2024-08-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘

How do I live?

I was a little kid. I was a little kid who was killing herself trying to get close to you, and you were an adult, and you did not even try. So I am sad because I got cheated. And it sucks. It sucks because I didn't deserve it. After all, you made me feel I never deserved it. But now I finally knew the truth, which had been hidden for many years.

I'm with you. I turn the light off. I put down my pants, I mean the pretty ones, and changed them to the sexy ones. I saw you lay on my bed, like a king, with the power of wisdom and the sex target that I knew you wanted me. You accepted my dirty, my darkness, my desire for someone who wanted me and made me feel alive. You kill me crazy with your little fingers and your soft lips on my lips, both up and down. I think something is different from the past. That is so tender. Each of my vessels is booming, which makes my breasts bloom.

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