更新於 2023/12/27閱讀時間約 3 分鐘


感謝北大國際處今年第三次邀請舉辦全英文的講座。這次的主題聚焦於國際生與本地生的文化之旅與跨國互助促進。很高興透過破冰活動同學們與彼此熟識後,採用【世界咖啡館】的方式,指定桌長與議題,進行三輪的討論與交換意見。最後統整大家的集體智慧讓同學帶走實踐。精彩的新聞稿放在留言處。感謝國際處 江山牧專案經理的精采文字。以下分享學生的質性回饋:1. What was your favourite part of this event?Socialising and getting out of my comfort zoneIcebreaking activitiesWorld cafe session getting to know other studentsdent2. What was your least favourite part of this event? Getting out of my comfort zone可以寫A4的紙就好了,不然海報太大張,很多地方都沒有用到有點浪費。Nope3. What improvements could be made to this course? Maybe more games related to psychology think it’s good and fun.4. My additional feedback on the course content and any comments I would like to convey to the lecturer.謝謝講者跟國際處~這個workshop讓我認識更多交換生及了解他們在生活上的難處,讓我更知道如何和他們相處及交流。We had a session to meet new people and ask their personal information like name, age, department etc. However, in order to know more people, I didn’t have time to have longer conversations and ask follow-up questions. Building cross-cultural relationships takes time. Maybe next time we can skip this part and have longer time for the world cafe, in which we could share our ideas and get to know each other.Thank you again for organising this event. Overall, I still think it’s a good workshop!

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