovely Day?

    "原是比較文學出身,卻意外踏上爵士演唱生涯的女歌手史黛西.肯特(Stacey Kent),是近五年來爵士樂界最閃亮的新星。踩著一條和大部份爵士歌手截然不同的路上來的她,雖是紐約在地人,其爵士生涯卻起自歐洲,在史黛西.肯特前去攻讀義文、法文和德文的過程中,意外結識身為薩克斯風手的老公湯姆.林森,史黛西.肯特在完全沒有專業音樂訓練的背景下,開始了爵士演唱,到倫敦市政廳音樂學院學習,並在倫敦各地的爵士酒館演唱。 "
    *Stacey Kent - "Isn't This A Lovely Day?"
    *Stacey Kent - Close Your Eyes
    *Stacey Kent - So Nice
    *Stacey Kent - The Best Is Yet To Come

    *Stacey Kent - You ' ve got a friend 喜歡這一首的唱腔...與伴奏的那種氣氛...

    *Stacey Kent-They All Laughed 另一種唱腔...這一首有jazz singer的傳統ㄛ...站起來跳舞旋轉一下喔...(哈...我就是這樣做的啦...跟前一首靜靜地聽著you've got a friend的輕柔享受是截然不同的感覺ㄛ)

    *I've got a crush on you - Stacey Kent ...浪漫的...

    再聽一首新創曲...這一首是得獎作品ㄛ(One of the songs written by Ishiguro, "The Ice Hotel," with music composed by Tomlinson won first prize in the International Songwriting Competition in April 2008.)

    *Stacey Kent - The Ice Hotel (live FNAC Montparnasse)

    *Suzanne Vega & Stacey Kent, Waters of march - Águas de Março
    Stacey Kent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stacey_Kent

    Stacey Kent (born March 27, 1966 in South Orange, New Jersey) is a Grammy nominated[1] Anglo-American jazz singer.
    Kent attended Newark Academy in Livingston, New Jersey.[2] She graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in New York, and moved to England after her graduation. While studying at London's Guildhall School of Music and Drama, she met the tenor saxophonist, Jim Tomlinson, whom she married on August 9, 1991.
    In the early 1990s, Kent began her professional career singing regularly in a popular nightspot, Café Boheme in London's Soho. After two or three years, Kent began opening for established jazz acts across the road at the Ronnie Scott's nightclub in London.
    Her first CD, Close Your Eyes, was released in 1997. She has released seven CDs as of 2010, and has been also featured on Tomlinson's albums, most recently The Lyric (2005), which won "Album of the Year" at the 2006 BBC Jazz Awards.
    Kent's music has been championed by critic and jazz trumpeter Humphrey Lyttelton, and she won the 2001 British Jazz Award and the 2002 BBC Jazz Award for Best Vocalist. She has also presented jazz programmes on BBC Radio 2 and 3.
    At the 2006 BBC Jazz Awards, Tomlinson, upon receiving the award for "Album of the Year" for The Lyric, announced that Kent had signed with Blue Note records label.
    Kent's album, The Boy Next Door achieved Gold album status in France in September, 2006. Breakfast On The Morning Tram (2007) achieved Platinum album status in France in November, 2007 and Gold album status in Germany in February, 2008 and was nominated for Best Vocal Jazz Album at the 2009 Grammy Awards.
    Kent appeared in Ian McKellen's 1995 film version of Richard III, singing a jazz version of Christopher Marlowe's poem The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.
    Booker Prize-winning novelist Kazuo Ishiguro wrote the liner notes to Kent's 2003 album, In Love Again. Ishiguro has co-written four of the songs on the fall 2007 Blue Note album Breakfast on the Morning Tram. One of the songs written by Ishiguro, "The Ice Hotel," with music composed by Tomlinson won first prize in the International Songwriting Competition in April 2008.
    On 31 March 2009 Kent received the National Order of Arts and Letters, Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, a government decoration, in recognition of her contribution to the arts, from French Culture Minister Christine Albanel.
    Stacey's latest album, Raconte-Moi, released on March 22, 2010, (Blue Note/EMI) is an all-French album.

