IB Lesson Plan
高三英文課程: 龍騰B5 L2 Battling Fake news 素養活動
Title: "Navigating Digital Information: Developing Media Literacy Skills"
Grade Level: High School 12 (高三)
Duration: 2-4 hours (預計時間)
Materials Needed:(所需材料)
- Handouts containing examples of misleading online content(包含誤導性網路內容範例的講義)
- Computers or devices with internet access(配備有網路連接的電腦或裝置)
Key Concept:
In a digital age, it's crucial for students to develop media literacy skills to critically evaluate and navigate digital information.
關鍵概念: 在數位時代,學生必須發展媒體素養技能,以批判性評估和導航數位資訊。
Related Concept:
Digital Literacy: Understanding how to responsibly use, create, and navigate digital content.
相關概念: 數位素養:理解如何負責任地使用、創建和導航數位內容。
Global Context:
Personal and Cultural Expression: Students will explore how digital information impacts personal and cultural expression.
國際觀: 個人和文化表達:學生將探索數位資訊如何影響個人和文化。
Statement of Inquiry:
How can media literacy empower students to critically assess the credibility of digital information?
調查陳述: 媒體素養如何使學生能夠批判性評估數位資訊的可信度?
- What are the common types of misleading online content?常見的誤導性網路內容有哪些類型?
- How does misinformation spread on social media platforms?錯誤資訊如何在社交媒體平台上傳播?
- Can you identify examples of manipulated images used to deceive?你能辨識出用於欺騙的範例嗎?
- How does confirmation bias affect the way we perceive and accept digital information?偏見如何影響我們?
- How can media literacy skills enhance our ability to identify credible sources?媒體素養技能如何增強我們識別可信來源的能力?
- What ethical considerations are tied to sharing misleading content?分享誤導性內容有哪些道德考量?
- Should social media platforms be held accountable for the spread of misinformation?社交媒體平台應否對資訊錯誤的傳播負責?
- Is there a line between satire and misinformation?諷刺和誤導性資訊之間是否存在界線?
- What role should schools play in teaching media literacy?學校在教授媒體素養方面應扮演什麼角色?
Approaches to Learning: (學習方法)
- Students will analyze real-world examples of misleading content.學生將分析真實世界中的誤導性內容範例。
- Collaborative learning: Students will engage in group discussions to share findings.合作學習:學生將進行小組討論,分享研究結果。
- Critical thinking: Students will assess the credibility of various online sources.批判思考:學生將評估不同網路來源的可信度。
Formative and Summative Assessment:形成性和總結性評估:
- Formative: Classroom discussions and group presentations on analyzed content. 形成性:課堂討論和小組報告,分析內容。
- Formative: Media literacy quiz assessing source credibility recognition.形成性:媒體素養測驗,評估來源可信度的識別。
- Summative: Students create their own digital content and provide a rationale for their decisions.總結性:學生創建自己的數位內容並提供理由。
Differentiation Strategies:差異化策略:
- Visual aids and multimedia content to cater to different learning styles.使用視覺輔助工具和多媒體內容,以迎合不同的學習風格。
- Scaffolding activities for struggling students.針對程度較弱學生的支援活動。
- Collaborative group work for peer learning.合作小組工作,促進同儕學習。
Supplementary Resources:(補充資源)
- Snopes.com - An established fact-checking website to verify the accuracy of online information.一個事實查核網站,用於驗證網路資訊的準確性。
- Common Sense Media - Offers lesson plans and resources for teaching digital literacy.提供教學教案和資源,用於教授數位素養。
- TED-Ed's "How to Choose Your News" - A video lesson exploring how to critically evaluate news sources.一堂影片課程,探索如何批判性評估新聞來源的方法。
Reflection questions
- Question: How does media literacy contribute to your ability to critically evaluate information in the digital age? 媒體素養如何幫助你在數位時代批判和評估資訊?
Answer(參考答案): Media literacy equips individuals with the skills to analyze and assess information in the digital era, enabling them to make informed judgments.媒體素養使個人具備分析和評估數位時代資訊的能力,讓他們能做出明智的判斷。
In the digital age, knowing about media is important. It helps us understand information better. When we learn media skills, we can tell which sources are true and which are not. We can also see when there are personal opinions or tricks to change our minds. This helps us know what's right and what's wrong. We become better at choosing what to believe online. Media skills also let us look closely at where information comes from and why it's shared. This makes us smarter about the internet and helps us decide if information is good or not.
在數位時代,了解媒體是很重要的。它可以幫助我們更好地理解信息。當我們學習媒體技能時,我們能分辨哪些來源是真實的,哪些是虛假的。我們還能看出個人意見或知道哪些是想要改變我們想法的把戲。這幫助我們知道什麼是對的,什麼是錯的。我們更有判斷力,知道自己應該要選擇相信什麼。媒體技能還讓我們仔細審查信息的來源和分享的原因。這使我們更聰明地使用網路,幫助我們判斷信息的好壞。 - Question: How does the concept of confirmation bias affect the way you consume and interpret digital information? 偏見如何影響你解讀訊息?
Answer: (參考答案)Confirmation bias means that we usually like to believe things that agree with what we already think. This can affect how we use the internet. For example, if we like one political group, we might only read news from them. This makes us ignore other points of view. When we see something online that agrees with us, we feel happy and trust it. But if we see something different, we might not trust it, even if it's true. So, confirmation bias can stop us from seeing the full picture and understanding things better. 偏見意味著我們通常喜歡相信與我們原本想法一致的事情。這可能會影響我們使用網路的方式。例如,如果我們喜歡某個政治團體,可能只會閱讀他們的新聞。這會讓我們忽略其他觀點。當我們在網上看到與我們觀點相符的事物時,我們會感到開心並且相信它。但如果我們看到不同的事情,即使是真實的,我們可能不會相信。因此,偏見可能會阻止我們看到事實的全貌。 - Question: In what situations do you find it most challenging to distinguish between credible and misleading online content? How can you improve in this aspect?在什麼情況下,你覺得最難區分可信和誤導性的網路內容?你如何在這方面提升自己呢?
Answer: (參考答案) I often find it challenging to tell credible and misleading content apart when the information supports something I already believe in. This is because I tend to trust information that aligns with my existing opinions. To improve, I can actively seek out information from diverse sources and consider different viewpoints. I should also remind myself to pause before sharing information and verify its accuracy from reliable sources before accepting it as true. 如果是我已經相信的事情,我發現我很難分辨可信和誤導性的內容。這是因為我傾向相信與我現有觀點一致的信息。為了改善這樣的狀況,我可以積極尋求來自不同來源的信息,考慮不同的觀點。在分享信息之前,我應該提醒自己停下來,從可靠的來源驗證其準確性,然後再將其視為事實。