A: Mr. Todesca!
B: Yes, Beverly?
A: Wen is this assignment due?
B: It's due next class.
A: Ok! Are we allowed to work on it with a partner?
B No. This is a personal essay. You should write it alone.
You should/ ought to write it alone./ by yourself./ on your own.
A: In today's meeting, we will talk about how to be more efficient than before. Does anybody have and ideas?
B: Maybe we should stop checking Instagram so much while we are working.
A: What? Who does that?
B: Not me, of course!
We will take about/ discuss how to be more efficient than before.
Does anybody/ anyone have any ideas?
A:Katy, you are the winner of the award for "employer of the year!" Congratulations!
B: Wow, what an honer! Thank you so much!
A: Also, I have a question: Can you work overtime today? We are busier than usual.
B: Um, I guess so...
What an honor!
What a surprise!
What a coincidence!
What a day!
What a shame/ pity!
A: Achool!
B: Bless you. Are you getting sick?
A: Yes. I am going to see the doctor after work. Achool!
B: Maybe you should go now...
A: But then I won't be able to attend the meeting
B: Sure, but if you go to meeting, you will make us all sick!
Are you getting sick?/ Are you feeling ill?/ unwell?/ under the weather?/ off-color?
I am going to see/ visit/ go to the doctor after woke.
But the I won't be able to attend/ capable of attending the meeting.