    Close Your Eyes (1997)
    The Tender Trap (1998)
    Only Trust Your Heart (1999)
    Let Yourself Go: Celebrating Fred Astaire (2000)
    Dreamsville (2001)
    Brazilian Sketches (2001)
    In Love Again: The Music of Richard Rodgers (2002)
    The Boy Next Door (2003)
    "The Christmas Song" (single, 2003)
    SK Collection (2001)
    SK Collection II (2003)
    The Lyric (Jim Tomlinson & Stacey Kent album) (2005)
    SK Collection III (2006)
    Breakfast On The Morning Tram (2007) Blue Note/EMI
    Raconte-Moi (2010) Blue Note/EMI

    博客來音樂館對於史黛西.肯特 / 早安.幸福 (進口盤) Stacey Kent / Breakfast on the Morning Tram 的介紹如下↓

    "原是比較文學出身,卻意外踏上爵士演唱生涯的女歌手史黛西.肯特(Stacey Kent),是近五年來爵士樂界最閃亮的新星。踩著一條和大部份爵士歌手截然不同的路上來的她,雖是紐約在地人,其爵士生涯卻起自歐洲,在史黛西.肯特前去攻讀義文、法文和德文的過程中,意外結識身為薩克斯風手的老公湯姆.林森,史黛西.肯特在完全沒有專業音樂訓練的背景下,開始了爵士演唱,到倫敦市政廳音樂學院學習,並在倫敦各地的爵士酒館演唱。

      短短十年裡,史黛西.肯特平均一年發行一張專輯,中間吸引了全球各地的樂迷,而這些樂迷中,不乏國際名人,好比日裔英籍小說家石黑一雄,這位英國布克獎得主,就是史黛西.肯特的最大歌迷,他還將她的專輯選進他個人的「荒島唱片」中;另外著名的暢銷犯罪小說家約翰.哈維也在他最新的小說「靜如止水」(Still Water)中,寫進了史黛西.肯特。另外好萊塢老牌演員、導演克林.伊斯威特也因為鍾愛她的歌聲,而邀肯特在他70大壽生日派對上為他演唱。除此之外,音樂同業對她的肯定更是讓人側目,她被三屆卡最佳歌曲創作得主李文斯頓讚為堪與往昔的爵士巨星相比,將她比作今日的比莉.哈樂黛、艾拉.費茲潔羅,更力讚她對歌詞的清晰咬字有著納京.高的功力。 (小如註 : Billy Holiday , Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole )

      這樣的歌唱實力,讓她能夠一上全美電視網唱一次現場,就把自己四張專輯拱上亞馬遜網站銷售前十大。這張「早安.幸福」是她加盟Blue Note的首張發行,也是她第一次踏進國際大廠的作品。全片由她的薩克斯風手老公湯姆.林森擔任製作和編曲,全片以吉他、鍵盤、貝斯、鼓和薩克斯風這樣的小型五人組合搭配,清清淡淡的傳統爵士伴奏,襯托肯特的輕柔嗓音,正好捕捉到她聲音那種擅於掌握浪漫情歌的那一面。在這些樂手的搭配下,整張專輯呈現出更像她現場演唱會的爵士風格,也與她過去專輯採用較多弦樂、走情歌取向的作風截然不同,其中尤其是John Parricelli連換六把吉他那細膩的聲音,主導了整張專輯的音樂織體。這張專輯更特別的是,特別邀請到她的頭號歌迷,小說家石黑一雄為她填寫四首歌詞,在收到這四份歌詞後,史黛西更鼓勵老公吉姆,首次提筆創作歌曲。而這種請現代名家為她量身訂作新歌的走向,也正是史黛西.肯特向過去揮別的大動作:不像以往專輯全部都是翻唱爵士老歌,這張新專輯中的12首歌曲,有九首都是為她新寫的。

      片中另一件值得一提的是,史黛西肯特唱了兩首法文歌曲,這也不是她以前專輯中會出現的曲子,片中她選了兩首都是由著名的法國多才多藝的歌手Serge Gainsbourg所創作的。另外則唱了一首Baden Powell和Vinicius de Moraes為1966年電影「男歡女愛」(A Man and a Woman)所寫的芭莎諾瓦名曲。同樣的芭莎諾瓦歌曲還有Sergio Mendes在1968年創作的「So Many Stars」。另一首意外則是搖滾樂團Fleetwood Mac在1970年代的歌曲「Landslide」。而當然,全片中,台灣觀眾們最想聽的,當然是一再被用在電影和廣告中的經典名曲「What a Wonderful World」。 "
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